Chapter 25

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Before I knew it, we were approaching the weekend again, the week we've spent here had been great. I enjoyed my days with the girls but found myself looking forward to our family Skype call each night. I was really missing Adam and Danny and felt like we should start to think about going home, I'm going to tell my boys tonight.

We rushed home, running late after a fun day out at a local farm, the girls were worn out after running after all the animals all day. I was happy and content.

"Jess, can you get the laptop ready?" I asked as we got in the house and I got Keira's coat and shoes off.

Jessica came into the living room with her laptop and set it up. "Shall I call Dad?" she asked me.

"Yeah, it's almost 8" I replied.

Jessica started tapping away at the keyboard. "They're not on line yet Mum, I told you we had plenty of time." She said as she looked up.

We sat waiting for Danny and Adam, after about 5 minutes I saw an incoming call from Mark. "Mum, it's Uncle Mark calling us should I just reject?" Jessica asked me.

"No Jess, just answer the call, we can tell him we'll call him back after we've spoken to Dad and Adam." I told her.

Jessica answered the call, it wasn't Mark, it was Adam.

"Hiya Adam." I said with confusion clear in my voice.

"Hi Mum, I didn't want to miss the Skype so Uncle Mark said I could call you." he replied.

"Why are you at Uncle Mark's?" I asked

"Dad said he was busy today so he dropped me off at the studio with Uncle Mark, I'm just waiting for him to pick me up."

"OK, so what have you been up to?" I asked.

"We've been to the farm today, it was brilliant" Alleysha said to Adam

"I've just been with Uncle Mark at the studio. He made me Head of Tea Making, he said it's the most important job in the studio but I prefer when I'm allowed to play my guitar and help to write songs" Adam told me looking a bit fed up.

"But when Uncle Marks busy you've just got to do the jobs he gives you." I reasoned with him. "I used to be a tea maker at the studio but I never got to being Head of Tea Making" I said with a giggle as I thought back to the many nights I have spent with the lads in the studio, understanding nothing and just making tea.

"Are you coming home soon Mum?" Adam asked.

I smiled, I may have hoped to tell Adam and Danny together but I decided to just go ahead and tell Adam. "I'm going to look at booking our flights tomorrow, we'll be back in the next few days" I told him

"Mum that's brilliant news, I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too son, but I bet you've enjoyed your boys time?" I asked tentatively.

"It was good for a few days but I like having you here too." He said, while I didn't like seeing Adam like this, it felt good to know that I was wanted back at home, I guess I felt a hint of relief.

"Did you miss us too?" Alleysha asked.

"I missed you all" Adam said.

"Well we'll be home soon, so enjoy your last couple of days just you and Dad OK?" I said as I tried to lift Adam's spirits.

"Yeah OK Mum, I love you"

"I love you too son, can you get Uncle Mark before you hang up? I just need a quick word with him." I asked Adam.

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