chapter twenty eight

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I cracked open an eyelid with great difficulty. It felt like my eyes had been glued together, my vision was blurry I had to blink a few more times before I could see clearly it was then I noticed where I was.

I was in a large king sized bed with black sheets, everything around was black too. Black curtains, black rugs, and even the drawers and shelves were black. Have I somehow been abducted by the grim ripper?.

What happened? And how did I end up in this unknown room? I pulled the black comforter off my body and stood up from the bed, the ground shifted beneath my feet and I fell back on the bed. I groaned and placed the the palm of my hand on my stomach and frowned. Odd, my hand came in contact with my skin instead of the white shirt I was sure I was wearing.

I looked down at my body and sure enough I wasn't wearing anything from my waist up, except for a bright pink bra. Have I been robbed of my shirt too?. I looked frantically around and jumped from the bed, thankfully the ground didn't shift and at the same time a door I hadn't noticed swung open as I turned sharply at the intruder I stared back at two stunning emerald eyes. Mr Wilde.

He was carrying a small shopping bag in his hand. He looked at me me and slowly his eyes trailed to my chest and an amused smile crossed his lips.

"Well isn't this just a great sight" He chuckled.

I cursed and dived for the bed, I grabbed the comforter and wrapped it tightly around my body. He just stood by the door smirking at me.

"Where am I?" I asked eyeing him carefully. He used his leg to shut the door and moved toward me, I moved back again. "Where am I?" I repeated more sharply this time.

"My office" He moved closer. "When I have important work and can't go home this is where I stay".

I looked back at the bed and the comforter around my body, he had slept in the same bed and probably used the same sheets. I felt a funny feeling at the pit of my stomach and it wasn't any cramps because the feeling made me want to giggle like an high school girl.

I pushed the feeling aside and looked back at him trying not to blush. "What happened to my cloth? I mean my shirt?".

"I had to get you out of that mess, plus if I hadn't it will probably mess up my bed".

He took off my shirt himself! My eyes grew wide. "You_you did that?".

He heaved a frustrated sigh. "That's what I said".

"Yourself?" I yelled. My face grew hot not from embarrassment but from anger, or maybe a little bit of both.

"What? You think Amanda would do it even if I held a gun to her head, and let's not forget the fact that you puked all over me. Plus there wasn't much to see anyway".

I glared at him when he said the last part. At least you got changed.

As if reading my mind he said. "Yeah I got changed. And that's two of my suits you ruined".

I just gave him the stink eye, I don't even know if he's wearing a different suit since they all looked the same. It was his favourite colour. Black. "Still it's inappropriate to touch a lady that way".

He snorted. "What are you fifty? We're in the twenty first century hell, get over it. I could have left you unconscious in your filth, which I should have by the way and made sure you cleaned the mess you made in my office, but instead I took care of you and I get a fucking lecture for my good deed".

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