chapter eleven

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I gave her my card. I needed her for a reason and Dawson was my  ticket, to getting what i want.

"I have actually been there, on Monday.........".

"We didn't have an appointment then. Did we?".

"No, we didn't but.........".

"We have one now".

"Can't you just let me finish my...........".

"Come early. I hate tardiness" I said and saw her eyes flash with anger. Probably because i was always cutting her off, before she could finish her sentences.

"Dude you........".

"Good night" I said and entered my car. I leaned back on my seat while, my driver drove back to  my house.

The club was too crowded. There were too many people, which i didn't like. One of my client owned the club, and he invited me there to talk about some business he wants me to invest in.

Being one of New York's youngest multi billionaire wasn't something i have always wanted. I have always wanted to become a doctor like my father. The human body had always fascinated me. It makes me curious.

How the body can give away a person's feelings. A person can tell a lie, but the body can't.

Apparently i can't be a doctor, because i couldn't be trusted with a person life. Because am a monster.

Ever since i had told my father that i wanted to become a doctor. He always said the same thing.

"You can't be a doctor because, you are not like normal  people. You are different and will always be. You must not show who you really are to the world".

I remember the very words he said to me, the first time i told him i wanted to become a doctor just like him.


We were currently sitting at the dinning table having dinner. My father Mason Wilde was sitting across me at the table. He was a man everyone feared, and respected. Working as a neurosurgeon at the best hospital, and being the best at what he does. I also want to be like him, so i had been reading a lot about the human body, the heart and brain. And after high school i was going to go to a medical school, and work in the same hospital as my father.

"You will be finishing high school very soon  Nicolas" He always called me that, while everyone called me by my first name. "Have you thought of what you want to do?" He said looking at me.

"Yes, father i have".

"Very good son. So what do you want to do?".

"I want to become a doctor like you, i have been reading a lot and i like it" I said smiling at him.

"You can't be a doctor Nicolas".

"But why father? I want to be just like you. It's my dream".

"You aren't supposed to have dreams. You can't become a doctor, because you are not like normal people. You are different and will always be. You must not show who you really are to the world. A monster like you can't be trusted with a person's life. Do you understand?".

"I can try to be normal. You are going to help me, right father? You teach me how to read people".

"Reading them is different from understanding what they feel. You won't be able to emphasize, or sympathize with your patients. You won't be able to feel their pains".

"I can try".

"You can't be a doctor Nick. Soon you'll realize am doing this for your own good" His stare was intense. A look that meant no more arguments.

"Yes father".

"Remember, one slip and everyone would see you for what you really are. A hallow hearted monster".

End of flashback*********

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. The back seat door opened. I turned and saw, my driver holding the door wide for me. Too lost in my thoughts i didn't even realize, we were already at my house. I got out of the car and nodded at him.

"Good night sir".

"You too, Steve" I replied without looking at him.

I Walked inside the house and saw my father.

"Hello son" He was standing by the fire place.

I didn't know why he was here. Probably to question me about the gossip, that had been going on lately.

"Father" I said nodding at him.

"I need to talk to you" He walked toward me and stopped a feet away. "Reporters are beginning to talk, and ask questions about you. They are talking about your, break up with that model. And that was three years ago, you haven't been in any relationship since then. Some are saying you are a playboy, others are saying ridiculous things like you are gay" He said the last word scrunching his nose in disgust.

It was true that i had been dating a lingerie model three years ago. Until i had caught her in bed with another man in her apartment, i had left it at that. I never called and she didn't either. Everyone at the office and even the media thought i was heartbroken. Since i never got into any serious relationship. I had sex with other women of course with no strings attached. I only had to buy them expensive gift, or take them to expensive restaurants. For me it was just a transaction.

"I'll take care of it" I said to my father.

"And how do you intend to do that? If you continue with hookups, they will think you are a playboy and i raised you better than that. If you don't they will say you are gay. So tell me how do you plan to take care of it? It's only a matter of time before they start snooping around, wanting to know everything about you".

"I said, I'll take care of it" I said looking at the ground.

"Look at me. I said look at me Nicolas" I felt his hand on my shoulder.

I raised my head and stared at him. "Tell me" He said.

"A slight frown, lips pressed in a thin line. Father is not happy with my answer".

"Go on".

"Hand on my shoulder in a firm grip. Father still has authority over me".

"Good" He said and dropped his hand that was on my shoulder. He moved back a bit.

"What would you want me to do father?" I asked.

"I trust you" was all he said looking directly at me.

"Are you staying for dinner?".

"No. I have other things i must attend to. Good night son". He said and walked out.

I stood there and replayed what had just happened in my head.

He had forced himself to make eye contact, when he said he trusted me. A lie.

His eyebrows were raised. His voice was confident. Wanting me to believe his lie.

He had moved back a little, his eyes looking unfocused. Fear.

I scoffed out loud. "Liar".

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