chapter seventeen

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I sat comfortably wanting to completely ignore the person beside me, that is if his stupid cologne wasn't doing things to muddle my thinking.

"Took you long enough" He said in his deep velvety voice.

I was planning on going with the flow, but it looks like that wouldn't be possible anymore.

"I did my best thank you" I said and turned to him and my mouth went dry.

He was wearing his trade mark black suit his hair wasn't in the all combed back fashion, instead it was cut short just enough for you to thread your fingers through. His glassy green eyes made him look devilishly handsome. How can someone be super rich and, still look like a fucking Greek  God? It wasn't fair.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" He said turning to look at me.

I flushed he had caught me checking him out.

"We are going to a company function, not a funeral. I didn't know you have an impeccable sense of fashion" He said with a smile but i could feel the sarcasm dripping from every word like melting ice.

"We are not far from my house, perhaps you should tell your driver to go back so i can change into a better outfit, that doesn't make me look like am mourning my boyfriend" I said through clenched teeth.

"If all your clothes are as crappy as this one, then I'll pass" He said challenging me with his eyes,  daring me to talk.

I pursed my lips in anger. "Where are we going?".

"To get you something better to wear".

"Am sorry if i don't meet your standards. Not everyone wears clothes with a dollar sign in front".

He ignored my comment and turned to his side like i hadn't said a word. Stupid man.

"Am not taking your money" I said.

"It's not charity" He said still not looking at me. Just what kind of man was he? I was getting curious by the second.

"Whatever am still not......".

"Shut up okay" He said in a harsh tone. "If you want to do this right, then you do it my way" I was speechless by the menacing look in his eyes. If there was one thing I've leant about Jayson Wilde it was to never provoke him. Oddly enough i didn't have the strength not to.

"Whatever" Was my spineless comeback.

The ride was uncomfortably silent. I didn't want to be the first one to break the silence, in case i say something that would make him flare up again.

The car came to an abrupt stop. I tried looking out by squinting my eyes but, couldn't see much because the car had tinted windows.

"Get out" Mr Wilde said looking straight ahead.

"Such a gentleman" I replied rolling my eyes. The door was opened for me. I thanked the chauffeur as i got out of the car.

I looked around and exhaled, of course he would bring me here. Vera Wang was where every woman wants to shop. Even Sam would kill for a cloth from Vera  Wang.

"Are you just going to stand there? We don't have all day, so get in" He said walking ahead of me.

With great reluctance i walked in after him. As we entered the shop a short lady who looked to be in her forties, walked briskly toward us with a smile.

"Mr Wilde it's so good to have you here, please sit everything is ready sir" She said smiling totally ignoring me.

"Get her ready" He said and made his way to a couch by the window.

"Hello am belle" I said extending my hand to shake her.

She ignored my hand and  said. "Thankfully you aren't too much work".

"Excuse me?" I said getting  angry, already i didn't like the woman.

"Follow me" She said walking away.

"Of course, just give me a minute" I said and walked to where Mr Wilde was sitting, with a magazine in hand.

He caught sight of me and asked without taking his eyes, off the magazine. "What do you want?".

"Am not paying for anything" I said eyeing the lady who was scowling at me.

"No one is  asking you to. Just get something that doesn't look like, it was picked up from the trash" He said with a smirk.

Don't give in. Don't give in, he's taunting you. "I hate you" I said lacing each words with as much venom, as i could before marching toward the woman.

We went inside a fitting room. Though the woman was still being rude to me.

"Here, try this on it should be the right size, though am not sure about the bust if you ask me" She said handing me a long red gown.

I wanted to say something offensive in return but i wouldn't lower myself to her standard. I was busty but my mom always said it complimented my figure, because of my tiny waist and petite stature.

"I'll go look for a shoe" She said walking out.

I undid the zipper of my dress, pulling it over my head. I wore the red gown. It was a long sleeved dress with the back cut low, and a slit by the side almost reaching my thigh.

It was perfect. I turned in front of the full length mirror, loving the feel of the soft fabric on my skin.

"Here it is" I turned as i heard her voice. She stopped, eyeing me like i was some kind of object. "I must say you do look good, compared to when you walked in here" She said with a half smile.

I returned it with one of mine, giving her a false smile.

She gave me the shoes then walked out. I scowled at her retreating  back.

The shoe was a heeled sandals with a red rose by the buckle. After putting it on i walked back to the, mirror to retouch my make-up.

With a satisfied smile i picked up my discarded cloth and shoe. I opened the door and walked straight into a man's chest, and lost my footing but before i could fall, i felt a strong hand on my waist steadying me. I looked up and found two green eyes staring intently at me.

"Do you walk with your eyes closed?" He asked corking his head to the side, his hands was still holding my waist.

"Ahhhh. I.....I" I stuttered feeling hot. I felt like i had been zapped. I have see my own fair share of good looking men, even some with good manners and yet in front of this man i seem to behave like a wanton woman.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He asked sounding amused.

I snapped out of my thoughts and pushed his chest a little too roughly. I stumbled back and this time, he steadied me with a hand on my shoulder.

"If you want to break your legs, do it after we get back. Now move" He said. I didn't need to be told twice. Damn him to hell and back.

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