Chapter 49

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Things have been looking up. Danny is still at the centre, Sharon won't authorise any more pass outs though, which I guess I can understand.

I've been spending more time at the centre, since that's the only way I can see Danny, and I've also joined those support groups for families. I've got to say, I've found it really great to have other people to talk to who can understand this whole thing from my point of view. Sharing our experiences and giving each other support has really given me the strength to get through.

Danny and I are just taking everything one step at a time. It's difficult for us to get time alone because when I'm going to the centre to see him, the kids want to come with me. We've had loads of family nights but not much time for just the two of us. I guess I'm still waiting for him.

We walked into the centre, I was struggling to carry all the bags. I stupidly told the kids that they could decide on snacks for our film night tonight so I have just bought almost the entire confectionary aisle from the local supermarket just to make sure we had everything that the kids said that we 'needed'.

"What's all this?" Danny laughed, a look of confusion as he saw the amount of bags we had brought.

Keira ran over and jumped into Danny's arms, giggling as he hugged her and then started kissing all over her face.

"Enough Daddy" Keira said between giggles and she fought to catch her breath from laughing so hard.

"We chose the treats Daddy" Alleysha said as she tried to get Danny's attention once he had put Keira down.

"Is it treats for everyone in the centre?" Danny asked as he lifted Alleysha up.

"No silly, it's just for us." Alleysha answered before wrapping her arms around Danny's neck in a hug.

Jessica kind of half acknowledged Danny before going to sit on one of the sofa's. She never gets mixed up with Alleysha and Keira vying for his attention but she does still have a lovely relationship with Danny.

I walked over to the sofas and started to unpack some of the snacks and get the film ready while Adam was talking with Danny. I know Adam has struggled the most with Danny being in here and he is really looking forward to tomorrow when Danny graduates from rehab and can finally come home.

Danny came over to the sofas, "Budge up sweetheart, let me sit next to you" he said to Jessica who was sprawled across the sofa playing on her phone. She sighed as she moved her legs round so that Danny could sit down and whilst the sigh sounded huffy, I knew she was glad that he had come over to her.

We all chatted for a while before deciding to put the film on.

Having not really had any time with Danny tonight I went and sat of the sofa next to him, ready to enjoy the film. This lasted for about a second before Alleysha came over and decided she wanted to sit right in between Danny and I and she managed to squeeze herself right in there. I laughed as I moved over to give her some space and saw the grin spread from ear to eat when she noticed me moving and knew she had gotten what she wanted. By the time Keira had climbed up onto my lap, I literally could've been anywhere, and could hardly even see Danny anymore.

We all watched the film together, it was an animated film so that Alleysha and Keira could watch it but I never mind these films because they are usually multi layered and laced with innuendo that keeps adults entertained as well. I was, however, quite shocked at just how much of the innuendo Adam and Jessica picked up on, they are growing up far too fast for my liking.

By the end of the film, Keira had fallen asleep as she cuddled into me from her place on my lap. Alleysha noticed Keira asleep and obviously decided that this was her chance to climb up on Danny's knee as she pretended to be tired as well.

"I think we'd better head off before I've got 2 of them asleep" I said to Danny as I glanced down at Keira who seemed to be out for the night.

He nodded his agreement although he seemed slightly sad that our night was coming to an end.

"I'm not falling asleep Mummy, we can stay" Alleysha protested.

"No honey, I think it's time we went home, we've got a big day tomorrow." I said.

"Yes, Daddys coming home." She said with a huge grin before she turned around and kissed Danny.

This is going to sound really ridiculous, but I sat there and whilst my heart melted at the scene, I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of my own daughter. I wondered why I still felt slightly uncomfortable around Danny and not able to just kiss him when I wanted to. I hoped it was just him being in the centre that made me feel this way, I hoped that things would be different from tomorrow.

We eventually got everything packed up and Danny helped me get the kids out to the car. Adam jumped straight into the front seat while Jessica sat in the back seat along with Alleysha, who was half asleep, and Keira who still hadn't woken up.

Once Danny and I had strapped Keira and Alleysha in I looked over at him. He smiled as he walked around the car to where I was standing. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his snaked around my waist and a smile spread across my face.

"Thanks for tonight" Danny said before pecking my lips quickly

"I didn't do anything" I laughed. As I pulled him forward and rested my head on his shoulder while his arms tightened around me. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked

"As ready as I'll ever be" he said as his head turned to kiss me whilst remaining in our hug, his lips landing on my ear and sending an echo through my body.

"I can't wait to have you home." I said as I pulled away from our hug.

I looked up to see Danny's face, a boyish grin was spreading over is face, I could guess what was going on in his head right now. He leaned in and started to kiss me, this confirmed the thoughts in his head as the passion filled the kiss very quickly. After a couple of seconds, Adam wound down his window and shouted "You're so embarrassing".

I pulled away from Danny with a giggle. "Tomorrow" he said with a glint in his eye.

"Tomorrow" I repeated as I turned to get into the car. 

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