Chapter 83

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We wandered backstage, as I entered the dressing room I saw that Rina sat with a glass of wine.

"When did you get here?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Kay, don't" she said "I've had a nightmare journey and only got here about 5 minutes ago."

"How come?" I asked her

"Dunno, plane was delayed and the traffic getting here was unbelievable. I kind of thought I might be the next marriage under press speculation if I didn't turn up tonight" she joked.

"Where are they?" I asked looking round the dressing room and wondering how we had managed to get back before the lads did.

"They came off stage and ran straight to the recording room" she said with a shrug.

I laughed, maybe they felt the show tonight as much as we did. Quinner came into the room and announced that the first lot of cars would be leaving in half an hour to start taking people to the after party.

Alleysha wandered over to me offering me her hairbrush as she came. "Mummy, will you fix my hair for the party, Daddy couldn't do it"

I laughed as I took the hairbrush from her. "What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"Everything" was her only reply as I took the hair tie out of her ponytail and started brushing through her hair.

I quickly braided Alleyshas hair and explained to her that she would be going with Ailish in the first lot of cars to the party. "But I want to go with you" she said as she climbed up onto me knee and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You can't darling" I said as I kissed her forehead "Daddy will get photos taken when he goes in and you don't like that do you?" I reasoned with her. "And this way, you'll get more time at the party"

"OK Mummy, but you won't be long, will you?" she asked.

"We'll be as quick as we can darling" I told her as she got down from my knee.

I looked and saw Adam and Jessica both getting themselves ready to go, Adam was getting frustrated with his hair as he tried to style it, while Jessica was concentrating on her make up.

"Less is more Jess" I said as I walked over to them. She pulled a face, disapproving of my comment as she continued to apply her mascara. "Want some help Adam?" I asked. He held out his hair wax to me. "I think you've got enough on there" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair teasing it to where he wanted it to be. He smiled as he checked in the mirror "Thanks Mum" he said as he went to get changed.

"Right Keira, where's your bag?" I asked her, disturbing her dancing.

Keira pointed to the corner of the room where her bag was thrown. "Go and get it then and we'll get you changed" I said to her.

"For the party?" she asked excited.

I nodded and she ran to get her bag. I took her hand and took her along the corridor to Danny's warm up room. After changing her into her dress I started to brush through her hair. "Can I have it like Alleyshas?" she asked.

"If you'll stand still" I said as I started brushing through her hair. She managed about 30 seconds standing still before she started moving her head and moaning at how long I was taking. "You know what baby, I think I like your hair down" I said as I turned her around and put in a clip to hold it off her face.

"Am I pretty Mummy?" she asked as she twirled on the spot.

"Beautiful" Danny said form his spot at the doorway, I hadn't even realised he was standing there. Keira looked really happy with herself.

"Go on then missy, you've got a party to go to with Grandma" I told her.

She kissed me before running out of the room to find her Grandma.

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