Thiry eight.

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It was Friday morning and I haven't felt more happy than I was right now. I have two new little cousins that I can't wait to see, no doubt they would have their mother's good looks but I hope they don't take after her nasty attitude because that would just be sad.

"Mom!" I yelled heading into the kitchen. "Mom! I'm hungry!".

"Would you stop shouting" She snapped passing me a plate of beacon, egg and toast, I grinned as I sat at the dinning table.

"Guess what" She sat beside me sipping a cup of coffee. "Sam decided to come along".

"Yes!" I said excited.

"But, you're staying back".


"I'm sorry honey, but if we all leave, who's gonna look after the house or shop".

I pushed the plate of food away suddenly losing my appetite. "But you said we were closing it. It's what you said" I added for emphasis.

"I know what I said, but I thought it over"

"Can you think your decision about me not going, over?" I said scowling at her, seriously? I can't be happy for even a little while. "And don't give me that look. Claire and the guys would be happy to take the time off, I'm sure you're doing this for a reason and I want you to tell me what that is".

I can't even believe this, last night she told me that I was going and now she's changing her mind, it's like I don't even know this woman anymore.

"Okay fine, I'm doing this for a reason, but believe me, you'll thank me for this later" She pointed a finger at me with a self satisfied smile on her face.

"Nahh, I'm pretty sure I won't" I stood up to leave. "Seriously mom, this isn't fair at all".

"Ohhh stop being dramatic".

That left my mouth hanging open. "Now I'm the dramatic one? You were the one who suggested I take two whole weeks off to, sort things out with my "boyfriend" and now you say I'm being dramatic".

"Whatever. I'll send you pictures and all, you don't even have to open the shop, you just need to stay at home and wait for....".

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Wait for?".

"I said too much already" She giggled. Like seriously giggled.

"Care to share what's so funny? Cause I don't find any of this funny".

"Don't worry, you'll do just fine".

"Okay then" I said then stomped off.

Back in my room, I grabbed the overnight bag I had so carefully packed last night, dropping it on the bed I started unpacking, after that I crawled to the middle of the bed and lay there, arms and legs spread like a starfish. Everything was frustrating especially mom.

The door to my room burst open, hoping it was mom, I sat up quickly but scowled when Sam appeared with the biggest grin on her face.

"There's this thing called knocking, you should try it sometime".

She ignored me, strolled into the room and sat next to me. "What's with that expression? You should be happy, I can't even wait to see the babies" Although Sam and rose never got along but Sam was fond of her kids and they loved her too, I mean she literally spoils them. "She's got two daredevils before and now she has two more to add to the number".

"Oh I'm happy alright, and I can't wait to see the twins too except, I won't be going to see them at all".

"What do you mean?".

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