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"Can i take your order now" i asked the man he had been sitting there for quite sometime now claiming to be waiting for a friend.

"I would like another cup of coffee if you don't mind" he said with a smile while glancing at his expensive looking wrist watch he was pretty sleek if you ask me you know the expensive suit not a hair out of place and boy he is good looking.

"You know we make pretty delicious doughnut and it goes well with coffee"

"I guess one wouldn't hurt" he said still smiling his baby blue eyes looking distracted.

"One doughnut and another cup of coffee coming up"I said and walked away with my notepad i walked back to the counter and gave Claire the order.

" you know this is his fourth cup of coffee if i take coffee like that i will be like freaking zombie"she said shaking her strawberry blonde head.

"What would the world be without coffee"I said flashing her a smile and carried the order back to him the man was still looking at his watch like his life depended on it.

" here you go"I said arranging his order on the table.

"Thank you"he said nodding his head.

"Hey Belle coffee for table five"Sam shouted from where she was shamelessly flirting with a guy who had too much piercing for his own good.

"Another cup of coffee,god people and coffee"Claire said looking irritated i guess maybe because she doesn't like coffee.

" it is why this is called a coffee shop Claire get over it"as i made my way toward table five i crashed into something or someone built like a wall making the tray of hot coffee fall the good news is my clothes is completely dry and my skin wasn't going to suffer any pain but the bad news is the black suit i was staring at was dripping of coffee and i just spilt a very hot coffee on someone.

"Oh my god am so sorry are you okay?"I took out my napkin from my apron pocket and tried cleaning the suit but before i could a strong hand held mine.

" it's fine am okay"god his voice sounded so smooth like melted chocolate.

"No it's not that coffee was hot"I looked up to see his face because he is way taller than i am and i was dumb struck to say he was beautiful would be like the understatement of the century but what caught my eyes were his eyes they were pure glassy green too green is that even possible a perfect Greek god and i just spilt a very hot coffee on him a hot coffee on a very very smoking hot man............purrrrrfect.

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