Chapter twelve

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Belle's p.o.v

"Seriously belle why did you drag me out like that?" Sam said glaring daggers at me.

"I had to. Okay".

We were in my room. After Mr Wilde gave me his card and asked me to come to his office, i called Sam or more like scared her to come outside. Saying i was being dragged by some guy. She ran out side with Xander by her side, just like i figured she would. Until i told her it was just a prank to get her out.

"Why would you say you were being dragged away by some guy? You scared me".

"Okay am sorry for making you worried. But i couldn't go back inside that place. With the things i have seen, am even surprised i still have my sight" I said laying on my tummy. Sam was sitting beside me on the bed.

"Yeah. I agree that place was a little over the top".

"Seriously. A little?" I said turning on my back to look at her.

"Okay maybe not a little" She said laughing. "Really tell me why you called".

"Mr Wilde. I saw him there" I said frowning when i saw her eyes widen in surprise.

"OMG. What was he doing there? Did you talk to him?" Sam asked grinning.

"Oh well. I was just like hey jay jay how's it going? What are you doing here? Wanna come have a drink with me?" I replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Come on. But jay jay really?" She said giving me a deadpan look.

I giggled i didn't really think before i said that one. "I ran after him of course. And guess what? He gave me his business card" I said and brought out the card from my back pocket, where i had kept it.

She snatched it from me, and held it like it was a trophy.

"I can't believe this Jayson Wilde. The Jayson Wilde gave you his, business card. Himself.

"Dude it's just a piece of paper". I said giving her an irritated look. She thinks he's all high and mighty, i thought so too. Until he opened his mouth.

"Yeah. Whatever" She said still scanning the card. "So when are you going?".

"I can't waste time, so tomorrow".

" tomorrow right?" She asked still looking at the card, not paying attention to me.

I face palmed. Haven't i said that already. I grabbed the card from her, and tossed it inside my bed side drawer.

"What. It's a valid question". She said giving me a smug look.

"Of which i already answered. And you would have heard if you weren't looking, at the card like you could see the future through it" I said returning the look she gave me.

"Anyway aren't you wondering what he was, doing there".

Actually i was, but i didn't mention that to her. "He's a man, maybe he went there to let out some steam. There's no law that says even a billionaire cannot go to normal clubs".

"I guess you are right" She said nodding her head in approval.

"I am. Wait what was the name of the club?" I asked. I didn't even know the name of the club.

"The place. Why?". Sam said.

"I didn't know the name. But it's pretty odd, the name i mean".

"Yeah, so what are you wearing to Wilde cooperation tomorrow? You most definitely cannot wear........" She looked at me sizing me up. "This" She finished. Eyeing my outfit.

"I know that genius. And it doesn't even matter what i wear, am not going on a date. Also there's nothing wrong with the way i dress".

"Right. But if you want him to take you seriously, you have to dress business like. You can't go dressed like coffee girl".

I snickered at her choice of word. "I have been there before you know".

"I forgot to ask how that went".

"I didn't see him".

"Well now you will, you have to convince him to release John okay?".

"I will" I said feeling unsure for some reason. What if am not able to convince him?.

"I have to go. And Jess is coming tomorrow, you don't have anything to worry about" She picked up her purse and walked toward the door.

I got up from the bed and gave her a back hug. "You are the best".

"I know. Good night" She said and walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

I sighed and started pulling off my clothes. "Come early. I hate tardiness" I remembered Mr Wilde's warning from earlier. I scoffed out loud.

He was talking to me like i was one if his employees, plus the man was annoying as far as i know.

I crawled back on my bed with only my undies on. My clothes were on a heap on the floor.

When i talked to him he seemed like a control freak. Someone who was used to getting what he wants. Every time i tried to say something he would cut me off. An act i found childish and really annoying.

Even though i secretly liked his deep velvety voice. I don't know why but for some, sick twisted reason i was looking forward to tomorrow.


I stood in front of Wilde cooperation. I felt nervous, funny how i could feel this way since it was my second time here. Although i was perfectly at ease the first time i had been here.

I rubbed my sweaty palm on my skirt. I could feel beads of perspiration on my fore head, even though it wasn't hot. I checked my wristwatch. It was exactly five minutes to nine.

I tugged at the hem of my blouse. I was wearing a short pleated flower skirt, and a black crop top, which didn't show much skin with a white heeled sandal to top it. I had put my hair in a tight bun since there wasn't much to do with it.

I walked inside slowly. I made my way toward the receptionist. It was the same girl i had seen the last time i was here.

"Morning miss, how can i help you?" She said her face void of any recognition.

"Hey errrmmm.....morning. I would like to see Mr Wilde, and before you say he's not available again. He asked me to come" I quickly pulled out the business card from my purse. And thrust it toward her.

She rolled her eyes as if saying i was being too dramatic. "Hold on" She said and punched a few numbers on the telephone. "There's a lady here to see Mr Wilde" She said into the receiver. "Name?" She said eyeing me.

"Belle Henderson" I said.

She said my name to who ever she was talking to. "Okay" She said and replaced the receiver. "Take the elevator to the 100th floor, Mr Wilde is expecting you".

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