chapter five

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"You" i said pointing at him,he raised an eyebrow at me,and god he was sexy. A walking sex on legs. Oh boy.

"Why haven't you taken him yet?" He asked the officers dismissing me like i wasn't there,well i guess it was because i was starring at him like a weirdo.

"This young miss wouldn't let us and she said she wanted to talk to you sir,i think she's his daughter or something" Alexander said,so pretty boy here was Mr Wilde.

"So you are Mr Wilde?"I asked looking at him.

" so" he said looking at me with a blank expression which reminded me of how he looked the first time i saw him.He was putting on a black suit his midnight black hair looked too soft and silky which made me wonder if it really was.

"How can you get him arrested?what did he do?.As far as i know he never makes trouble am sure it was you who misunderstood" I said already getting angry no matter how good looking he was it couldn't justify his act of trying to send an old man to jail.

"This is none of your business" he said looking like we were talking about the weather which only got me angrier.

"It's my business. He is my business" I said raising my voice.

"Really?as far as i know that old fool doesn't have a daughter so i see no reason to explain anything to a total stranger who wouldn't mind her business" He said looking pointedly at me. I opened and closed my mouth looking like a fish out of water. He had just insulted me.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that" Mr Dawson said glaring at him. He only stared at Mr Dawson with a blank expression which made me wonder if he can make any other facial expression.

"Listen here Mr Wilde, you can think whatever you want no one cares. He is like a father to me, in fact am the only family he has here so you either tell them to remove that silly handcuff and let him go or tell me what he did if not am going to file a case against you for....for...."i frowned not really knowing what to say and he didn't exactly do anything wrong except for opening his mouth and saying stupid things. which made me wish it was an offence to say shits then i can haul his sorry ass to jail.

While the officers looked at me like i was deranged. Mr Wilde did like i never said a word which pissed me off more.

" listen miss you don't get to talk to me like that ever" He said pinning me down with his eye i didn't know why but for some reason a cold shiver ran down my spine."no one dares to talk to me like that. Officers i think you know what to do,and if she tries to stop you arrest her too am sure it is an offence to obstruct the law" he said and walked back to his car which drove away the seconds he entered.

"Miss am afraid there is noting we can do about this" officer Hopper said.

I watched as they took Mr Dawson to their car. As they drove away i stood there too stunned to move,how can someone be so rude and inconsiderate. He said no one dares to talk to him the way i did which mean he was either someone important or just some maniac with too much ego. Mr Dawson was in jail and i have to do something to get him out.


I entered the coffee shop still fuming. I had gone to the police station after i dropped the groceries at home. When i got there i demanded to talk to Mr Dawson but they wouldn't let me saying i had to talk to Mr Wilde which got me thinking "who the hell was he" so i made a mental note to goggle him.

"Hey honey" My mom said when she saw me.She frowned looking at my face."baby what's wrong?"she asked taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. I waved to the guys when they called my name. When we got inside the kitchen she pushed me down on a stool and touched my cheeks.

"What's wrong baby tell me" I told her everything about Mr Dawson's arrest and the very rude so called Mr Wilde as she was about to talk Sam entered.

"Wait did you just say Wilde. As in Jayson Wilde?" She asked looking excited for some reason i didn't know.

"So" I said looking at her.

"Do you know who he is?.Oh my god belle do you?" She said i exchanged a look with my mom who shrugged in reply.

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