Chapter 70

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Adam and Jessica went straight to get changed for the show, full of excitement despite having watched the whole show just last night. And the excitement that those two were showing was clearly rubbing off on Alleysha who was now bouncing around as I tried to get her ready.

"Alleysha, I can't fix your hair if you don't stand still" I told her for at least the tenth time. She stopped jumping but there was still a bit of movement through her body. Not enough to stop me from braiding her hair, but enough to let me know that she was looking forward to seeing her Dad performing tonight.

"Done" I said as I fastened the hair tie. "Now go and find your ear defenders"

Alleysha looked at me, almost with disgust. "Mummy, do I have to?" she asked. I nodded.

"But I don't know where they are" she whinged.

"Well you can't go then" I told her, knowing that she had hidden the ear defenders in the hope that I wouldn't make her wear them.

"But I want to go Mummy"

"Then go and get the ear defenders and you'll be all ready" I told her dismissively as I went to get Keira's outfit for tonight.

By the time I came back with Keira's outfit, Alleysha was sat on the sofa with the ear defenders on her knee looking less than amused.

My phone beeped with a text message, I quickly checked and saw it was from Danny:

Warm up done, fuck tradition, come and see me before the show xxx

I smiled as I read it. In all the years I have been with Danny, I have never seen him right before the show. The cheeky hour tradition has always been band only.

I quickly got Keira changed, but I could see that she was tired and didn't share the same excitement that the other 3 kids had. I kissed her forehead once she was dressed, "I'm going to get changed now, then we'll go and see Daddy ok?". She nodded.

I quickly changed and ran a brush through my hair, as I looked in the mirror I was less than happy with the reflection I saw. I remembered the days when I could spend ages getting ready for nights like tonight but here I was, looking really washed out but not able to spend any more time on myself. I sighed before going back to the lounge area at the back of the bus. "Are you ready?" I asked the kids and they all, except Keira, jumped up ready to go.

"Will we be gone long Mummy?" Keira asked as a yawn escaped her mouth.

"No, not long sweetheart." I said, hoping that she would forget about her tiredness when she experienced the excitement in the venue.

We walked the short distance to the stage door, and then headed along the corridor to the dressing room. "Knock, knock" I said as I turned to enter the dressing room, the door already being propped open.

Mark took the kids to get a drink, I'm amazed they could find anything non-alcoholic in the dressing room, how times have changed.

I hugged Danny closely. "What's brought on the change in tradition?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

"I just wanted to see you" he told me as he poured a drink for me. "And I'm sure I'll still be just as focussed on the show when I get on stage so where's the harm?" he asked.

We stayed in the dressing room throughout the support act's set. It was fun and relaxed, chatting like normal. Quinner came by the dressing room, "5 minutes lads" he shouted as walked briskly down the corridor.

"We best go" I said to Danny as I lifted my head from his chest where I had been cuddled into him.

"Erm, I don't think she's going anywhere" he said as his head nodded in the direction of one of the sofas.

I turned to follow his gesture and saw Keira fast asleep on the sofa.

My hand rubbed over my face as I pondered how I would deal with this situation. 3 kids excited to see the show and 1 asleep in the dressing room.

"Sophie?", she turned to look at me. "Would you take the kids out front with you if I wait here until Keira wakes up?" I asked, feeling awful to have to ask but not seeing any other way to deal with this.

"Yeah, no problem" she replied cheerfully. "Come and join us if she wakes up."

I nodded before telling the kids to behave for Sophie and warning Alleysha that she could only stay if she had her ear defenders on. Reluctantly, she put them on and the 4 of them left the dressing room.

"I'm sorry" I said as I turned back to Danny, feeling awful that I would miss his show again.

"Don't be" he said as his lifted my chin with 2 fingers so that I was looking at him. "There's plenty more shows" he bent down and kissed me.

"Let's walk" Quinner shouted as he appeared back at the dressing room door and the lads followed him down the corridor towards the stage.

I settled in the dressing room as I watched Keira sleep, I could still hear the show that was going on and it made me smile, I only wished I could see it.

Keira woke after about an hour and looked around the room, clearly feeling disorientated. "Where my Daddy?" she asked as she sat up.

"Daddy's on stage sweetheart" I told her, she looked upset.

"I fought I was going to watch him singing?" she said.

"We still can if you want?" I said as my eyes darted to the clock. Keira nodded. "Shall we just watch from the side of the stage?" I asked realising that there wouldn't be time to find Sophie and the other kids at our seats and not really wanting to take Keira out into the arena when she has just woken up.

I took her ear defenders from my bag and put them on her. "What's these for?" she asked

"To keep your ears safe honey, Daddy sings really loud" I told her.

She jumped down from the sofa and held out her hand for me to take. I led her down the corridors until we were stood just at the side of the stage. I crouched down with my hands around Keira's waist as we watched the last 2 songs of the set. Keira was in awe, I don't think she really understood what Danny does for a living, but how can you explain any of this to a child, to her, he's just Daddy.

We stayed at the side of the stage as they took their final bows at the end of the show. As Danny turned to walk off stage he suddenly spotted us and ran over to where I was crouched, lifting Keira out of my grip and holding her high above his head as she giggled loudly, before he brought her down and kissed her cheek as he sat her on his hip. As I stood up his arm wrapped around my shoulder and we made our way back to the dressing room.

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