chapter three

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"Boss!"i turned as i heard the loud shriek." Oh my god boss are you okay? miss you should be more careful next time"Mr coffee addict said so i put two and two together the person he had been waiting for was his boss whom i just gave a coffee bath to.

"Am so sorry sir,i wasn't paying attention to where i was going" i said i didn't want to tell him that it was partly his fault too for not looking at where he was going.

"It's fine" he said with a frown "Ben meet me outside" with that he turned on his heel and walked out Ben on the other hand dug out several note from his wallet he placed them on the table and raced out after his boss.

I turned to the guys who were staring intently at me before they all cracked up like maniacs and started laughing which only added to my anger.

"God i knew something was missing,just didn't know what" Sam said holding her stomach.

"What?what do you mean?"i asked glaring at her.

" we all know a day without you bashing someone's head,or knocking them on their ass would just be totally not normal"she said still laughing.

"Yea yea whatever" i said already fuming how can they make fun of me like that everyone makes mistakes.

"What's going on here" my mom said coming out of the kitchen and staring at the mess on the floor.

"Oh just the usual" Eddie said.

"Shut it Ed and clean this up" i said glaring at him.

"Oh Belle" my mom said with a sigh,i wasn't accident prone like they said maybe a bit clumsy but it wasn't my fault Mr boss man wasn't looking too.

"It's not my fault mom seriously this time it wasn't" i said trying to convince her but seriously it wasn't.

"Sure sure honey" she said.


I was on my bed it was already past nine we usually lock up the shop by six,after diner and an hour of surfing the internet i was beat.

I stared at the white ceiling of my room it wasn't very big painted in pale blue and bubble gum pink,a king size four poster bed a dresser and a walk in closet it was big enough for me anyway. I turned to my side but still couldn't sleep because i couldn't stop thinking about the man i spilled coffee on earlier today not that i was a wanton woman or anything he was good looking,an eye candy sure but what got me thinking was his expression if someone got hurt shouldn't their body language or expression show it?but his frown looked like he was unsure or confused he didn't look like he was hurt,i was expecting him to shout at me but he didn't which was good but weird.

I sighed my love life wasn't very good okay maybe very good isn't the right word because i had no love life. My mother probably had more guys crushing on her than me that's another way of saying i have never had a boyfriend which i didn't really think about until Sam and my mom said if i didn't have a boyfriend i would become a cat lady just thinking about that gave me the creeps i sighed again i have been doing that a lot lately too tired to think i closed my eyes the last thing i saw were a pair of pure green eyes before i fell into a deep sleep.

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