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Jiyoon was shocked, they're having sex. Her hand was in mid air ready to knock on his door. She could hear grunting and heavy breathing, followed by footsteps. Move Jiyoon! Why won't you move?!

The sound of the footstep were getting closer and closer until they stopped in front of the door. Swoosh. There he was, breathing hard and sweating. He looked at Jiyoon with wide eyes which soon turned into an angry expression. He shut the door and grabbed her on her shoulders roughly. "What are you doing just standing out my door?!" He whisper shouted at me.

"Answer me!" She was squirming to get out of his tight grip. "L-Let go of me." He started to shake her vigorously. "God damn it Jiyoon! Reply!" He was beyond angry and she didn't know why. "Let me g-go!" Her hand rose up to meet her left cheek. He smacked me! Jungkook murmured faintly, "Shit. Jiyoon I'm sor-"

She harshly shoved him off of her and ran towards the front doors. She could hear him shouting out her name. She kept running, to no certain destination.

She made it to some park. She sat down at a bench and started to cry. Why did I think that he wouldn't hurt me? Why did I trust him? "Hey miss, Are you okay?" A voice spoke from behind her. It was quite familiar. Jiyoon looked up with her bloodshot eyes and saw someone she knew.


She jumped from my seat and backed away a little bit from him. "Jiyoon? What are you doing here?" He asked once he knew it was her. "n-nothing! pleas yoongi don't hurt me." She put her hands up defensively and kept backing away. "Woah, calm down. Who said I was gonna do anything?" He tried to calm her down. He sat down on the bench and offered her the spot next to him. "Sit down. I won't hurt you."

Jiyoon hyperventilated, falling to the ground and grabbed pieces of her hair. "p-please just stop lying to me! i don't want to be hurt anymore!" She shouted. "Ji-yoon! What's wrong?" Yoongi freaked out from her sudden outburst. He stood up and tried get closer to Jiyoon.

"Stop! Don't come any closer! Don't hurt me!" She said backing up hitting a tree. "Jiyoon, calm down I'm not going to do anything." He said crouching down in front of her. "I can't. nuh,not anymore." She whimpered, her breathing was unstable and made it hard to talk.

"Why are you here by yourself, especially in the dark." Yoongi softly asked while bringing her into an embrace. "juh,jungkook." Jiyoon said as yoongi held her head to his chest, smoothing down her hair to calm her down.

"what about him? what'd he do?" He was gently unlike the other times she would run into him. Something was obvious different. She didn't say anything and just held on to his shirt.

Being patient with her, Yoongi continued to caress her head. Jiyoon finally looked up at him with shiny tears that stained her cheeks, puffy eyes and a red nose. He wiped her tears and smiled. He looked at her face closely, his smile soon dropped. "Jiyoon. What's that hand print doing there?" He said.

She sniffled, "n-nothing." She put her head down to cover up Jungkook's hand print. Yoongi gently held her by her chin and made her look at him. "Was is Jungkook?" Yoongi asked.

Jiyoon slowly nodded her head. "then can you tell me what happened?" The two were still on the ground, Jiyoon in between Yoongi's legs. It was then that Jiyoon told him what went down at Jungkook's house and why she was even there in the first place.

Yoongi didn't say a word, he just listened to her. "I'm sorry." Jiyoon looked at him confused. "I'm sorry that I bullied you, can you forgive me?" She didn't say anything for a bit.

"Hah so far, three of you already apologized. Thank you, but I don't think I can just yet." Yoongi just nodded, not really expecting her to forgive him right then and there. Yoongi continued to stare at Jiyoon, he felt his chest ache for her.

"you know. you're a pretty crier.." He let out a chuckle. Jiyoon pushed his shoulder, "not the time." Her ears burned red, she couldn't even look at him. Yoongi noticed and slightly squished her cheeks in one hand. "sorry but it's true. you're a really pretty girl, Jiyoon." He stared at eyes then her lips. Being squished in his hand, made Jiyoon look pouty which drove Yoongi crazy.

He moved his thumb to caress her bottom lip. "y-yoongi, let me go." She tried to push him off of her. "I've always been attracted to you, you know. I could just kiss you right now.." He whispered, his breath hitting her face.

𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 • 𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌Where stories live. Discover now