chapter thirty five

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"I know about Sarah and John, I did my findings" He continued slowly watching me, Dawson really did steal from me...."

"So we're still on this huh?" I interrupted him. "I told you that you don't need to explain anything...."

"I do" He cut me off. "I need to explain why I did what I did to your dear old john. Dawson jnr stole from me and signed his father's name as his, how he did that I have no idea, but I need him so I can clear my hotel in Athens".

I frowned at him, okay this is getting more of a nut case. "What do you mean?" I asked betraying my real feelings about the matter.

"There's been a series of murder in my hotel" I gasped, blinking like a broken flashlight. Series? "Which points every accusing finger at young Dawson. And as soon as he was summoned for questioning he fled the country".

"How.... When?" I stuttered unsure of what to say.

"I can't handle the the feds hovering around my business, sticking their asses in my matters like stink to shit, and people having to watch their backs feeling unsafe in my territory. I thought the old man might know something about his son, that was why I had him locked up" He finished.

He knows something. I thought but I kept the little peice of information to myself. "I'm sorry I misunderstood you from the beginning, I thought you were being unfair and unreasonable" He just kept staring at me as if he knew I was hiding something. Feeling uncomfortable I clutched my purse tightly. "I should really get going now, I'm sorry and thank you".

"Who was that guy?" He asked surprising me, I thought he wasn't going to ask but now that he did I had no idea how to answer him. "The guy from last night, who is he to you?" He asked more firmly this time which had me confused.

"He's Sam's boyfriend. Remember the last time at your father's house? Well that day Sam was supposed to be on a date with him and....." I realized I was holding my breath perhaps I was still not over what happened and maybe I won't be for a very long time. I heaved a frustrated sigh and raked my hand through my hair. "And when Sam called she was crying, apparently that good for nothing bastard had hit her, and it wasn't the first time he did that! I mean he literally brutalized her and when Sam finally grew the balls to dump his cowardly ass, he...he thinks I talked her into it, and yes I did. That was why he came to get revenge" I finished, breathing heavily, my face felt flushed because I had just rambled in front of Mr Wilde and he did nothing but listen with a calm look on his face.

"I'm sorry I never intended to drop all that on you. I'm... just...... It's just".

"It's okay" He said then frowned, a little line forming between his thick brows, making him look cute. "Why didn't she press charges?".

I stilled and frowned at him. Would he understand if I told him? He'd just think she's crazy, I shook my head. "Because she loves him".

He pressed his lips in a thin line. "Then she's crazy" I smiled and shook my head at him.

"No, she's not but what can she do? Love can make people do a lot of things, stupid things. Sam didn't press charges against xander for domestic violence because she loves him and no matter what she doesn't want to see him in pain, as crazy as that sounds it's just how we humans works".

"Then what about you? Why did you let him go?".

"Because I love Sam" I said without missing a beat. "And if seeing Xander hurt causes her pain then I'd also be in pain. I love her enough to know that her decision to let him go is crazy but I also respect her decision. She'd do the same for me".

He didn't say anything, not that I thought he would. I checked my wrist watch like I had something important to do, maybe I should beg mom to let me get back to work. "I'm sure you're very busy, so I'd just leave".

I stood up and Mr Wilde did the same, he walked toward me. "No it's fine, you.... you don't have to see me off".

"I know" He was now standing directly in front me, towering a great deal over me and damn me if I wasn't intimidated, maybe that was his plan, to intimidate me but why?.

I moved back a little bit, he leaned down to my height. "Is there anything you wanna tell me?" He asked and my heart leaped to my throat, I managed a small convincing smile.

"No. No of course not".

He smiled showing his sexy dimples. "We have no problem then. We understand each other yeah?".

"Yeah. Yeah we do" I said. He knew I was lying, I was sure of it. To make things less uncomfortable I extended my hand for perhaps a warm friendly handshake, I was half expecting him to ignore it but to my surprise he took it and for the first time I realized that this was the very first time he had acted civil with me, no insults, no giving me weird looks. Wow this has to be a real world record.

I gave him a sincere smile. "Uhmmm my hand..." I said when he didn't seem like he was going to let go.

He tugged me closer with my hand still in his not so gentle grip, I stumbled toward him catching myself just a breath away from his mouth, too stunned to talk I widened my eyes at the sudden change of behavior. His fingers trailed to my wrist rubbing it slowly with his thumb which caused little fireworks at the pit of my stomach, I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from making any sound that might give away how I was feeling.

He stopped rubbing my wrist and pressed his forefinger to the base of my wrist with a frown on his face, I mirrored his expression.

"Did you..... Did you just check my pulse?" I asked gaping at him. "What are you now, some kind of doctor? Or a.....".

"Sir?" We both turned at the sudden intrusion. Ben was standing by the door with a bewildered look on his face. He looked from me to Mr Wilde.

I made a small noise at the back of my throat feeling embarrassed, of course he'd think there was something going on between us, I was standing so close to Mr Wilde that he only had to lower his head a little and we'd be kissing. I blushed as I tugged my hand from his grip but he didn't let go.

"What is it Ben?" He asked in an irritated tone, as if there was ever a time he wasn't irritated I thought and tried not to roll my eyes.

"Sir.... Sir the plane is ready, I just got a call from Steve he's ready when you are".

"Tell him I would be there in thirty".

"Yes sir" Ben scurried out without so much as a backward glance at me.

"Are you going somewhere?" I face palmed inwardly....."Don't answer that"   I said quickly.

He chuckled. "I'm going to London for a meeting".

"Oh... Okay. I need to go" He looked at my hand as if he had forgotten he was holding it, then he let go and I resisted the urge to cradle it.

"I'll be back by Thursday" He added.

I nodded then smiled. "Have a nice trip and.... Be safe" I quickly slipped out of his office not stopping my strides till I got to my car.

He was going to London, lucky him. Will he be seeing another woman there? Will they spend the night together? There's no doubt she'll be pretty. The bitch. I shook my head in frustration. "Why do you care, it's not like it's your problem, now is it? You're thinking way too much" with that I got in my car and drove away.

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