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Jungkook and Jiyoon were still sleeping by the time the boys had arrived. "I texted Jungkook yesterday after we left." Namjoon said to Jin. "Really? About what?" Jin said putting down the bag of food he made for the two. Namjoon took Jin's hand and lead him out of the hospital room away from the rest of the guys. "You think Jiyoon and Taehyung look alike, don't you?" Jin just shrugs, "I suppose so. It could be a possibility." Namjoon nodded his head and told Jin what he and Jungkook plan on doing tomorrow. "Jungkook and I think that we should get their parents together and have them clarify if they are related or not."

10:30 am

Jiyoon and Jungkook had just woken up from their slumber. "Good morning." Jiyoon said stretching. "Good morning bedheads." Hoseok said opening the curtains letting in his companion, the bright shining sun. "How long have you guys been here?" Jungkook asked in a grungy tone. He lifted his from the pillow revealing his tired, worn out expression.

"We've been here for almost an hour." Jimin said sitting down on the chair. Jungkook got off of the couch dragging his little feet across the wooden floor in his slippers to the bathroom, grabbing the bag as he passes. Jiyoon and the guys made conversation, a comfortable one.

3:00 pm

Jiyoon just got dispatched from the hospital. She and Jungkook were now on their way home to get ready for their day together. Jiyoon wore ripped blue boyfriend jeans and a red off the shoulder top. As for Jungkook, he wore blue pants, a flannel, and a coat.

Jiyoon and Jungkook were in his car heading to their destination. "Kookie? Where are we going?" Jiyoon asked sweetly. "Just a little bit more princess. You'll find out shortly." He said keeping their stop a top secret. Jiyoon nodded and looked out the window and at the scenery. She took in every aspect she could of the beautiful nature. All the green medows, colorful flowers soon became even more breath taking. The car can to a halt, Jungkook turned off the engine and got out, rushing to Jiyoon's door. He opened it letting Jiyoon get out. Such a gentleman. Jiyoon thought as he shut the door and took her hand in his.

They walked and walked, not forgetting to take pictures with Jiyoon's Polaroid. Jungkook took Jiyoon deeper into the meadow. "Wow. This is so beautiful." Jiyoon said gasping. Jungkook stood behind her smiling.

Jungkook's pov
She looks so beautiful right now. She's the most perfect thing I have ever seen. I don't know how I got the opportunity to have her be mine and be hers. "Jiyoon?" I said trying to get her attention. "Yes kookie?" She said turning around blessing my eyes with her glory. "I-I-" I was at loss for words. She came closer to me. "Are you okay, baby?" She asked rubbing my shoulders. I gulped as I moved my head. "I-I don't deserve you Jiyoon. I really don't." I said looking down. "W-What? Why not?" She said.

"You're too perfect. I'm going to hurt you one day, I just know it. I can't live with myself thinking that you'll be hurt because of me and or my actions." I said from deep down in my soul. Jiyoon just stood there in silence. I lifted my head and saw her smiling. "You deserve me as much as I deserve you. I told you that even if you hurt me, I will still love you. It's going to mentally kill me one day, but I would rather suffer than lose you completely." She said bringing her face closer to mine.

She rested her forehead, staring at me deeply. "See that makes you all the more perfect Jiyoon." I sighed holding her small body to mine. "You are perfect as well Jungkook. You deserve anything in this world if you earned it. You earned my trust and my love therefor I became yours." She said cupping my face. I smiled bitterly. She leaned forward pressing her pink, puffy lips onto my own. My hands held her back pulling her impossibly closer. She pulled away and hugged my waist since she's much shorter than me. "Please don't ever leave me." She begged. "I won't. Don't worry, my princess." I whispered. I mummered an 'I love you' in her ear softly.

3rd person
10:30 pm

Jungkook was driving back home after their date. Jiyoon was feeling tired, so they decided to end the day. She was sleeping soundly in the passenger's seat. Jungkook never took his eyes off the road. He wouldn't put her in danger. She's my everything, my soul, my reason to not leave home. She's worth my world. He thought. Jungkook pulled up to the driveway and saw a car already parked there. I don't own that kind of car. He told himself. He turned the engine off and got out the car.

There wasn't anyone in the car when he checked. Jungkook sighed and walked back to Jiyoon. He got her out and held her bridal style to the house. Jungkook laid her down on her bed and went back downstairs. He locked his car and lock the door. Jungkook went into the kitchen for a beverage. How is all of this going to go down. He was thinking about tomorrow. As he was walking back to his room, he saw Taehyung sitting on the couch with tears streaming down his face.
"Hyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook said walking closer to the older one. "No Jungkook. Im not okay." Taehyung sounded broken and hurt. "Why? What's wrong?" He sat down next to Tae taking in his appearance. His eyes were bloodshot from the crying, his nose was red as well as his ears, his face was puffy like he was crying for hours. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with eyes of pain and sorrow.

"Jiyoon and I are related. My father told me yesterday, but he's in the hospital right now." Taehyung said breaking even more. "W-what?" Jungkook was at loss for words and was even more confused about the situation. "He had a heart attack. He's dying, Jungkook. Jiyoon needs to see him."

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