chapter thirteen

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"Okay thanks" The 100th floor. Of course the master would want to be at the top of his tower.

I got to the front of the elevator and almost, pissed my pants. It was pure glass. You can see the city below when it was moving. People were coming in and out, like it was an everyday business. Which am sure it was.

I was afraid of heights. I wasn't sure if i should get in. It looked like if i took one wrong step, i would plummet right to my death.

"Excuse me" I said to a man who was about to enter the elevator. "Is there a stairs i can take to the 100th floor" I asked. It was probably a stupid question, because he looked at me like i had grown a second pair of head.

"No" He said and walked inside.

I sucked in a huge and hurried in before the door could close. I pressed the 100th floor button at, the same time he did.

I glued myself to the side with my head down. I closed my eyes trying not to look at the city below us. My heart was beating very fast, trying to escape my chest any moment.

"Miss, are you alright?" The man asked behind me.

"I'll be as soon as i get off this death trap" I replied without opening my eyes.

I heard him chuckle. Immediately i heard the ding of the elevator i raced out. I tried to even my breath, so it wouldn't look like i had just ran a marathon.

I counted to ten, then made my way to the first desk i saw. The lady behind the desk had auburn hair and blue eyes. She painted her lips a bright red. She was wearing a pale blue dress, the front was cut low, which made her tits looked big. Or were they just fake?.

She cleared her throat and raised a perfectly sleek eyebrow at me. And i blushed she had caught me staring at her.

"How can i help you?" She asked looking at me like i was some kind of alien.

"Am here to see Mr Wilde" I said trying not to look embarrassed, for ogling her.

"Are you Bella Henderson?".

"Belle. It's belle" I answered.

"Same thing" She mumbled standing up from her chair. "Follow me" She said walking toward a black double door. I trailed behind her, getting a good view of everything.

She knocked softly on the door. She tugged at her dress, making the front even lower. I stifled a smirk. So even the female employees found their boss sexy, who wouldn't.

"Wait here" Was all she said before entering, shutting the door behind her.

Seconds later i heard the click of the door. "Come in" She said holding the door for me, while giving me a quizzical look.

I walked in and she closed the door as she left. Immediately i was engulfed by the smell of men's cologne. I wasn't the kind of smell  that made, your nose twitch. It was appealing and refreshing.

The office was well organised and spacious. It had a bar with different collection of wine. The floor was a polished hard wood. Behind his chair was a view over looking the city. A view that would seem so surreal at night.

"Are you done?" I jumped as i heard a deep velvety voice. I hadn't even realize i was standing at the same spot with my mouth hanging opening, looking like a fool.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Or would you rather sit?" He was wearing a black suit, which made me wonder if he wore other colours apart from black.

"I would rather sit, thank you" I said and made my way to a chair opposite him. I sat straight, too edgy to relax.

"Do you want something to drink?".

"No thanks. Why did you ask me to come here?" I asked going straight to the point.

"I believe you have something to say to me" he said.

"As a matter of fact i do" I paused waiting for a reaction from him. He didn't say anything, but only gestured for me to continue. "If Mr Dawson's son stole from you, why don't you go after him instead. Why did you have to put that poor old man, in jail for something he had no clue about".

"So you are doing this, because you pity him?".

"What? No, am not doing this because of pity. And why am doing this is none of your business" I said shifting in my seat. My back was starting to get stiff. He seemed to notice.

"Why don't you just sit comfortably, am not going to do anything to you. I don't have that much time, to spare on you anyway" He said with a bored expression on his face.

"Just answer my question".

"Okay. David Dawson was an employee of mine. He worked as an accountant at my hotel in Athens for two years. During that time he had stolen enough money to last him for a long time" He said twirling a pen between his finger.

"You don't strike me as stupid, how can someone steal from under your nose, without you knowing?" I said, irritation clear in my voice.

"I wasn't done talking" He said and gave me a look that made me shrink back in my seat. "I couldn't be at different places at the same time. I have other companies, i must tend to. I oversee the details of all my hotels, and resorts every once a week. He made things look unsuspicious, by the time i found out he was on the run. Every paper the idiot signed was in his old man's name".

"How's that even possible? Don't you  people like, do a background check on your employees?" I said frowning at him.

"I already fired my manager for negligence. I wasn't in charge of the hotel. I only had to check in,  every once a week to make sure everything was okay".

"Look for him then. Do you think a son that hasn't been home in a long time and even had the heart to implicate his own father, would come back running just because he heard his father was in jail?" I said raising my voice, getting angry by the seconds.

"He stole from you, so what? Am sure the money didn't put a dent in your account".

"He stole half a million from me" He  said. And my jaw dropped.

"Half......half....." I stuttered. How the hell can he still stay calmed.

"But you are right, it didn't put a dent in my account. I guess when you work for something, it's okay when someone makes it feel like it wasn't worth it" He said in a mocking tone.

"I didn't mean...." I said unsure of what to say, since i just insinuated that stealing from him because he's rich was okay.

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