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"Yup, seems like it." Taehyung said whilst chugging down his drink. "Can we" "Can we take a dna test?" I looked away from whatever caught my attention and faced Taehyung who was already staring at me. "Why? Do you not believe me?" "N-No! It's not that! It's just that I think it will help me believe that I have a sibling that is actually blood related." I muttered that last part. It was really stupid, I know but- oh, I don't know.

"Um. Sure, we can take one" He said, though it seemed like he was hurt or didn't like the idea. "If you don't want one, we don't have to do it!" I exclaimed. He just shook his head. "Jiyoon, you should be going to bed now. It's already 2 in the morning." Jungkook spoke after being silent the whole time.

"Oh okay, goodnight Taehyung."

I gave him a hug and walked towards Jungkook. "Goodnight Kook." I hugged him as well and placed my lips on his cheek. I smiled and walked away as fast as I could so he couldn't say anything. "Goodnight!" They both shouted. I quickly changed out of those clothes and switched them for my comfortable pj's. I plopped myself on the bed and passed the hell out instantly.

The sound of my alarm clock beeped it's way to my ears. I slammed my hand on the snooze button and lifted my upper body off of the comforter. I backed myself up till I felt the backboard hit my spine. Hands clenched in fist, I rubbed my eyes to get rid of any signs exhaustion. A yawm escaped my mouth. "Good morning to me." I said going to the bathroom to wash up. I changed into a blue hoodie and black ripped jeans. I brushed my hair and styled it a bit. "Jiyoon! Hurry up!" Jungkook shouted from downstairs. "Im coming!" I walked out my door and saw Jungkook sitting on a stool looking like the hottest thing ever. "Hey kookie!" I said making my way to the bowl in the middle of the island, grabbing an apple. "Hey princess, you ready?"

2nd person
You shut the car door lightly but hard enough to close it. Jungkook rushed to you and grabbed your hand. "Shall we?" You giggled and nodded.

You walked into the school and made your way to the secret lounge. Jungkook opens the door and gestures you to enter. "Hello people!" You greeted.

"Shut up, I'm sleeping!"

You sat down on the comfy bag and threw your head back. "I'm. Exhausted." You exclaimed. "Yoongi, can I sleep there?" Yoongi looked at you as if you were stupid. "Hell no." He rolled over and pulled a sweater over him. "Screw you." You mumbled. You laid your head on the nearest shoulder, shutting your eyes, consumed by the darkness.

"Jiyoon! Wake up!" Hoseok shook your body. Your eyes fluttered open, your pupils dilating due to the sudden brightness. "Hm?" You groaned as up lifted your head off of his shoulder. "Didn't you get enough sleep?" "No. I didn't. Only 5 hours." You slurred.

You take your leave and head to you class room. "Where were you Miss Kim? The tardy bell had already rung!" Mrs. Jong shouted at you. Can you take it down a notch? "I'm here now aren't I?" You grumbled plopping your bum on the hard plastic seat. "I have no problem with calling your parents, young lady!" "Go ahead, They won't answer anyways." You rubbed your eyes, lowering your head not wanting to listen to her anymore.

Jiyoon's pov
I was the last one to leave. "Where do you think your going?" "To lunch, where else would I be, Mrs. Jong?" I swung your backpack over your shoulder, lifted your head and met the teacher dangerously close to you. "Excuse me, There's something can a personal bubble." You backed up. "You think that hanging out with those troublemakers are going to bring you any popularity, don't you?" She smirked.

"And why would you think that, ma'am?"

"Oh you know, the old 'if I hang out with this people I'll be cool and all that!' type of scenario." I smirked and shook my head.

"No not at all! Considering that one of them is my brother, it's only natural to cling near your sibling! You know-" I stated bring myself near her ear. "-for situations like this, it would be important to have a witness see a teacher interrogate an innocent student!"

Her face began pale like she had seen a ghost. "Why would you think someone else is in the room?" "Hello Mrs. Jong!" She frantically looked around and saw Taehyung leaning against the doorway, He waved at her. "If you don't mind! I would like to take back my little sister!" He said walking towards the two of us, linking his arm over my shoulders. "N-Not at a-all!" She let out a nervous chuckle.

Taehyung led me out of the room and took me to the now only other room we go to. "Where were you guys?" Jin said taking something out of the cabinet. "Oh, just helping Jiyoon out of a situation." Taehyung blurted out, I smacked his back lightly. "Situation? Like?" Jimin said with interest.

"I was talking with the teacher and she took it out of hand-ish." I said walking over to the now clear little bed in the far corner. "Thanks for saving it for me, Yoongs!" I beamed at him, he rolled his eyes, "Whatever."
"Lunch is almost ready!"


5 years with Bangtan! I really wanna cry! They've gone so far, I'm really happy for them as you all are! They really deserve the world, the flipping universe BANGTANVERSE 🌏

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