Chapter 53

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I woke the next morning hanging, my head was pounding and I had such a dry mouth. I glanced over to Danny's side of the bed, it was empty.  I started to feel guilty that I had gotten so drunk on his first night home.

I jumped out of bed and raced to the en-suite, barely making it to the toilet before I was quite violently sick.  I rested my head onto my arms still holding onto the toilet bowl as I felt the next wave of nausea hit.  Once I was sure I had gotten up everything from my stomach I slowly got up from my knees and started to brush my teeth, taking huge drinks of water in between rinses to try to rehydrate my body.

I decided to jump in the shower, hoping that I could wash the hangover away but knowing that it wasn't really an option.  The shower got me cleaner, but my head was still pounding, it almost felt like it could explode at any minute.  I walked back through to the bedroom and lifted the shirt that Danny had been wearing yesterday from the floor and put it on before climbing back into bed  and falling back into a sound sleep.

When I woke again, Danny was sat on the bed next to me stroking through my hair.  "Morning" I said looking up and him through my one open eye, squinting as the sun hit my face.

"More like afternoon, love" Danny laughed.

I wriggled over in the bed, wrapping my arms around Danny. "I'm sorry for getting drunk" I giggled as I buried my head into his stomach.

"What you sorry for?" Danny asked, "This is what I've waited for for so long, normal family life."

I smiled as I sat up in bed, pushing my hair off my face as much as I could before finally giving up trying to tame it and tying it back.

"Are you feeling rough?" Danny asked with a giggle as he watched me.

I stuck out my bottom lip and nodded slowly, feeling a bit sorry for myself.

"What would make you feel better?" he asked.  The million dollar question, imagine if we knew what would make us feel better when we had a hangover.

"A cup of tea and cuddles with you?" I said with a smirk.

"That I can do" Danny said as he got up from the bed.

"Nooooo" I whined as I grabbed his wrist.

Danny stopped and looked at me with a smirk playing on his lips.  I knew I was being ridiculous, but I didn't think through the cup of tea request, in that he would go and make it.

"Cuddles first?" I asked.

Danny laughed as he sat back down on the bed and held his arms out.  I curled up against him, my head resting against his chest and his arms enveloped me with love.  A feeling of contentment took over my body and for a second I forgot about my hangover.

We sat cuddled together for ages before Danny kissed the top of my head and said "Jump in the shower and I'll make the tea".  I nodded slowly into his chest, not moving an inch.  Danny laughed as he started to peel my arms away from him and this time got up from the bed.

"Shower Kay, I mean it" he said as I let my body fall onto the bed, cuddling a pillow to fill the void that Danny had left.

As I heard the bedroom door close I let out a sigh, I glanced over to the clock on the bedside table, it was after 2. I pulled myself out of bed and decided to make the bed to prevent me from climbing back into it.  I then went to the bathroom to have a second attempt at getting ready today.

The shower this time really woke me up and aside from a very slight nausea in my stomach, I felt good after it.  I was sat at the dressing table applying moisturiser when Danny returned with a tray, he hadn't only made my cup of tea but he also had bagels on the tray.

"You need to eat something as well." He said as he placed the tray down on the bed.

"What are the kids doing?" I asked as I picked up a bagel from the tray and took a bite.

"Adam's gone to football, Jessica has gone to Amber's and Alleysha and Keira are playing downstairs" Danny said with a smirk.

"What's the smirk for?" I asked

"Let's just say we won't be disturbed" Danny said with a wink.

I laughed, "What have you done Danny?" I asked him.

"Nothing" Danny said, trying to look innocent.

I glanced up at him with a look that told him I knew he'd done something to be so sure that the girls wouldn't come up here.

"They're having a treasure hunt and I've told them that they can't come up here until they find the treasure" He said as he lifted the tray from the bed and placed it down on the floor.  "So we've got as long as it takes for them to find the treasure." He smirked as he took the cup out of my hand and placed it on the bedside cabinet before coming back to me and sweeping my hair from my neck where he started to place soft kisses.

"How can you be sure they won't find it quickly?" I asked feeling very distracted by the kisses.

"They won't" Danny breathed as he pushed me gently backwards so that I was lying on the bed as he hovered over me.

He leaned down and kissed me, passionately.  The kind of kiss that makes you forget that there's a whole world around you and all thoughts of anything other than Danny left my head for a second as I was completely caught up in the moment.

"Danny, how long have we really got?" I breathed as I pulled his t shirt over his head before pulling him close again.

"As long as we need" he said with an evil glint in his eye as he took the 'treasure' from the pocket of his jeans and twiddled it between his fingers in front of my eyes.

"You're a bad man Danny O'Donoghue" I laughed as I pulled him towards me.

"Yeah, but you love me" he said as our kissing intensified.

We made love for the first time in, I don't even know how long, too long.  We've never had a relationship based on sex but I have to say that I felt more connected to him than ever, almost like going back to the days when we first met, when we could barely keep our hands off each other.  We cuddled together in bed for ages after, our naked bodies entwined together without a care in the world.

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