Chapter 66

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I zipped the last suitcase shut and pulled it off the bed where I had been packing it.  It's not easy to pack for 5 people, 6 if you include all the things that Danny managed to forget when he left.

The sound of a car horn from outside made me realise I was running later than I had planned and I ran downstairs to let Jason, our driver, know I was coming.

After loading the suitcases into the car, I ran back inside to hurry the kids along.  After quickly fixing Alleysha's hair and getting Keira's coat on we were ready to leave.  I strapped the kids into their car seats and joined them in the people carrier ready to go to meet Danny.

The first couple of hours of the journey were pretty uneventful, I made some small talk with Jason and the kids entertained themselves, Keira slept for a lot of the time.  We were about half an hour away when Keira started to stir and immediately asked for her Daddy.

"We're not quite there yet honey, you'll see Daddy soon." I tried to reassure her.

"I want my Daddy now" she wailed, tears running down her face.

I glanced at the clock in the car, it was already 8:10 so I knew that she wouldn't get to see Danny before he goes on stage tonight.

"Sweetheart you need to stop crying, you don't want Daddy to see you like this, you've told him that you've been such a brave girl" I tried to reason with her, but nothing was working.  The only respite we got was that after a while she was almost too tired to scream so just sat sobbing away continually asking for her Daddy.

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived at the venue.  As the car pulled up next to the tour busses I felt a slight sense of relief, mixed with dread that I still had an upset child to try to comfort.

"Mum, are we allowed to go in?" Adam asked excitedly as he quickly collected up his things from the car.

"Adam, I can't take Keira into the venue in this state." I told him.

"But can we still go?" Jessica asked.

"No honey, you can't go in on your own, we can see the show tomorrow." I told her.

Adam and Jessica both started to huff about how unfair it was, and in a way, I agree with them, it is unfair but there's nothing else I can do.

"Will you 2 help Jason get the bags onto our bus?" I asked then, trying to ignore their complaints.

After a bit of huffing and puffing they eventually went to help Jason.

I lifted Alleysha out of the car first.  "Straight onto the bus" I told her as I put her on the ground.  Alleysha ran off with no complaints and climbed onto the tour bus.

I smiled as I watched her.

"Auntie Kay" I heard someone shout just as I turned back to the car to get Keira.

I turned and saw Cameron and Amelia walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged Cameron.

"Oh come on Auntie Kay, Dad comes to my uni town and you didn't think I'd come to the show to see him." He laughed.

"Well this is a nice surprise" I said as we pulled apart from the hug.

"Are you coming in then?" Cameron asked.

I shook my head. "Keira's got herself into a right state on the way here, I'm not going to be able to take her into the show."

"Cameron" I heard Jessica shout as she came back off the bus.

"How's it going munchkin" Cameron said as he saw Jessica coming towards us.

I turned to lift Keira out of the car, I'm sure her being left alone won't be helping her tantrum.

"Mum said we're not allowed to go and see Dad tonight" Jessica said as her bottom lip started to protrude.

"Guess who's here sweetheart," I said as I unclipped Keira's seatbelt and lifted her from the car, "look it's Cameron and Amelia, they've come to see you" I told her, trying to distract her again.

"I want my Daddy" she screamed again.

I walked back over to where Cameron, Amelia and Jessica were. "Honey, you cant go in on your own, so put your lip back in, you'll see the show tomorrow." I said to Jessica, starting to lose patience with the whole situation.

"Auntie Kay, they can come in with us if that's ok with you." Cameron offered.

"Thanks Cam, but they'll be fine on the bus, you don't need to take them." I said, not wanting to ruin Cameron and Amelia's night.

"Honestly, it's fine Auntie Kay.  Sean has cordoned off a section at the front for us all.  Luke's here, Sophie, Amelia and Me, Mum's hoping to get here later with Lila but she got stuck at work so they're running late. They'll be fine with us."

"If you're sure?" I said, not wanting Adam and Jessica to be a burden but also not wanting to continue this conversation with Keira screaming in my ear.

"Absolutely" Cameron smiled.

"Right, go and get your brother" I said to Jessica who immediately ran onto the bus to get Adam.

They both came back seconds later.

"Can we really go Mum?" Adam asked excitedly.

"You stay with Cameron until you get into the arena.  Once you're in there, you don't speak to anyone you don't know ok?" They both nodded. "And I want you on your best behaviour, your passes are in my bag." I said as I handed my bag to Jessica, unable to rummage for the passes myself while I had Keira.

Jessica quickly found the passes and handed one to Adam, he hung it round his neck before coming to hug me. "You're the best Mum" he said.

"Be good" I told him as I kissed the top of his head.

"Thanks Cam" I said sincerely, "hopefully I'll get a chance to catch up with you both later?"

"Yeah, we'll see you later" he said as they turned to go into the venue.

I turned back to Keira, "Shall we go and see the bus?" I asked.

"I want to see Daddy" she protested.

"I know" I said sounding almost defeated as my thumb ran across her cheeks trying to dry at least some of her tears.

I turned and made my way onto the bus.

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