chapter ten

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I was already getting bored. I know i shouldn't have followed Sam here, everything gave me the creeps. Even the stares of pure seduction from men.

It's not like i haven't been to a club before, but this one was way over the top. Here ladies were not ashamed to walk around stark naked. Not caring if someone knows their names. I had the urge to cover my eyes with my hand, but i didn't want to look like a goody two shoes.

"Would you like a shot of whiskey? You look like you need it" The bartender asked smiling flirtatiously at me.

"No thanks. Am okay" I said shaking my head. He shrugged and walked to the other end of the bar.

I sat there sipping my water. Suddenly i couldn't help but feel, like i was being watched. I turned around and saw no one in particular paying any attention to me. People were either making out, or chatting, some were watching the strippers dancing on poles.

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. My butt was starting to get sore. I still felt weird, some one was definitely looking at me. I turned around again, and stopped short when i saw who the culprit was.

He was still staring at me. I turned back too quickly, and almost fell off the chair. I couldn't be hallucinating. Surely it couldn't be him, and what would he even be doing here.

I turned back and saw him talking to a man, before walking away. I pinched myself and felt the stinging pain. Nope i wasn't dreaming.

The man i had just seen was Jayson Wilde, except he had a look alike, or a twin no one knows about. I didn't want to think about what he was doing here.

I stood up immediately and paid for mine and Sam's drink. I walked quickly to where i had seen him, but he wasn't there. I pushed through drunk people on the dance floor but still couldn't find him. Am sure he was still somewhere around here.

I walked toward a bright hallway. And saw a red headed blonde giving a guy, a blowjob. I turned around too fast almost twisting my ankles. I cursed out loud and ran away as fast as i could.

The shamelessness of the people here was grating my nerves. Couldn't they at least get a room, or do their business away from people. I raced toward another door, but took my sweet time opening it. I don't want to walk into any more x rated scene that was, going to make me throw up.

"This better be the damned exit" I muttered to myself before opening the door. The cold air of the night hit my face, and i let out a sigh of relief.

Jayson's p.o.v

"Mr Wilde" I turned at the sound of my name. I knew she was going to come after me the moment she saw me. It was the woman who had claimed to be Dawson's daughter.

Belle Nicole Henderson. She was the one who had bumped into me at the coffee shop, where i had gone to meet Ben my secretary.

"Mr Wilde. Am so sorry for bothering you" She said in a hurry.

"Then state your business. I have other things to do" I said making my voice colder, than it usually is. Not that i could make it any better.

"Oh.......of course. My name...".

"I know who you are" I said cutting her off, before she could introduce herself. "Belle Nicole Henderson" I said looking at her. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but stopped.

She was breathing fast. A sign that she had been running. Her hands were shaking. A sign that said she wasn't much of a runner, or doesn't do much exercise.

"I should probably ask how you know my name, but i won't".

"Then you should say what you want to. I haven't got all day" I said giving her a look of irritation.

"Can we at least sit down. I had to like run fifty miles, before i could find you".

"Am sorry miss, but i don't have time to chit chat. So you say what you want to right now, or we are done talking". I said and she gave me a look of utter dislike. "You have two minute".

"Ten. Please give me ten minutes".


"Nine" She said bending her head, her eyes looking down, her lips in a pout, and hand folded innocently.

I took one look at her and was amused. She was trying to look pitiful. It amaze me how people could lay down their pride, just to get what they wanted.

I chuckled. If she wants to play the pity party. Then she has the wrong opponent. Because i couldn't feel pity or any other emotion for anybody.

"Four" I said and the look she gave me, almost made me laugh. She was a fool if she thinks that those cheap emotions could move me.

"Five. Okay five" She said too quickly. I just kept looking blankly at her. Taking that as a sign to continue.

"Mr Dawson told me everything. He said you know it too".

"Old Johnny told you that?" I asked playing dumb.

"Yes. He did, but since you know about everything. Why wouldn't you let him go?".

Her voice was high, her eyes were piercing holes into me. She was angry.

I was amused by her. She had courage. She know who i was, but she doesn't look like she cares about that. I was also curious, as to why she would go through the trouble to help a man that wasn't even her family. Was it pity, or kindness?.

I checked my wrist watch. "Your four minutes are over".

"What!. I thought you gave me five".

"You thought wrong".

Her shoulders dropped. Her fist were clenched. Defeat.
Her eyes were darting around, unfocused. Frustration.

"You can't do this, it isn't fair. If someone stole from you, you should look for him. Not punish his father".

"Why don't you come to my office tomorrow" I said and she looked at me.
Her eyes shined bright. Hope. A thing that doesn't exist.

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