Forty two

13 5 3

I stared at her as she went on and on about how cute my twin cousins were and tried not to look jealous. They came back on Sunday evening smothered me with questions about my supposed 'date' I answered them with "it was good" which annoyed my mom to no end, the woman should really take up a job at matchmaking organisation or something.

"You do know that it wasn't a real date right?" I finally said when I and sam were alone.

"Well duh, of course I know" She twirled her blonde hair around her finger. "You are supposed to be his fake girlfriend, yeah?".

Ahh I never told her about any of the things that went on between myself and Mr Wilde about how I refused to go on with the deal and John's betrayal. It wasn't that I couldn't trust Sam, but I have made up my mind about having nothing to do with john again so I don't see any reason why I should bring up the confusing story of his son that I am sure no one knows about and I didn't want to make Sam think low of john.

"Well...._" Fake is what I call it, but fake isn't what we did at the backseat of his limo, hell my body still tingled everywhere just by thinking of it. So I told her about everything, well most of it anyway, about how he had tricked me into signing the contract and how the night played out...well except for that little moment Mr Wilde and I shared.

"The little fucker!" Said sam with a teasing smile on her face, I raised an eyebrow in question, odd how only her can find this funny.

I raked my hand through my hair playing with the tendrils, I really do need a hair cut maybe a little off the top. "Wait. What's that?" She asked frowning at me.

I ran my hand across my face. "What? Is there something on my face?".

"Is that....a hickey?" She asked incredulously and I could only manage a 'huh'. She moved close to me and shoved my hair to take a closer look at my neck, a grin broke out on her face. "It is! Holy guacamole it is a hickey. Oh you sneaky little hoe, what happened between you two? I get a feeling you're not telling me everything"

"What!" I yelled. I stood up and stalked to the restroom. Inside I walked to the basin where a big mirror hung on the wall, I stared at myself and grabbed a fistful of my hair, piled it on my head and sure enough a slightly fading pink bite mark graced my neck just a little below my ear.

How the heck did I not notice it? And why the hell would Mr Wilde leave a freaking teeth mark on my skin. Marking his territory. "Oh don't be delusional belle, and moreover this isn't a freaking werewolf movie" My fingers moved to the spot and stroked it, I sighed and dragged my hand through my hair. It's no use thinking about it and the way he tossed me out after took the magic right out of the..... What should I call it? We didn't exactly kiss even though I badly wanted him to kiss me. I can't even believe I just thought that, if anyone asks I'm totally going to deny it.

Sam attacked me immediately I walked out of the bathroom. "Tell me everything" She urged grinning like a five year old on Christmas day.

"It's nothing Sam. I got..... bitten by something.." It wasn't exactly a lie if you see things from my point of view. What kind of idiot goes around biting or leaving teeth marks on a woman, even if it was really really extremely really hot.

She snorted. "Yeah, a six foot something, super sexy and hot wild beast right?".

I thought about Mr Wilde, his mesmerizing hypnotizing green eyes, his intimidating form and his ever so shitty attitude. I smirked. "You know, you aren't too far off with that...".

"Just tell me!".

"Fine!" I told her everything. "And he practically tossed me out on my ass to limp home. Better?" I scowled, recounting the memories of that night put a damper on my mood.

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