Chapter 56

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I was curled up on the sofa watching TV with Adam and Jessica by the time Danny came home. It was well after 8 and Alleysha and Keira were already in bed.

"Imagine walking into a room with my favourite people just sat here waiting for me" Danny said as he came into the living room.

I smiled, he had clearly had a good day and he was smiling as he came over to the sofa.

"I love you, and I love you" he said as he kissed Adam and Jessica. "And I really love you" he said before his lips crashed onto mine.

"Good day?" I giggled as his lips left mine.

"Really good" he smiled "haven't I got more kids than this?" Danny said, pretending to look puzzled.

I shook my head. "They've gone to bed Danny, what happened to 8ish?"

"You know what its like" he laughed "but I remembered to get food" he said, all proud of himself, like this was a huge achievement. "I'm going to jump in the shower and check on Alleysha and Keira, food's in the kitchen" he said as he kissed me again.

"Do you two want any food?" I asked Adam and Jessica as I stood up from the sofa. They both said no, too engrossed in the TV to consider eating. "You can finish watching this but then bed, OK?"

I walked through to the kitchen and saw the bag of Chinese food on the counter, I poured drinks for Danny and I and then started to plate up the meals. I had just put them on the table when Danny walked into the kitchen. "Just in time" I smiled as I turned to look at him. Wearing grey sweat pants and a white tshirt, with his hair still wet and falling in his face and his glasses on, all the things that Danny hates but I felt butterflies in my stomach as I saw him.

Instead of walking to the table to eat, he came straight towards me. His fingers ran through my hair as he leaned down to kiss me, a passionate kiss, a loving kiss, a perfect kiss.

We sat together to eat dinner, discussing our days. I saw that glint of excitement in Danny's eyes as he talked about the rehearsals, the tour was painfully close now, but I found comfort in seeing Danny so fired up.

"Are you back in tomorrow?" I asked him

"No, you see there's a reason why I agreed to stay a bit later" he said "We got the set nailed tonight so tomorrow I only have to do a couple of interviews in the afternoon and the rest of the day is ours" he smiled.

"So what did you have in mind?" I asked, a cheekiness to my tone.

"I'm going to spoil you tomorrow" he said as he started to trail kisses along my jawline "I'll take the kids to school and then we've got a few hours before I have to go to work" he looked at me with desire before his lips finally found mine.

His kiss almost took my breath away and I had to fight the urge to rip his clothes off him right there and then, knowing that our kids were still just in the next room.

"Danny stop" I said as I pulled away, not trusting myself not to completely lose all self control.

"I want you so badly" he breathed, causing my stomach to flip.

Our foreheads rested together, at this point I was straddled across Danny as I sat on his lap and traced the lines of his face with my fingers trying to calm my breathing.

"I love you so much" I told him as I took in every feature.

"I love you more" he said as the pecked my lips.

I stood up and started to clear away our dishes, Danny just sat staring at me as I did this. I knew what he was thinking, hell I was thinking the same thing.

"Is it not bedtime?" he suddenly shouted.

"I wish" I mumbled as I lifted the last few dishes from the table.

Jessica came into the kitchen, closely followed by Adam, "Can we just watch one more episode before bed?" she asked hopefully.

"No honey, you can't, you've got school tomorrow, now come and give me a hug and then you're going to bed" Danny said as he held his arms open. Jessica let out a sigh, showing her disapproval of Danny's decision but she has more respect for him than to argue so she went a hugged him before coming to hug me.

"Goodnight" I said as I kissed her and Adam "I'll be up in five minutes to check on you"

They both sulked off to bed.

"Now then Mrs O" he said as he came over and slipped his arms around my waist "Where were we?" he had a cheeky smile on his face.

I pulled his t shirt up over his head before leaning in to kiss him and finish what we'd started.

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