chapter sixteen

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I heard my phone ring, i wiped my hands on a napkin before picking it up. I didn't need to look at the caller id to know who it was.

"Hey mom" I said resting my hip on the counter.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Her voice sounded strain.

"Am fine. You sound tired, are you okay?".

"Am okay. Are my babies okay?".

I snorted. They were sixteen but she still called, them babies. "They are fine, at least i haven't been called in by the principal since you left".

"Oh great" She said and i imagined her rolling her eyes. I smiled.

"How's aunty rose?". Rosalie was my mom's younger sister. Pretty as a flower, but demanding as a bitch. I never liked her anyway.

"She's holding up well, with the baby and all".

"Wait. She's pregnant?" I asked sounding surprised.

"And as big as a house" She said chuckling. "She's eight months pregnant".

"Wow. Then she must be worse than ever".

"Belle!" She said in a stern voice, but i didn't miss the smile in there too. "You seriously have no idea".

"You must be exhausted" I said sounding worried.

"No am....".

"Mom you need to rest" I said cutting her off. "Don't go running at her every call okay".

"Okay. But it looks like I'd be staying longer than planned. Will you be okay?".

"Am not surprised. But we'll be fine, just take care of yourself".

"Alright baby".

I sighed as she hanged up. Just then Sam walked in swaying her hip to a song she was humming.

"Hey babe. What with that expression?" She asked.

"Mom's going to be staying a little longer".

"Am guessing this has a lot to do with Rosalie" She said giving me a knowing look.

"And you are guessing right".

"No offence but she's a bitch. Belle honey you need a man in your life, you aren't getting younger" She said imitating Rosalie's sing song voice.

I burst out laughing. Sam and rose never got along. "Oh Sammy" I said biting my lips to keep from laughing.

"I hate that name" She said frowning. "Anyway guess what i found".

"A better life partner for me?" I asked with fake enthusiasm.

"No. But read this, i think you'll find it interesting" She said giving me her phone.

I sighed and started reading. "He had a girlfriend?" I asked frowning at the phone.

"Yeah some bitchy model, or something just read on" Sam said with an inpatient voice.

"Oh my. Did you see this? They said he's gay" I asked Sam who was busy, munching a cookie.

"Exactly it's so unbelievable. I think this is why he needs a girlfriend" She said slowly as if sharing, a secret.

This was why he asked me to be his fake girlfriend, because people thinks he's either a playboy or gay. This assumptions maybe bad for him. Interesting very interesting, thought a little unnerving.

"Do you think he's gay?".

"Are you crazy? How can a man like that be gay" She said giving me an irritated look.

"And you know that, how? Because they have a sign on their forehead that says so?".

"He can't be. Come on he's dripping sexiness".

"What's the use of radiating sexiness, when he exudes rudeness and bad temper?" I said slapping her hand away from, the tray of cookies.

"That makes him even hotter" She said rubbing her hand, and glaring at me.

I was about to give her a crude remark, but was interrupted by the ringing if my phone. I took it out of my pocket and frowned.

"What?" Sam asked peering over my shoulder to look at my phone.

"Unknown number" I said and swiped through the phone to answer.


"I need you to be ready by seven" The person said and my eyes widened in realization.

"Who?" Sam mouthed when she saw my expression.

"Dripping sexiness" I said covering the mouth piece of the phone.

"Are you listening to me" He asked.

"Ahhhh. Yes but i  can't...... I I  mean am at work".

"It's six and you lock up by six thirty, you have enough time to get ready" He said sounding irritated, and i imagined him scowling at me.

"I still need to wake up early tomorrow to......".

"You don't work on weekends" He  said and i growled in frustration. Just how much does this sick weirdo knows about me.

"You better be ready by then or your old man is, going to be transported back to jail in a fucking limo".

"Okay. But where......." I heard the line disconnect.

I stared at the phone in disbelief. "He hanged up. He fucking hanged up. Can you believe this?".

"What did he say?" Sam asked.

"He said i need to be ready by seven. This is blackmailing, he threatened me with Mr Dawson again". I said shaking from anger.

"You don't want to cross him. I think a man like that says what he means, and mean what he says. I'll take care of things here, why don't you go home and get ready" She said trying trying to conceal the excitement in her voice but failed.

"This is unbelievable. And even you find this interesting" I said pointing an accusing finger at her.

"I don't" She said giving me a sheepish smile.

I pulled off my apron still muttering unbelievable.

"This is going to be fun" I heard Sam say as i went out if the kitchen.

Fun? We'll see about that.


Why am i doing this? Why the fuck am i doing this? I asked myself a thousand times. Even as i sat in front of the mirror brushing my hair. I still couldn't come up with a valid answer.

I wore a black gown that was a bit above my knee and a black stiletto heels. My hair was in a ponytail, which was a few inches from my waist. I really needed a hair cut.

I grabbed my purse just as the door bell rang. I took one look at myself, and smiled in contempt. I touched the  necklace on neck. It was a key pendant with twelve blue tiny stones on it. My father had given it to me on my fifth birthday.

I closed my eyes and could still recall the word he had, spoken to me.

"Dad why a key?".

"A key opens every lock. This key will open every door for you, and give you your heart most desires".

"Right" I whispered.

I heard the continuous ringing of the bell and raced down stairs. He definitely not going to like that i kept him waiting, but at least i get to see the disappointed frown on his face, which was enough to make my night.

I opened the door only to be faced with an unfamiliar face.

"Miss Henderson, Mr Wilde is waiting for you" He said gesturing toward a black limo.

I nodded and walked to the car. I was about to open the car, but the man beat me to it. I thanked him and entered the car.

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