Chapter 58

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As our car pulled up at the radio station, I saw about 20 fans gathered outside, Mark was already talking to some of them.  I couldn't see Glen so presumably his car hasn't arrived yet.

"Go on then" I said as I leaned over and kissed him, "Go and be 'Danny from The Script'"

Danny smiled before opening the car door and running over to the fans.  I sat for a few minutes just watching their interactions before I got out of the car and headed straight for the door of the station.

I sat in the reception area for a while, waiting for the lads to come in.  Suddenly I remembered why I don't like coming with Danny while he's working, there's so much waiting around.

Eventually I saw Danny and Mark coming into the building.  "You took your time" I joked as I got up from my seat.  Danny handed me a few of the gift bags he had been given outside, it's crazy how many gifts he gets.

"Kay, not seen you for ages" Mark said as he pulled me into a hug "How've you been?"

"Ah you know, same old.  How are you?"

"Really good, happy to still be employed" he laughed.

A few more minutes later, Glen and Sophie came into the building.

"If I'd have known you were here I'd have come straight in" Sophie said as she saw me and flung her arms around me.

"I always try to stay clear when he's with fans, it just gets awkward" I told her.

"Tell me about it, I'm just a normal girl, I can't cope with everyone wanting to be my best friend" she laughed.

One of the runners from the radio show came to get the lads to take them to their interview, the 3 of them chatted easily to him while me and Sophie stayed out of the conversation, trying to fly under the radar.  We were taken to a lounge area for the lads to do their pre-interview where they agree what questions are acceptable on air.

"So, I see your girlfriends are here with you today, will they be coming into the studio?" he asked.

"No, definitely not" I answered immediately while Sophie laughed at the question.

"OK, we thought we'd start the interview around the fact that you're back and about to start a UK tour" he said.

"Yeah, that's the main thing we want to focus on." Mark answered, "Our fans have been so patient so we just want to give something back to them and this tour is our way of doing that."

"Great" he said whilst scribbling some notes.  "The break you've had...." He asked nervously, "can we talk about that at all?"

"I don't want to focus too much on the break and the reasons behind it but I'm happy to explain the medical issues I've been dealing with" Glen said before turning to Danny "What about you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll talk about it, I've learned that its best to just be honest and I don't want to feel like I'm hiding anything, but I don't want the interview to become about our issues.  I worry that me talking about it too much could actually glamorise it so I'm not asking for a huge cover up, our fans know I was in rehab, but I don't want to focus on it." Danny said honestly before adding "but remember, this break started because my youngest daughter was born on the last night of our last tour so most of the time off was about bonding with her and then writing the album."

"Ah yes, the album, do you want to talk about that." He said, slightly thrown by Danny's mention of Keira.

"We'd like to have it come up in the conversation, just so that we can say thank you to our fans who still bought the album without us doing any promo on it and continued to support us this last year but I think this will go down in The Script's history as the forgotten album." Mark laughed "We're full of ideas to start writing again so once this tour's over, we'll be straight back into the studio."

"OK, so the interview will last about half an hour, and it will be going out live. How do you feel about having a phone in for people to be able to ask you questions?"

"Yeah, lets do it" Danny said, full of enthusiasm.

"Great." The researcher said as he stood up from his seat. "We'll get you on air in about 10 minutes".  He shook their hands before leaving the room.

Danny let out a laugh as soon as he left.  "Well he's shit at his job" he said

"What?" I questioned.

"Well for a start Kay, you're not my girlfriend, you're my wife and a simple google search would tell him that.  And then did you see his face when I mentioned Keira being born at the end of the last tour?  He had no fucking idea." 

I was glad to hear the chuckle in Danny's voice as he said this, sometimes he sees the funny side and other times he can get quite annoyed when researchers don't know the simplest things about them.  I shook my head at him, unable to say anything to support the researcher because actually, Danny was right.

The lads were soon called to the studio for their interview, leaving me and Sophie in the lounge.  After a few minutes I heard Danny shouting "Oi Oi" so I think they must be live.

"So, what brings you here today?" I laughed, turning my attention to Sophie and finding it funny that we were both here when we normally avoid going anywhere remotely linked with the lads work.

"Glen's idea of spending time together" she said with a chuckle, "You?"

"Much the same" I laughed.  "Actually, that's not fair, he's been really good this morning, took me for a picnic in the park once he'd taken the kids to school" I said, backtracking and not wanting to make Danny seem bad when he's been so nice to me recently.

"Nice" Sophie said, showing her approval of the picnic. "Are you going on tour with them?" she asked me.

"I can't Soph, not with the kids in school.  What about you?"

"Glen asked me this morning, I mean I want to, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about him going back out on tour so soon after everything, but I don't know if I can cope with all the stuff that goes with being there on the tour, does that make sense?" she asked

"Perfect sense, and honestly, if I could, I would." I told her. "Is Rina going?"

"Don't think so, not for the full 3 weeks from what Glen said, but I think she's coming for a few days." Sophie said as she pondered out loud "I don't know what to do?"

"Go, Sophie honestly, what else would you be doing? And if you're there you'll be able to see for yourself that Glen's not pushing it too much.  He will be fine you know? But I understand, there's been times when I haven't felt like Danny should be on stage and I just need to be there, just in case." I told her.

"Is there nothing I can do to make you change your mind?" she asked hopefully.

I laughed at this, knowing that she just wanted to have someone to hang out with while Glen's working.  "Invent a time machine so that I don't have to look after the kids?" I said with a giggle.  "Soph, I'm going to come out for the weekend shows but I really don't want the kids to have any more disruption.  And don't let Danny hear you asking me stuff like that or he'll have you all ganging up on me."

"OK, deal" she said.

As our conversation paused we could hear Glen talking about his surgeries, I saw Sophie tuning into the conversation so I stopped talking to let her listen.  Tears filled her eyes as she heard him talking about how he genuinely believed that he would die. I held her hand for a moment, so touched by the raw emotion that was still there.  I wiped a tear that had escaped her eye, "He's OK now" I reassured her.

"I know" she agreed with a forced smile.

"But it still hurts?" I said, almost knowing how Sophie was feeling.

"Yeah," she nodded her agreement, before pushing back her tears and producing a more natural smile.

"And that's why you need to go with him." I said, "You need to see that he's OK, that everything is going back to normal, and you aren't going to get that closure sat on your own in London."

"Yeah, I'm going to go" she agreed.

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