chapter fifteen

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"Sam am so stupid. I have done something so stupid" I said pacing around my room. Sam was sitting on my bed, eyeing me skeptically.

After leaving Wilde cooperation, i went to the police station immediately. And true to his words Mr Dawson was released. He was very happy, we all were.

I had even called my mother, to tell her about his  release. I told them i had a very civilized conversation with Mr Wilde, which was far from the truth. Though i didn't tell them about  the deal.

"Belle, sit down and tell me, what happened. Shouldn't you be happy? John is free, and it's all thanks to you" Sam said giving me, a reassuring smile.

"Of course am happy. But i got myself into, an even bigger trouble" I said pulling my hair, in frustration.

Sam gave me a look, as if saying i was being silly. "Didn't you say everything, went well?".

"I lied. Couldn't you tell" I said giving her an irritated look.

She patted the spot next to her, gesturing for me to come. I went to the bed and, flopped down beside her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I wish i hadn't said yes, to that cursed deal".

"What deal? Please belle, tell me it's nothing serious" Sam said turning to look at me.

I sighed and told her, all about the deal.

"I had no choice. I thought i could fool him, but now i have no idea what to do".

"This is turning out to be a, fucking novel. How the hell can you agree, to something like that?".

"It was either i gave him, an answer right there and then, or i could kiss his ass".

"You have a point" Sam said looking thoughtfully. Then her face broke into a wide grin. "I can't believe this. My best friend is going to be, dating one of New York's most eligible bachelor".

"Sam!" I yelled. How can she think this was good?.

"What did he say? You know when you said yes" She said waving her hands around.

"Well he said, to wait for his call. What should i do, when he calls? Should i tell him that am sick? Do you think he'll believe me?" I asked gripping her hand, hard.

"He will" She said trying to pry my, hands off her.


"Yes. Only if he's stupid" She said with a smug look.

I gave her a dirty look.

"Relax babe, it's nothing serious".

"Really?" I said giving her, an incredulous look. "You think this, is nothing serious?".

"Okay maybe a bit serious. But what could possibly go wrong? You just have to act like, his girlfriend. It's not real" She said.

Sam was right. What could possibly go wrong? You were the leader of, the drama club in highschool. It's just acting.

"You are right".

"I always am" Sam said with a cheeky grin. "Just remember, it's fake. You must not fall in love with him, okay" She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Psfft love? Have you met the guy? I don't think he's capable of love".

"Everyone, is capable of love. And besides i would pay to fake date a hot shot billionaire, especially one as sexy as Jayson Wilde". You think he's sexy huh? You obviously haven't seen his dimples. I shook my head. Where did that come from?.

"You would pay to, fake date a person?".

"Who wouldn't".

"Then you are even, more crazy than i thought" I said.

"You are one to talk" She shot back.


"Just act your role, and everything will be fine. Don't involve your heart, if you don't want to get hurt".

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being dramatic".

"Haven't you ever read about, people who get into fake relationships but end up falling for each other".

"This isn't a novel Sam. And in fact there's no way am going to, love a man like that. He's everything i want to avoid, except for the pretty face" I said shrugging.

"Just saying".

As if i would ever fall for a man like that. I want a man that respects me. Jayson Wilde had done nothing, but insult me ever since we met.

By the end of the three months, i would come out unscratched with my heart intact. Right?.


"Here you go" I said as i rang up a, customer's  purchase. "Come again".

"I will" She said as she headed out the door.

"Hey Claire. Am going to take a nap" I called out to, Claire who was busy wiping a table.

"What!" She yelled giving, me a look of surprise.

"Just kidding. Am going to check on the cookies. Although i could really, use a nap" I said faking a yawn. She only rolled her eyes in reply.

"Come here when you, are done with that" I said and turned  on my heel toward the kitchen.

It was Friday evening, and today was unusually hectic. Some couples even thought the best place, to breakup was a coffee shop. Shouting and throwing things everywhere which was done by the girl. It was funny but also annoying, because she broke one of my mom's chinaware.

I took the cookies out of the oven, and put it on the rack to cool. I was about to put in another batch, when i saw Ben enter.

"Yo big sis, how's it going?" He said as he walked over to me, and slung a hand over my shoulder.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be at football practice or whatever, it is you do on  Fridays?" I asked looking at him.

He was wearing a black ripped Jean, with a white polo shirt, and a black leather jacket on his shoulder. His hair looked glossy and too Smooth, probably because he had put too much gel.

"Nah, got a date tonight" He said flashing me, one of his infamous smile.

"Where's Ken?" I asked and saw him avert his gaze, trying to look everywhere else but me.

"let me guess. You asked him to take your place at practice, so you can go on this date" I said giving him a stern look.

"No" He said. But it sounded more like a question.

"Am not going to say anything about this, but if your coach finds out you must take responsibility. Both of you".

"He won't find out, and if he does i promise to take full responsibility" He said giving me a sheepish smile.

"I really hope he finds out" I said turning to close the oven.

"So tell me. How do i look?" He asked grabbing two cookies from the tray, shoving them in his mouth.

"Stupid" I replied without looking at him.

"Liar" he mumbled between bites. "If i wasn't your brother, i bet you'd be all over me".

"Ewwww" I said scrunching my nose in disgust.

He burst into laughter. "She'd be here any minute, I've to go".

"Have fun".

"I will" He said winking at me, before walking out.

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