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I stepped into the brightly lit room, too bright, filled with high class people and other people big in the business world. The hall was ridiculously huge but nevertheless beautiful. The floor was a hard polished marble, and the walls were made of glass overlooking a beautiful garden and water fountain, the nightlight and moon also complimented the sheer elegance of the place, the huge chandelier was breathtaking, I felt the need to compliment the decorator. Elegantly dressed couples chatted freely with one another, the flow of the beautiful evening gowns on the ladies suddenly made me feel underdressed.

I was wearing an off shoulder evening gown, the color more gold than yellow, tiny gold designs were embroidered at the hem. It was one of the outfits that my aunt rose always gifted me, with her constant badgering that I get a man for myself, I had of course accepted them without complaint thinking I would never wear them. The gown flowed freely from the waist down and I love the feel of the soft fabric on my skin, I didn't fuss much with my makeup, just a little bit of mascara and lip gloss, I didn't want to go through so much trouble to look nice for a certain jerk, I left my hair down in a wavy curl, the tip tickling my bare back.

A warm hand snaked around my waist, brushing my back a little making me jump. I sucked in a breath and turned to glare at the owner of the hand.

He gave me a blank look. "Smile, you look like you're suffering from constipation" I fought the urge to smack his hand away. He was wearing a fitted tailored suit which was of course black, maybe the grim reaper was his role model, his striking green eyes scanning everything like a hawk and looking like God's own personal gift to women. Why does he always look good without even trying?.

He arrived at my house at exactly 8:00pm, but I didn't get out of the house until after 8:01 much to his dismay even with the constant banging on my door, he had glared at me the entire ride while I had to endure an uncomfortable ear splitting silence, I didn't mean to take time which is almost true, almost, even if it was just one harmless minute because the last thing I wanted was an irritated Jayson.

"I don't see a reason to smile, do you?" I asked looking straight ahead, not sparing the people gawking at us a glance, can't they get over it already? We were dating, yay! Big whoop!, I just want the night to end quickly, so I can go back and crawl under the covers of my bed.

"Well look who finally decided to grace us lowly folks with his presence" Said a blond guy with a very sexy brunette by his side. The guy was really good looking, in a three piece red and black suit looking like he walked right out of a fashion magazine, while the lady wore a long red gown that did nothing to conceal her curvy shape, the slit by the side revealed long shapely legs, with black killer heels that would no doubt break her ankles if she was unfortunate to fall, but judging by the way she carried herself with such regal grace and unfaltering steps, I don't think she would so much as trip in those heels.

"The one" The guy said raising his hand dramatically.

"The only" The brunette said in a soft sultry voice, sexy just like the rest of her.

"Wow, man, it's good to see you" Blondie said flashing me a million dollar smile, while his eyes raked over my body in a provocative manner that made my inside curl.

"Logan," Mr Wilde nodded. "It's good to see you too" His eyes betraying his words, just enough for me to know that he wasn't the least bit pleased with seeing this man.

"Won't you introduce me to this lovely woman?" Logan said with a raised eyebrow. "I assume you know who kira is" He said gesturing to the woman by his side.

"Why yes I do, how can I forget such a gorgeous face" The woman blushed and I rolled my eyes, not that I was jealous or something.

"This is belle Henderson my girlfriend, belle," He turned to me, and I tried not to smile. This was the first time he ever addressed me using my name. My name rolled off his tongue with such familiarity one would think we've known each other for years. "This is James Logan, and his date, kira Landon".

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