chapter thirty

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Mr Wilde was looking at me like I was an annoying fly but I didn't let him intimidate me. I straightened and stared right back at him with the same look he was giving me.

Did I look confident like this? I don't know because inside I was trembling with fear. There are times when your brain tells you that the right thing to do was to shut the hell up, like right now, but it's always fun to defy the voice inside your head.

"Your father. I'm sure he's going to be very proud of you when I tell him everything about.....".

I didn't get to finish my words when I was suddenly backed up against the closed door with Mr Wilde's hand on my neck. I gasped and tried to pry his hand off me to no avail. His thumb was pressing the side of my throat hard enough for me to know that I was running out of air.

"What? What did you say?" His eyes were blazing with fury, hell I could even feel it rolling off him in hot waves. Maybe I should have just kept my opinions to myself and shouldn't have tried to provoke him. I didn't know much about antisocial disorder but the little I know about them says they can be prone to violence and are easily angered.

"Let_ let go off me!" I managed to say. The pressure on my neck increased and I started to panic because now I was convinced he was going to kill me. I tried to claw at his hand which did not even a little damage. I cursed myself for always chewing on my nails anytime I was nervous and I wished I had listened to my mother whenever she says it's an unladylike thing do, then maybe I can get out of this sticky situation.

I grabbed his shoulders trying to yank him back but he was too strong, and he didn't so much as flinch. My lungs was starting to burn from lack of oxygen and black dots were obscuring my vision.

"What did you say? Why don't you have that word with me huh?" He said in a taunting tone and I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness.

"Please" I choked out in a small voice that seemed to get him out of whatever trance he was in. He jerked back from me and released his tight grip on my neck. I crumpled to the floor coughing and gasping for air, I crawled away from him desperate to run away from him.

I turned around and began crawling backward on my ass when I heard his footsteps behind me. The way he strangled me didn't scare me as much as the emotionless look on his face did now and I froze in my spot, too terrified to move.

He peered down at me. "Get. Out" I didn't need to be told twice, I scurried out of his office and ran like hell.

I didn't stop running even as I got to the lobby. I bursted out of the company the cold air of the night blowing at my face, and ran straight toward my car. I yanked at the door but it didn't open. My car keys wasn't with me, I closed my eyes and sat on the floor beside the car.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the salty substance in my mouth. My throat feels like I had been gurgling nails, I pressed a finger to my neck, there's no doubt there'd be marks there. I heard footsteps behind me. Had he followed me here? I whipped my head around and instead of Mr Wilde like I was expecting, it was Ben his secretary who walked toward me in long strides with a concerned look on his face.

He crouched down beside me. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He started to lift me up with him.

"I'm fine" My voice sounded hoarse and foreign to my ears, I cleared my throat and tried again. "I'm fine" Standing on my feet, he let me rest on the car.

"Are you sure? You don't look so good".

"I_I'm fine" I repeated. What was he doing here? Had Mr Wilde sent him here?.

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