Forty four

43 4 1

Mr Wilde approached the man I felt my heart beat escalate as an unfamiliar fear gripped me threatening to choke me, the look on his face showed nothing just the familiar bored look he always spotted, how the hell can he look like that in front of a man who wanted to do him harm.

"You!" The man rushed toward him and swung out a pocket knife everyone gasped in horror, Mr Wilde hand shot out and grabbed the man's hand in midair, I closed my eyes and released a deep breath. "Let go! Let go off me you bastard".

"Come on smith, let's not do this" Said Mr Wilde with a rather calm tone.

"You took everything from me" Smith spat his eyes darting around madly.

"I took what you owed me, nothing more nothing less. Don't make such a big deal about it, your old man knew what he was in for when he signed those papers".

"That's because he had no idea that you are a crazy psychopath" I felt the temperature in the hall drop a couple of degrees immediately the words left smith's mouth Mr Wilde didn't so much as blink. "I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to kill myself" More gasps went around and a cold feeling settled at the pit of my stomach, fear. Fear for him. Why wasn't anyone doing anything?.

"I can see how the other thing worked out for you, listen here I'm on your side this time" He held smith's wrist and pried the knife lose from his grip. "Next time you try to commit suicide by slitting your wrist..." He grinned and shrugged. "Yeah I heard 'bout that, you need to slit your wrist along the ulnar artery from the top to bottom and after two minutes you will be pronounced dead" He released his wrist and took the other one, peeled a bandage off it and studied it. "This is a rather sloppy job, don't you think?".

I swallowed hard, does he really have to be so obvious. "He's so cool" I heard a girl whispered to her friend who shook her head.

"Or so creepy" She commented.

I sighed "Or both" I thought. The knife clattered on the tile floor as he threw it away. He patted smith's hand awkwardly and turned his back to leave, big mistake.

"Get him off my property" He stated and started to leave, walking away without looking back my eyes wandered back to smith when I noticed something in his hand... a pen. He was panting heavily, he eyes fixed on Mr Wilde's retreating back then he took a step forward uh_oh.

"Shit!" I weaved through the crowd and raced toward Mr Wilde just as smith gave a loud roar of rage, with my heart pounding hard against my ribcage I darted forward. Wow, have I ever ran like this before? Nope.

I grasped Mr Wilde's hand tightening my grip around his wrist, spinning us around in a mad dance twirl as I pushed him on the ground with me landing on him, my head on his chest, the only thing I could hear was the thunderous beating of my heart.

"Sir!" From my peripheral I could see Ben sprinting toward us, his eyes wide with worry and fear. "Sir are you okay?".

"I will be as soon as you get this thing off me" Thing!.

I raised my head up so I could look into his eyes. "If that was gratitude, you have a funny way of showing it" I stood up from him, Ben quickly rushed to his side to help him up.

"Let go off me! Mark my words Jayson Wilde I'm going to kill you, I swear I will!" Smith cried as he was being dragged away by security, poor man.

"Oh my god sir, are you okay?" Amanda his bitchy secretary rushed toward us the click of her heels echoing in the now quite hall.

"Yes I'm fine thanks for not asking" I quipped already feeling angry at the stupid way they were all fussing around him.

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