Chapter 67

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We had what can only be described as a difficult night on the bus, luckily for me Alleysha settled quickly watching movies at the back of the bus. Unlike Keira, who only gave me respite when she tired herself out from crying and slept for short intervals. Some of the crew had come onto the bus during the night but none of then stayed very long, as soon as Keira saw anybody that wasn't Danny, she started screaming again. I walked up to the back of the bus to check on Alleysha, she was sleeping soundly on the sofa, the movie she had been watching was still playing on the TV. I lifted the remote and switched off the TV and then watched her for a short while, wondering if I should attempt to move her to one of the bunk beds but instead I opted for putting a blanket over her and not disturbing her while I was here alone. I gently kissed her forehead before going back down to the front of the bus where Keira had fallen asleep on the sofas. I sat down next to Keira and stroked her hair gently. As I watched from the window I could see some fans starting to gather at the stage door of the venue, so I knew that the lads were off stage. I felt anxious as I silently prayed that Danny would get back on the bus before Keira woke up again.

The door to the bus opened and I saw Adam and Jessica coming in, full of excitement.

"Have you had a good night?" I asked them

"The best" Adam said before Jessica interrupted him telling me "Wait 'til you see what Dad's done"

I looked at her with intrigue wondering what she meant but she wouldn't tell me anything more.

"Right, go and get yourselves ready for bed, but be quiet because I don't want the girls to wake up." I told them.

"But Mum, Dad said we could wait for him coming back" Adam protested.

"Well you can, but you can wait in your pyjamas" I told him. "Go and get ready and I'll make us hot chocolate, how does that sound?"

Neither of them answered me, but I'd guess by how quickly the went off to get their pyjamas on that the hot chocolate was a good bargaining tool. I walked over to the kitchen and made the hot chocolate ready for them coming back. Just as I was pouring the last one, Keira started to wake up.

I went back to sit next to her, hoping that I could keep her calm. "Hey sweetheart" I said as she opened her eyes. She seemed a little confused as to where she was at first, she crawled onto my lap and cuddled into my chest.

"Are you a tired little girl?" I asked her. She nodded, cuddling closer to me.

"Mum, is Dad back yet?" Jessica asked as she came back through, now dressed in her pyjamas.

"Daddy?" Keira asked as her big brown eyes gazed up at me.

"He's coming now honey" I said as I pressed a kiss on the top of her head.

'Sorry' Jessica mouthed to me, realising that she shouldn't have mentioned Danny.

"It's ok love, your hot chocolate's there" I said gesturing over to the cups on the kitchen bench.

Adam and Jessica both came and sat down on the sofa's and started telling me about the show but they weren't able to get through much of their tales before Keira started getting herself upset.

"Daddy's coming sweetheart" I tried to reassure her as I frantically watched out of the window hoping to see Danny.

"I dust want a Daddy" she said between sobs.

I turned her around on my knee so that I could look at her properly. My finger ran below her eyes, wiping over her damp cheeks. "They're real tears" I said to her as I wiped them away.

"Baby, I promise Daddy's coming soon, why don't you watch for him out of the window?" I suggested.

Kiera stood up on the sofa and looked out of the window of the bus, her sobs were still audible, but she was definitely calming down.

Jessica watched with her, trying to entertain her along the way but Keira soon got bored and came back to sit on my knee.

"I be bwave" she said as she sat down and cuddled into me. I ran my hand up and down her arm until she calmed completely and the sobbing stopped.

"He's coming" Jessica said as she jumped down from her spot at the window and ran over to the door of the bus, just as it opened, and Danny walked in.

Adam and Jessica hugged Danny as soon as he walked in. I looked down and saw that Keira was now asleep on my knee.

"Show Mum" Jessica said excitedly to Danny.

He walked over to me and bent down to kiss me.

"Show me what?" I said as he stood back up.

"Ok, Kay, don't go mad" he said

"What have you done?" I asked, a million scenarios playing through my head.

He pulled off the beanie that he was wearing and uncovered a completely shaven head. I shook my head in disbelief.

"What do you think?" he said as his hand ran back and forth over the freshly shaven scalp.

"Why?" was the only thing I could say but before he got the chance to answer, Keira jolted awake.

"Hey, baby. Guess who's here?" I said as I pointed to Danny.

Keira shook her head and began to cry before wailing "I want my Daddy"

"There's your Daddy" I said to her, somewhat confused, as I tried to pass her to Danny.

"I want my Daddy" she screamed as she clung to me, burring her head into my shoulder.

"She doesn't recognise you" I almost laughed as the penny dropped.

"Baby, Daddy's missed you" Danny said as he stroked Keira's back.

Keira raised her head from my shoulder when she heard Danny's voice but soon buried it back in when she saw him again, the screams becoming worse as she got herself more and more agitated.

"Put the beanie back on," I snapped at Danny, "and sing to her" I added, desperate to calm Keira down.

Danny put the beanie back on and started to sing. Slowly Keira started to look around until she caught sight of Danny. I was holding my breath as her eyes fell on him, wondering how I would get through tonight if she kept screaming for her Daddy but then didn't recognise him because he had decided it was a good idea to shave his head without telling anyone what he was planning. Her arms stretched out to him "A Daddy" she said as he took Keira out of my arms and continued to sing to her. Relief washed over me as I watched her, fully contented for the first time all week.

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