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"Jiyoon, Come down here. We need to speak." My mother spoke. "I'm coming." I walked down the last step and saw my mom, step dad, and step brother sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Honey, You're going to have to transfer schools." She said. "Why?" I asked. "So you don't have to travel the far distance and so that your brother could be by your side." Your mother smiled, hoping that you wouldn't cause a scene "I can take care of myself." I said crossing my arms. "Don't get an attitude young lady. We are just doing what's best for you." My step dad said. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "When do I start?" "Monday." My mother said.

Monday came along. I was actually excited to be transferring schools. But I shouldn't have expected much.

Some kind of brother he turned out to be. He treated me like crap. He and his friends didn't liked me. Their constant bullying caused me to be by myself all the time. No friends, no fun memories, nothing. Just a life of dreadfulness.

"Wake up already." Taehi grabbed my blanket and thrashed it off of my body. "Can you be anymore of a nuisance?" He let out a 'tsk' and walked out of my room. I groaned and got up, rubbing my eyes. I slipped on my sandals and walked into my bathroom for a quick shower.

Changing into my school uniform, I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room. I didn't bother to grabbing breakfast or saying 'good morning' to my family. I tied on my shoes and left the house.

The weather was nice today, the white clouds covered the blazing sun while a breeze rushed around. I entered the school building and found my locker, grabbing some books and stuffing them in my bag. There weren't as much students around but finding a place where there isn't anybody, now that would be great.

I started to wander around until I found a empty classroom. There weren't many desks, maybe like eight or nine. I sat down on the one closest to the back right corner. Since it was empty, it was quite relaxing. I took my bag off and put it on the desk, laying my head on it to close my eyes.

"Oh? somebody's in here sleeping?"

The screen door opened, revealing a tall slender male. His footsteps echoed as he cane closer to the unconscious girl. "oh it's just you."  The boy said, brushing her hair behind her ear. He stood there admiring her face, her cheek squished on her bag, her mouth slightly parted. "aren't you surprisingly pretty looking." His tongue ticked.

"maybe it's about time i said sorry to you, huh? why was i even mean to you, i didn't even know who you were back then." He laughed slightly, shaking his head. His shoes tapped against the wood as he walked away to the desk farthest from you.

Not even 10 minutes later, panting was heard outside the classroom door. It opened, showing a girl with one hand on her thigh and the other on the wall. "Hey, I was looking all over for you!" She yelled not knowing you were there fast asleep. The boy shushed her, pointing to you. "O-oh geez.." You said as your heart beat increased.

"O-Oppa why are you here? Why is she here.." She said in a pouty tone. The boy sighed and stood up. "I just wanted to be somewhere quiet and I happen to find this place." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Oh okay, well you should've known it was her in here." She pointed her finger at you.

"I don't want you around her." She said boldly, like you weren't even there. "The feeling is mutual." You said. "What did you say?" She tilted her head, giving you attitude. "Hey, I thought I said I wanted to find somewhere quiet." The boy said annoyed by the noise. "B-But. She talked back to me!" Her voice changed to a whinier, sickeningly sweet tone. "I don't care. You're too loud." The boy said bluntly.

"See what you did? I got in trouble because you can't stay away from my boyfriend!" the girl marched towards you. "Then put a leash on him." You grimace as she shoved you. "Hah, look who finally has the nerve to speak up." She smirked, while poking her index finger on your forehead over and over again. You grabbed her hand and threw it back. "Stop touching me. Go back to your boyfriend." The girl became even angrier. She smacked her hand against your left cheek.

Before it got any worse, the boy stepped into between you two. "Hwaji. Relax. She didn't do anything and you're over here picking a fight with her? What's the matter with you?" He didn't like her behavior one bit, even though he was aware that he acted the same way to you. "If you're gonna act like this, then don't bother talking to me." He grabbed your belongings along with your wrist and walked out the classroom

"Oppa!" She yelled but he didn't bother turning around. He continued walking with his hand still gripping onto yours. The boy took you out to the back of the school. He let go of your hand and walked in front of you.

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