Chapter 76

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I settled in Danny's warm up room and set up the laptop ready to skype the kids, I glanced at the clock on the wall 7:50, I started to get a bit anxious about whether Danny would get out of the meet and greet on time.

My concern was not needed as 5 minutes later Danny came bouncing into the room.

"You look happy" I said with a smile as I saw his energy.

"That's because I am" he said as he came and sat on the arm of the chair I was sat on and wrapped his arm around me.

I started tapping on the laptop ready to connect the call. "How was your girlfriend?" I asked mindlessly.

"What the fuck?" Danny asked with a chuckle.

"The girl in the sequined dress, with everything on show." I clarified. "Reckons she spent last night with you and if she's lying then how would she know about the tattoo on your inner thigh"

"Really?" Danny asked shocked.

"Yup, that's what she reckons" I pressed to connect our call to the kids "You ready?" I asked Danny.

He nodded before kissing my temple.

"Hi Dad, Hi Mum" I heard coming from the laptop.

I waved at our four kids on the screen. "Are you all being good for Grandma?" I asked.

"Yes Mum" Adam replied with a hint of exhaustion to his voice. "When will we get to see you Dad?" he asked.

"Well, we could head straight to Grandma's after the show tonight, so we'll be back by the time you wake up tomorrow if you'd like that?" Danny replied without hesitation. I hadn't really given any thought as to when we would travel back but the resounding 'Yes' from the kids made me realise that getting the whole family back together was important.

The call with the kids only lasted about 5 minutes, it was just enough to give Danny the lift of seeing them and let them know that we are both still thinking about them.

I stood up from my chair as soon as the call disconnected.

"OK, I'm going to let you get warmed up and I'll see you after the show" I said as I headed to the door.

"Kay, thanks for making me get the tattoo removed, I guess I thought people would forget about it but you were right, it was stupid of me to ever let fans know it was there and I can see now that some stupid lie could've caused real problems for us right now."

I laughed, "Danny it wasn't stupid to tell fans you had it, it was stupid to get it in the first place" I hated the tattoo from the first moment he'd ever shown it to me, its about 5 years since they got the tattoos done. When Danny told some fans about it, I got a couple of messages from fans claiming to have slept with him and at that point I asked him to get the tattoo removed. It took almost a year to get rid of it but there is now nothing to see, it's like it was never there in the first place.

"I know, you were right" he said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Glen's still got his" I laughed as I hugged him.

"Really?" Danny asked pulling back from me.

"Apparently so" I said as I pecked his lips and left him to warm up his voice.

I headed out to the arena and quickly found Sophie at our seats. I managed to catch the last song from the support act who were really good and the arena certainly seemed to be full of energy.

As we took our seats, Sophie turned to me "Did you ask Danny about that girl?" She asked in a whisper.

"He's had the tattoo removed Soph, don't give it another thought" I reassured her, realising how much the accusation was concerning her.

"Oh" was her only reply as she realised why I hadn't been phased by what had been said. "Listen, I could really do with having a good chat with you Kay when you're free?" she asked.

"You're alright?" I asked, wondering what she needed to talk to me about.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just could use your advice, but not here" she said.

"Me and Danny are heading straight to Dublin after the show tonight" I said feeling regret that I hadn't really had a catch up with Sophie while I've been here. "Why don't we head out for dinner tomorrow night? I suggested. "I'm sure Andi will take the kids to the show so we can have dinner and a catch up and meet them later?"

"That sounds great Kay, I'll book somewhere and text you the place. Meet you about 7?" she asked.

"Look forward to it" I said with a smile. "Do you want a drink?" I asked Sophie, realising that we hadn't even been to the bar before we sat down.

"If you want" she replied nonchalantly .

"I'm not bothered, I'm driving back after the show so I'd only get a water" I told her.

"Water it is then" she smiled as she got up to go to the bar.

By the time Sophie came back from the bar with our bottles of water a few fans around us had recognised us and started chatting with me. They were very respectful fans and aside from a few comments of how lucky we are to be with Danny and Glen they seemed more interested in us than in our relationships. It was such a stark contrast from earlier in the night.

After taking a few selfies with the people around us, the lights dimmed and excitement filled the arena before the lads burst onto the stage to kick off the show.

It was all over in a flash. As they stood on the stage taking their final bows, Sophie and I made our way out of the arena and headed backstage. We were sat in the bands chill out room when they burst through the door.

"I'm just going to grab a shower babe" Danny said as he walked straight past me to go and get fresh clothes.

"I'll go and bring the car round for us then" I said as I realised that Danny can't just walk over to the public car park where I left the car.

"Sean'll go and get it for you Kay" Danny said instantly.

"Will Sean?" Sean replied sarcastically whilst holding his hand out for the keys.

"Sean you really don't have to" I said, slightly embarrassed by how abrupt Danny had been.

"It's not a problem Kay, I'll go, you stay here"

"If your sure" I said as I handed him the keys.

"Where's Danny?" Quinner asked as he came into the room.

"Shower" Glen replied, barely looking up from what he was doing.

"Right, I'll tell you then Kay. I need him at the venue by 3 tomorrow, fresh and ready to work. Make sure he's not late."

"He'll be there Quinner" I reassured him.

"Cars are ready when you are to go to the hotel" he said turning to Mark and Glen who nodded.

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