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⚠️- TW for those who are uncomfortable with the talk of abuse. Skip ahead if you wish!

Jungkook's Pov

Jiyoon is just sitting there with her eyes closed. Did she really fall asleep? She shifted her position, Her arms were craddling her backpack. The sleeves of her school blazer bunched up, revealing her wrists. I looked at it some more and saw faded cuts on them.

Even though we pushed her around, I knew for sure that we never did anything like that. I would never go that far as to cut someone. I raised my index finger to her shoulder. I barely even got close to her before she instantly push me away. "W-What are you doing?!" She began to put some distance between us. "R-relax! I was just trying to wake you up to ask a question!"

Her body seemed to relax and her eyes no longer looked frightened. "Honestly, what's with you and asking so many questions?" I shrugged. "Just have to clarify things." She made a 'tch' sound. "Hey, I'm sorry." She turned her head back towards me. "For?" I sighed, "Scaring you." All that came out of her mouth was 'oh'.


"Jiyoon?" I said looking at her. "What?" She replied. "Give me your hand." I held my hand out. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Why?" She put her hands away from me. Without trying to scare her again, I slowly reached over to grab her. I rolled up her sleeves and saw the cuts and faded bruises. "What's all this from? Who did it?" She shook her head. "I just fall down a lot." I tried looking at her but she just kept avoiding eye contact. "That's a shitty lie. You wouldn't have gotten these kinds of injuries from just falling on your ass." I said.

Jiyoon's Pov

Jungkook looked at me with a sharp gaze. I was at loss for words. "I-I swear! Why do you even care, Jungkook?!." I shook him off and got up. I tried to turn around and leave but I ended up locking eyes with my older brother. "Jiyoon! I can't just ignore seeing that, even if I did bully you." I felt Jungkook's hand on my shoulder.

He didn't move, nor did he take his hand off of me. I looked at him and saw him staring back at Taehi. "What is he the one that's making you 'fall down a lot'?" Jungkook said. I stayed quiet, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Jiyoon?" Jungkook whispered. "H-huh?" I snapped back into reality, quickly grasping onto the situation. "Answer me." He said in a harsh tone. "I-" He squeezed my shoulder a bit, "..yeah" He was quiet, his hand ended up falling down.

"What's this for?" I said as he pushed his phone towards me. I looked at him, grabbing the phone. "Give me your number. Just in case, you know?" Hesitatingly, I ended up saving my contact info. Jungkook then held on to me and began to walk towards Taehi.

Jungkook walked me to my class, his reason being, "Because I can, so keep walking or I'll carry you there". I did get some stares though. Definitely not the friendly kind.

Soon enough it was time for Jiyoon and other students to go home. She quickly exited the building making sure not to bump into anyone who would end up slowly her down. Once she made her way out the building, she rushed home before her brother or father.

Jiyoon opened the door to her house and ran to her room. She set down her bag and took out her homework. She had gotten used to doing it right when she got home in case her mother got drunk again and would nitpick everything she did wrong and blame her for her fail marriage. After all, a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

It was around six-thirty when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "W-Who is it?" She said, a bit worried. "Jiyoon? It's me honey. Someone is here to see you. Oh, I was called to work so I won't be back until twelve." Her mother annouced from the other side. Jiyoon opened the door and looked at her mother. "Ok, Be safe." She bid her mother a goodbye and went to see who was at the door. It was Hwaji and her friends. What do they want now?

"Can I help you?" Jiyoon asked. "You made Jungkook-oppa hate me!" Hwaji screeched. Jiyoon rolled her eyes. "You're still on this? It's your fault."Jiyoon blurted out. "Don't start blaming her, you home wrecker!" An unknown voice barked. "What you got a new dog, Hwaji?" Jiyoon asked, not recognizing the girl. "Yah is th-" The girl got interrupted by Hwaji. "Byul, not now!" She looked back at Jiyoon.


"I told you that you were gonna regret talking to me that way!" Hwaji grabbed Jiyoon's collar and threw her on the ground, soon they all started to gang up on her. Jiyoon was shouting at them to stop as they kept kicking her. After a few minutes the door opened revealing Taehi and Jiyoon's step dad.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Taehi' s dad spoke. Chen's girlfriend ran up to him. "Oppa!~ Jiyoon was hitting us!" The girl pouted. "What? Jiyoon! You crazy bitch!" Taehi spat. Jiyoon coughed and tried getting up "I'm the one that's on the ground.." She managed to say.

"So Jiyoon was the one who started the fight." The dad said. "Yes sir that's right." another girl stated. "I'm sorry for what she has done to you all. You can all go home now." He apologized. "No! Don't touch me!" Jiyoon cried out as the two men dragged her inside.

They threw her on the floor, and stood above her. "Why the hell were you beating up my girlfriend and her friends?" Chen yelled at her. "I didn't do anything! I'm the one covered in blood!" Jiyoon protested.

"So! That doesn't give you an excuse to beat them up!" Taehi, stupidly, said. "I told you. I didn't hit them." Jiyoon said as tears streamed down her face. There was a shattering bang that made everything go quiet. Jiyoon held her head from the sudden impact. "Don't talk back to him you little brat." The dad had smashed her head with a vase. They started punching and kicking poor Jiyoon over and over again.

"You're fucking pathetic! You can't even stand up for yourself. No wonder your mother always complains about you!"

"You shouldn't have been born!"

They had yelled awful things over again. This continued for several minutes, Jiyoon was finally left alone. Trying her best to get up without hurting herself even more. Once she managed, She walked to the bathroom.

She cried as she started to put medicine on her wounds. She carefully walked back to her room and laid on her bed. Her soft cries echoed in her room.

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