chapter twenty nine

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I adjusted the sleeves of the sweat shirt I was wearing. When I came out of the bathroom I found a black sweat pant and shirt on the bed, I guess Mr Wilde knew I didn't have any clothes to wear. The clothes were my exact size plus they looked new.

I pulled my wet hair in a messy bun. I grabbed the bag and stuffed my jean and tampon inside, though I still couldn't find my shirt. Thankfully I found the flops I wore there so I won't have to walk barefooted to my car, that reminded me that I didn't see my car keys anywhere I was sure I left it in my jeans pocket. After searching the bathroom and the room I still couldn't find it, in my state of anger I had left my phone in the car I pulled my hair in frustration, this man without even trying always get to me.

I glanced around the room as if the keys would crawl out of whatever place it was. The clock on the wall said five thirty and I pulled my hair again, just for how long was I out of consciousness? Mom would be worried.

I picked up the bag from the floor where I had dropped it while looking for my keys, my stomach growled reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day. I groaned and walked to the door, I was about to open it when I heard voices on the other side of the door. I frowned and placed my ear to the door. Does he have a visitor?

"Hello baby" I heard a soft feminine voice say and my frown deepened. Baby?. It wasn't in my nature to eavesdrop but something compelled me to listen for more.

"Oh great. Sarah Darling" I heard Mr Wilde's deep velvety voice and something inside me stirred.

"Jayson Wilde, still devilishly handsome as ever" I scoffed. Yeah he was handsome alright, he has the looks of a Greek God but the attitude of a garbage man.

"Sarah Darling to what do I owe this absolutely very unpleasant visit?".

The female let out a soft laughter, which without having to see her I could tell it was fake. "I miss you baby, but I can't say the same about your sense of humor" I felt a knot starting to form at the pit of my stomach, was it jealously? I almost laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of being jealous .

I shook my head at the absurdity of my thinking. "Cut the chase Darling, what do you want?" He asked dryly and I imagined him giving her the 'go to hell' look he often gave me.

"I just came to see how my old friend is doing".

"I'm doing very well thank you. And if you're wondering I still have lots of zeros in my account and they're growing everyday".

"Now I'm deeply insulted, do you think I'm here because of your money?" Her voice lost it sweetness leaving behind a hard edge.

"Well I guess not, because if you wanted my money you wouldn't have fucked another man behind my back. Even if you would, you should have done it discreetly" I winced at the coldness in his voice, could it be that she was his ex girlfriend Sam was talking about?.

"You left me. You never called".

"Oh wow ain't this just great. What do I look like to you? A fucking love struck dumb teenager? You cheated on me and you expect me to award you with a ring on your little dainty finger!".

"You cheated me first. You lied to me, deceived me and used me" She said in an accusatory tone.

"I've been there baby" I murmured. So she was his ex girlfriend alright, and why don't I feel like skipping at the thought of that. She cheated on him, and maybe came back to win him back.

"I heard you have a new girlfriend".

"Which I like better than I ever liked you" The cold tone in his voice had me gripping the bag hard but nevertheless brought a blush to my face. I chewed on my lower lips there's no way he likes me.

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