Chapter 59

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The lads came out of their first interview fully hyped, I was glad I had come along today because seeing Danny like this makes me excited for him going on tour.

"Right, straight in the car, we're already running late" Sean shouted, trying to be heard over their excitement.

I slipped my hand into Danny's as we made our way out of the radio station.  The crowd of fans outside had grown with more people hoping to get a few moments with the lads, unfortunately that couldn't happen.  One woman from the crowd was not about to let her opportunity pass her by though, as we approached the car she literally threw her arms around Danny, taking him by surprise and he stumbled back onto the car taking me with him as he was still holding my hand.  After regaining my balance from the near fall, I released my grip from Danny's hand and walked around to the other side of the car.  I probably should have let him know that I was OK, but I really just wanted to get away from the situation.

I watched as Sean helped Danny to peel the woman from him, Danny glanced over to me looking helpless, I smiled to him as I opened the door and got in the car.  Danny got in just moments after me.  "Are you OK?" he asked concerned.

"I'm fine babe, just don't like to be around when your fans get a bit crazy like that." I told him with a smile.

Our car set off, I assume that Sean directed the driver to just get us out of there so everyone else must be getting in the second car.

"That's just crossing the line" Danny said as he squeezed my hand.

"No Danny, it's not." I protested "And if I hadn't of been there, you'd have taken photos with her and that stunt would've paid off."

"But you were there" he argued.

"Danny, she wouldn't have even seen me.  I'm sure there was no malice intended." I reassured him.

Danny put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head as I cuddled into him.

"How long are you going to be at the next interview?" I asked

"Not long, why?" he seemed puzzled

"I was just going to take Sophie for a coffee while you guys went in, but if you're going to be quick then there's no point"

"Nah, in and out babe.  This next one is going to be half hour tops" he said putting his other arm around me and squeezing tight.

We pulled up at the next radio station and as Danny released his hold on me, I sat back up and looked out of the window.

"I'm not stopping babe, lets just go straight in." Danny said

The crowd of fans at this station was bigger than the last, I could see their excitement at our car being stopped.

"Are you sure?" I asked Danny, surprised by this decision.

"I'll stop on the way out, lets just get you inside." He said.

"I'm capable of walking myself to that door" I said pointing over to the entrance to the station which was only about 10 steps from our car.

"But if I stop now, I'll be on my own.  Fuck that Kay" he said getting out of the car and waiting for me to shuffle along the back seat to join him on the pavement.

He held my hand tightly as we started to walk.  Of course, Danny being Danny, he couldn't resist stopping to talk to a few of his fans, but it was far more civilised this time and after a few photos, we were inside the station.

This time they weren't so much being interviewed as just joining in with some of the games from the station.  The mood was far more playful, and Sophie and I actually went into the studio with them on the strict condition that we could just sit in the corner to observe and nobody would mention that we were there.

After the interview, the mood was fantastic.  Everyone had had a laugh and it almost seemed wrong to just go our separate ways.  Glen asked if we wanted to go for a coffee and have a catch up.

"Glen, I can't, I have to go and pick up the kids from school." I told him as I hugged him before turning to Danny "but you go".

"You're sure?" he asked me. "I don't mind coming with you to get the kids.

"Yeah, by the time you've stopped outside it'll be too late for us to go together." I told him before kissing his lips, a sign that he should go.

"Right Sheehan" I said as I turned to hug him. "Tell Rina I'll give her a call next week"

"Will do Kay, it was good to see you" he said before kissing my cheek.

I left Danny at the station as I headed off to collect the kids from school.

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