chapter thirty one

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I felt someone shaking me gently from my sleep, I shrugged the person's hands off my shoulder and turned to the other side but the person whoever it was didn't stop shaking me, roughly this time.

I groaned and swatted the air as if swatting away an annoying fly. "Go away".

The shaking continued. "Belle wake up".

I turned away again and ignored the voice. "Fuck off".

"Fire belle! There's fire in the house!".

At the sound of that I bolted up from the bed and ran straight for the door, forgetting to open the door I slammed my face against the door and fell right on my ass, I let out a small whimper and tried to rub my sore backside. Instead of getting up I laid back on the floor waiting for the small birds running around my head to fade.

I sniffed the air and frowned, there was no smoke, and I definitely didn't hear the siren of the fire truck or anything maybe I was dreaming when I heard someone say fire.

I was about to curse myself when I heard loud laughter behind me, I jumped up from the floor ready to bolt for the door again, until I saw Sam bent over her knee laughing hard, with both ken and Ben highfiving each other.

"That was hilarious!" Sam said wiping a tear from her eyes.

I ran my hand through my hair and tried not to pull it. "There was no fire" I said stating the obvious. "You all just thought it would be fun messing with me" I asked calmly even though I was fuming inside.

Ben's eyes widened. "Uhuh the calm before the storm, Sam you handle this bye bye" He grabbed ken's hand and the both dashed out of my room leaving me with Sam.

"I can explain" She rushed.

I pressed my hand on my face, already feeling a coming headache, I did hit my face pretty hard on the door it's a miracle I don't have a broken nose to show for it. I was angry I felt like dragging Sam around the room by her hair, but I was too tired both physically and mentally so I settled for giving her the best stink eye I could manage.

"Why did you wake me up? It's like five in the morning, don't you have better things to do than interrupting other people's sleep?".

"Wrong. It's five in the evening".

So maybe I may have over slept, but on the plus side I didn't have a job to go to. For now. "Your point?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Anyway I wanted to show you this" She held out her phone.

I held down the urge to scowl at her. "To show me your phone? OK is it new? Is that a new pouch?".

"This isn't a time for you to be sarcastic".

"Really? You woke me up to show me your phone and....".

"Will you just quit whining, you've been sleeping all day anyway" She started tapping on her phone. "Come here".

I walked to her. "This better be good" I grumbled. "Or you're singing me to sleep".

At that she cracked up again and started laughing. "Sorry" She said holding up her hand. "But that was really funny. See this".

On her phone was a video of Mr Wilde, and my heart skipped a beat at the site of him. I swallowed hard. "Let me increase the volume" Sam said.

"So you woke me up to see this?" I said trying not freak out. I didn't tell Sam about what happened, but I still wasn't ready to face Mr Wilde or even see him.

"Shush" She said throwing a glare at me over her shoulder.

"Don't shush me".

"Just shut the hell up okay?".

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