Chapter 11

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I soon got through the night time routine and by 7pm I had both Keira and Alleysha tucked up in bed, sound asleep. Danny and Adam were still in the music room, I wasn't sure how well it would go down if I interrupted them so instead I went and got changed and then set the table, complete with candles for a truly romantic setting.

Once that was done, I walked to the door of the music room and opened it just a crack. "Adam, it's time to wrap it up now, you've got school tomorrow." I said to him.

"But mum, we're nearly done, can I not just stay up until we've finished this." Adam moaned.

"Come on Adam, you can finish it tomorrow." I said with authority.

Adam looked at Danny, obviously hoping that he would allow him to stay. "Do as your mum has said" Danny said in support of me, "We'll get this finished tomorrow"

Adam stood up and hugged Danny, "Goodnight dad" he said sounding a little defeated before left the room.

Danny looked up at me, "Are you going out?" he asked, noticing the effort I had made.

"No Danny" I smirked "We're staying in, I'm going to make you dinner and we're going to have date night, just like we used to."

Danny looked taken aback by this and I felt a sadness that we had allowed our relationship to drift so much that date night would almost seem like an alien concept.

"Why don't you go and get changed, dinner will be about 20 minutes" I told him.

Danny nodded and then kissed me full force as he walked past me to leave the music room. The kiss made me feel alive, I had missed Danny so much. I know that sounds crazy when we live together and I see him every day, but there is a difference between living together and actually being together.

I went through to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine while I was cooking our meal. I turned the radio up and was singing to myself as I went. Suddenly I felt Danny's arms wrap around me and his head rested on my shoulder as he held me tightly, our bodies pressed against each other.

"Can I do anything" he asked as he kissed my neck.

"Grab a drink and take a seat" I giggled in reply as I started to plate up dinner.

Our conversation flowed for the first time in weeks as we sat together eating, Danny opened up to me about his fears over the future of the band and I tried my best to reassure him that everything would work out. Glen's doing so well with his treatment and could be back working before the year is out but I also reminded him that he had more in his life than his work and suggested that we try to enjoy the extra time that he is with us as a family rather than dwelling on negatives.

We probably drank too much during dinner, I know I drank too much because I was really nervous about tonight and how it would go but I was now feeling very relaxed in my husband's company.

"Do you want desert?" I asked Danny as I finished putting the dinner plates in the dishwasher.

"Yeah, I definitely want desert" Danny said as he turned me around to face him and leaned in towards me until our mouths were in touching distance. I could feel his warm breath against my face, he looked into my eyes as I got lost in his, the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He stroked my arm so tenderly before he whispered, "but I couldn't eat another thing."

He started to kiss me, tenderly at first before there was a real hunger in the kiss. He lifted me onto the countertop, standing between my legs as he continued to drive me crazy with the passion that was taking over. His hands wandered up my legs, pushing up my dress as they went until he settled drawing circles on my thigh.

I unbuttoned his shirt, and allowed my hands to wander over his chest before I pulled him close again and my hands were running over his back underneath the material of his shirt.

Danny then unzipped my dress and pulled it up over my head, discarding it on the kitchen floor , with his hands now roaming freely over my body. He picked me up from the countertop and walked through to the living room, as he placed me down onto the sofa, I pulled his shirt over his shoulders until it also fell to the floor. He unclipped my bra with one hand and then guided me to lie down on the sofa while he hovered above me, removing the bra completely before his hands cupped over my breasts, massaging them gently.

My hands roamed over his body until they found the waistband of his trousers, I unbuckled the belt and then pushed the trousers down his legs. I stared deep into his eyes and was consumed by an intense feeling of love and happiness.

As Danny moved to kissing my neck, I heard Keira starting to cry. I pushed him back gently as I was pulled out of our moment and my attention was switched from Danny to my little girl.

"She'll be fine" Danny said dismissively as he continued to kiss my neck.

The crying became more fraught very quickly and I realised that Keira wasn't just crying for attention, she was genuinely upset by something.

"Danny, I need to go" I said pushing him back as I moved to get up from the sofa.  He looked a little bit hurt as I lifted his shirt from the floor and pulled in on like a dress, buttoning it up as I made my way up the stairs.

As I walked into Keira's room I saw that she was distraught, she was screaming uncontrollably and big tears were rolling down her face. I lifted her immediately and held her close to me, stroking her back as I tried to console her.

She started to calm down when I held her, which lead me to believe that she had just had a nightmare and was scared."It's OK, Mummy's here" I reassured her as she cuddled into me.

Once she had started to settle, I decided to change her pyjamas as the ones she was wearing were damp from sweat. I pulled out some fresh pyjamas and slowly got her changed, reassuring her at every step.

Once she was all cleaned up I sat down on the nursing chair that was still in her nursery and cuddled her into me as we rocked back and forth. We must've sat there for over an hour, every time I tried to move to put her back in her cot she would stir and cling onto me a little but eventually she was back in a peaceful state and I kissed her head gently as I returned he to her cot.

I crept out of her room, pulling her door closed behind me and then making my way back downstairs to Danny.

"Is she OK?" he asked as I came back down.

"Yeah, I think she had a nightmare, bless her" I said as I walked through to the kitchen and started to tidy up the mess that was left from dinner.

"You're an amazing mum" Danny said as he pulled me towards him and kissed me tenderly. I smiled, appreciating his words but not feeling as though I had done anything that any mother wouldn't do.

"It's not quite how date night normally ends" I laughed.

"No, but she needed you. There'll be plenty of other date nights" Danny said with a smirk before leading me off to bed.

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