chapter nine

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"Come on belle please".

" No. Sam am not going" I said turning to drop the tray of muffins on the rack with other pastries.

"I swear it will be fun. And i won't get drunk this time, you'll be there to stop me. Sam said looking hopefully at me.

It was Wednesday evening. Mom had to go visit her sister. And she would be staying for the weekend. I was baking muffins for the twins and for tomorrow since i would be the only one doing the baking. I didn't think Jessica my replacement would be available tomorrow since she only comes on weekends. Sam had been begging me to go with her to this new club and as far as i know Sam and clubs don't go well. First she would get drunk and when she is she's the last person you would want to get stuck with.

"Am not going. I have loads of work to do. Mom isn't here" I said looking for excuses not go and besides who goes to club on a Wednesday?.

"I'll help you" She said holding my hands.

"Sam we all know the kitchen isn't your favourite place" If Sam enters the kitchen. You should always get a fire extinguisher ready because she would surely set something on fire.

"Just please come with me. Xander works there and he asked me to come, i need you with me" She could be very persistent sometimes. Which was really annoying.

"Fine. I'll go with you, but only on one condition" I said and saw Sam roll her eyes "We leave by nine. I can't leave the boys on their own".

"Fine nine. But seriously you need to stop treating the twins like babies, they are sixteen for God sake. Mama bear".

"Do you want me to change my mind?" I asked glaring at her.

"Did i say something? I was just talking don't mind me" She said and gave me a quick hug before running out of the kitchen. Probably to bake her face. Sam couldn't step out of her room without makeup even though she was pretty without it.

I pulled off my apron and hanged it. After putting the already cool muffin in a brown paper  bag. I took my purse and car keys from the counter and since i was the only one in the shop i had to lock up.

My phone beeped. I took it out of my purse and saw a message from Sam saying she would be at my house in twenty minutes. I got into my car and drove back home.


Sam stopped the car in from of a big building. Loud music was blaring out of the building, and i had to admit it. I missed the sound of loud music. I wasn't much of a party girl but going out to dance, not giving a care for the world was a feeling i had missed. It felt like i hadn't been to a club in years when it had only been a few months. For Sam i was very sure this was like a second home to her.

True to her words. She had barged into my room twenty minute after i read her text. She was a red short gown which hugged her figure like a second skin, and a killer heeled boot.

After ten minutes of arguing she finally let me dress the way i wanted. So i wore a black skinny jeans and a white shirt. I wasn't a very big fan of heels so i wore black combat boots, and took a black leather jacket just in case it got cold. Sam teased me about dressing bad ass. I only shrugged. I was even surprised she didn't force me to wear a dress like hers.

After we showed our identity cards to the security men, Sam dragged me inside smiling like a Cheshire cat her excitement evident on her face.

Every where reeked of cigarettes, and sweat. People were dancing or grinding against each other. We made our way to the bar and sat down. Sam ordered for a shot of whiskey while i asked for sparkling water, the bartender gave me a weird look. I wasn't an alcohol freak so i shrugged.

"Hey you said Xander works here, so where is he?" I asked raising my voice because of the loud music.

"What?" She shouted. She clearly didn't hear me the first time.

"Where is Xander?" I said raising my voice higher so she could hear me.

"Up" She said pointing toward the stairs. "He's the manager".

I nodded and took a sip of my sparkling water. Sam had already drowned the whiskey, and was ordering for another. I frowned at her which she returned with a sheepish smile. I sighed and looked around. I saw a lady in thong, and noting but a star on both her nipples. I turned away immediately.

Sam stood up and i raised an eyebrow in question at her. She gestured for me to turn back. I did and saw a guy coming toward us. I turned back to her and frowned, since i clearly didn't know the guy. She sighed and mouthed "Xander".

"Hey i see you made it" he said and gave Sam a quick peck.

"Xander this is belle" Sam said introducing us.

"It's nice to meet you belle" He said smiling. He was a muscular guy even beneath his jacket you could see that. He had brown hair, and was tall. I couldn't see the colour of his eyes because of the lights, but either way he was a good looking man.

"You too Xander" I replied.

"I hope you don't mind if i steal Sam away, for some minutes" He said looking at Sam like she had the world's solution in her eyes. He was whipped no doubt about that.

"Can you keep her for the week?" I said which made him laugh.

"I'll get you for that bitch. Be a good girl and don't cause any trouble" Sam whispered in my ear, and gave me a wink before walking away with Xander.

I was sure they weren't going to be over in just some minutes.

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