chapter thirty three

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He chuckled. "Don't worry we'll put that smart mouth of yours to good use".

"You're just a big spinless little bastard. A good for nothing coward" I didn't see the slap coming until I felt the sting on my cheek, which left my ears ringing. I felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I struggled and wiggled under him but it seemed like the more I struggled the more his grip tightened.

"Yeah baby wiggle some more, it just gets me harder" He straddled my hips and I froze the realization of what was happening dawned on me.

"Get off me you bitch!" I screeched he punched my stomach and I gasped wheezing out a breath, my eyes watered. He delivered another blow to my rib and I let out a muffled scream.

He snickered as I heard the sound of his zipper, and I stiffened my eyes went wide in horror and my heart went into overdrive. He was going to rape me.

I started shaking my head and begged there was nobody to come to my aid, no matter how loud I screamed nobody would hear me. "Please don't, don't do this please I'm begging you" The first hot tears rolled down my aching cheek. "God, God is watching".

He barked out a harsh laugh. "Really? Well that's good then".

"No! No! God, please no. Don't do this please".

"Shut up!" He punched my stomach again knocking the wind out of me and I moaned out in pain, my body went limp. "Don't worry I'll make this memorable and.....".

He was suddenly yanked off me, he flew backward like he weighed not more than a bag of marshmallows, he screamed as he fell to the floor I heard a sickening crunch. I really hope that it was his skull, but I didn't wait to see as I started crawling away.

"Hell?" I stopped only one person had called me that.

"M_M_ Mr Wilde?" I turned around quickly and saw him with a murderous look on his face, I would have wet my pants if that look was directed my way but it wasn't.

He stalked toward me in long strides and crouched down beside me on the floor and I wanted to cry out in relief. I looked at Xander's unmoving body on ground and a new kind of terror replaced my fears.

"Is... Is he dead?".

"Sadly he isn't. Not yet" He nearly growled. "Are you okay?"
I nodded still staring at Xander's body. "Can you walk over to that bench over there, or do you need me to carry you?".

"No I can walk" I took the hand he offered and leaned on him so he could help me walk.

I sat down on the bench in a rigid position my brain was still processing what had just happened and I felt like I was in a drunken daze.

"Here, call the police" He said holding out his iPhone to me. I looked back at Xander who still wasn't moving but thankfully I could see the slow rise and fall of his chest. If I called the police then things could get out of hand, of course attempted rape was a punishable offence, one that could land him in jail and maybe they would find out that he was a woman beating bastard too, but on second thoughts Sam didn't want that for him. I should make him spend the rest of his miserable life in prison not only for trying to rape me but also for abusing Sam all this time. Sam would be shattered if she learned of what happened today, what about me? If Mr Wilde hadn't shown up when he did then things would have been different, and not the good different.

"What are you waiting for?" He said snapping me out of my thought.

I hadn't given much thought to it, I was glad he happened to show up at the right time but I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing here. "What are you doing here?".

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