chapter eighteen

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The car stopped in front of a big building, though it wasn't as big as Wilde cooperation it was still beautiful. Truthfully I never thought of how being in a relationship with a man, like Jayson Wilde was going to be.

The flashes of camera was like a reminder, telling me that my world was completely different from his. Reporters were everywhere.

"Coupled with your fear of heights, are you afraid of reporters too" He asked facing me with a smug smile.

"Who isn't? They print whatever rubbish they conjure up in their heads, without knowing the truth. Isn't that why you need me, because you are trying to get them off you" I replied returning his look.

He leaned close to me, then closer that I was forced to move back. The hairs on my neck stood. He looked like a predator, a very sexy one and I was the unlucky prey.

I've heard of men who hit women when they were angry, and Mr Wilde looked way past pissed.

"Am sorry" I blurted out just before he could talk. "Am sorry". I repeated.

Just when I thought he was going to do something to me, he smiled flashing his dimples.

"You don't have to look so pale, it doesn't suit you" He said his smile void of emotion. Then he looked at me with a foreign expression I couldn't decipher, and said. "I don't hit women. Men who do are whims" He said as if reading my mind.

Did I think he was going to hit me? Yes. That was exactly why I was scared.

"Let's go" He said and got out of the car. I took a deep breath then followed after him, immediately we were swamped by reporters taking pictures and asking questions.

Mr Wilde took my hand and placed it at the crook of his arm. And I shivered at the contact, even through the suit I swear I could feel the flex of his muscle. I felt my face grow warm.

As we stepped inside every fear I felt before, vanished replaced by a new sense of dread. The whole place was filled with people of high class, all dress in clothes worth the amount I make at the coffee shop in a year.

I was never one to feel inferior yet in front of these people, I feel like a fish out of water.

I jumped as I felt a hand snake around my waist. "Are you nervous?" He asked eyes twinkling in amusement.

Yes. Yes am nervous, why wouldn't I be? And his hand on my waist added to my anxiety. "No" I lied.

"Good" He said but didn't look like he believed me. Just then a middle aged man approached us.

"Mr Wilde it's so good to see you" He said shaking hands with him.

"It's good to see you too Sanders. This is belle Henderson, my girlfriend" He said without batting an eyelid, he was really good at lying.

The other man looked shocked, so I offered him a small smile. "It's nice to meet you Mr Sanders" I said offering my hand.

He seemed to hesitate before returning my handshake. "It's a pleasure meeting you, please call me Dylan" He said smiling.

"Jay?" We all turned at the sound of a woman's voice. My jaw dropped as I took in her appearance. She wore a gold off shoulder gown, her gold locks were in a loose curl, her dress had a slit reaching her thigh revealing long tanned legs, her lips was painted a bright red. She was gorgeous, she actually reminded me of Aphrodite, the beautiful goddess of love.

She walked toward us and stopped in front of Mr Wilde, giving him a peck on both his cheeks. I felt a knot form at the pit of my stomach, though I didn't know why.

"Jay, I didn't know you were coming" She said with a bright smile lighting up her whole face, making her look even more breathtaking.

"Am an investor too, ain't I? It would be rude of me not to come. But it's good to see you Cara" He said returning her smile.

"Ahhhh. That's right" She said her gaze sliding toward me. I cringed when I noticed the smallest hint of a frown on her pretty face.

Since Mr Wilde made no move to introduce me to her I smiled at her. "Forgive his terrible manners" I said loud enough for him to hear me. "Am belle, his girlfriend".

"Girlfriend?" She asked slowly, mirroring the same expression Dylan had on earlier.

Why was the fact so surprising, had he really never had a girlfriend for the past three years? Funny, I can't imagine a man like him walk the streets without a hoard of female panting after him. Or was he really gay?.

I felt his burning stare at the side of my head, he might be looking at me with amusement or scorn, I didn't look at him to confirm.

"Yes, girlfriend" I replied.

"Now that's surprising" She said with a thoughtful look. "You sure know how to break a woman's heart" She said looking at Mr Wilde.

The night crawled slowly. It looked like everybody had one or two things to say to Mr Wilde, everyone's attention was on him especially when he kept introducing me as his girlfriend. Most of the men gave me weird looks, while the women looked like they wanted to shave my head.

A few women were giggling while pointing at me, I guess they weren't saying nice things about me. And again the urge to hide under the table was strong.

"Don't worry they'll get over it, with time" A lady said grinning at me. She had a cute baby face. Maybe there was a sign outside I didn't see that said, only pretty people were allowed inside.

"Excuse me?" I said feigning dumb. Mr Wilde had excused himself to talk to a client, so I was alone currently nursing a glass of champagne.

"I've been looking at you since sexy pants left, you look like you could use a little company" She said looking at me with a genuine smile.

"Ahhhh am just not used to all this" I said gesturing around.

"It shows. He looks like a gentleman, but leaving a lady all by herself isn't very gentlemanly".

I smile and nodded at her. "Am belle".

"Beauty huh".

"Am sorry, what?".

"Your name, it means beauty right?".

"Uhhmm yes" I said still eyeing her. She didn't look at me with scorn like the rest, but I still wasn't comfortable with her.

"Suits the bearer. Am Sarah, Sarah Drake" She said and my eyes widened in surprise. I have read books by Sarah Drake and she was my best author by far. She chuckled when she saw my expression.

Don't blame it's not everyday you get to see your favourite author. "Am sorry. It's_well am a big fan" I said blushing.

"Thank you. Am here with my fiance, but all they talk about is shares, stock, and all other boring stuff" She said waving her hands around. She looked like a fun person, and seems to be the only female specie that likes me in the whole room.

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