chapter thirty two

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I bit my lips after realizing what I said. "I'm sorry I never should have said that".

"Do you know what her last words were? Do you!?" He yelled, his eyes red. "She said take care of our son. Those were her last words!".

"Maybe she said that, but she didn't say you should encourage this despicable act of his, she didn't say you should cover up such dirty deeds for him" I pointed out.

"I went to so much trouble to get him back, I ain't gonna lose him now".

I shook my head at him feeling disgusted at the man I had always respected, the man I had considered to be like a father to me, maybe I understood why he was doing this, maybe I don't but it was still wrong. Very wrong.

"This is wrong, don't you even feel the slightest bit sorry for those people your son murdered?".

"I don't!" He shouted surprising us both by the animosity in his voice. "I don't. I only care about my son".

"I understand how you feel but....".

"No you don't" He turned away from me staring into what only he could see. I stood up from the couch and walked to him.

"I want to help you, I'm sure I can" I started slowly not wanting to anger him more. "You know where he is, don't you? You're like a father to me, and the boys, and Sam I don't want to see you in distress knowing I can do something to help" I knew it wasn't going to be an easy case, I don't know if his son mainly killed because he found it entertaining, which is very sick by the way, or maybe it was something else, but didn't they say there's always a solution to every problems. "Where is he?".

"You want me to tell you so you can hand him over to your boyfriend?" At my dumbfounded expression he smirked. "Yeah I've heard, do you think I wouldn't know? I mean it was all over" He said with an accusatory tone.

"It's not what you think" I replied telling myself not to feel guilty, I didn't do anything wrong. Would he even believe me if I told him I did it to get him out if jail.

"Yeah I didn't think you had it in you to screw with the fucker who had me jailed" He sneered and he might as well have slapped me right across the face, because his words stung.

"Face it only Mr Wilde can help you" I said instead of letting him know just how much his words hurt me. "Do you think you're going to achieve your aim by blackmailing him?".

He was about to reply when the front door opened, we both turned to see who the intruder was. The lady entered and dropped the bag of groceries she was holding, her eyes trailed from john to me then stopped.

"Won't you introduce me to your guest?" She walked over to john and pecked him on his cheeks.

I don't know where but her voice sounded familiar like I had heard it before, instead of saying anything I just kept staring at her and she was a beauty alright. Her blonde curls were bouncing with every move she made, she slim and tall and she had the looks of a real model.

She smiled at me. "Since he won't introduce me, hi I'm Sarah".

I didn't accept her hand. Sarah? Sarah?. "Sarah Darling?".

"Wow small world, but I don't think we've met" I turned to glare at John he had told me that he didn't know her, yet here she was in his house and it seems like they have quite the relationship. "And you are?".

I didn't answer so john spoke first. "Sarah, this is Belle Henderson".

"Oh so you're the belle of the ball ehhnn? I'm sure you may have heard that I'm Jay's girlfriend" She said with a smirk and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

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