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3rd person
Taehyung comforted Jiyoon till the boys can come visit her. One by one, They each came slowly but surely as to not scare her with the quick, sudden attention. "Oh my babygirl!" Someone shouted as the boys and Jiyoon were chit chating. They all looked at the doorway and saw a middle aged woman. Jiyoon knew it was her mother but not the boys. Taehyung however thought she looked strangely familiar. The lady rushed towards Jiyoon frantically with three men following her, one being Jungkook and the others being Chen and his father.

"Oh my lord, are you okay my precious baby?" Her mother was in tears from the sight of her 'only' child being like this. She held Jiyoon's hand and started apologizing. "I am so sorry this happened to you my love. I wish you told me sooner." She said. Jungkook was upset, He did not want to come back home just to find out that his girlfriend is in the hospital. He walked towards the other side of the bed and kissed Jiyoon on the head. "I told them you were here because your mother needs to see you. She hasn't been doing good." Jungkook filled her in with the information she oh so needed. Jiyoon had just simply nodded her head. "So um, How have you been?" She asked her mom. Mrs. Kim looked up at her daughter and saw that Jiyoon had grown up much more since she left.

"O-Oh, Im fine dear. I-I just need to know that y-you're okay." Her mother said. Jiyoon half heartedly smiled. She still wasn't comfortable of seeing them here infront of her. "U-Um. Excuse me? Mrs. Kim?" An interruption came about in the most awkward sudden way. Jiyoon's mother looked towards the voice and instantly had her eyes widen at the sight of Taehyung. "Y-Yes?" Mrs. Kim stuttered, was it because of his etheral beauty or a symbol of familiraity? "Do I know you? Maybe?" Taehyung asked curiously. The thought of seeing this woman before was all over his mind and it was bothering the shit out of him. "N-No. I d-don't think so." The mother was at loss for words, She couldn't believe that he remembered her. It really brought a smile to her face, the sad part was that she couldn't tell him anything. At least not without his father's consent.

Visiting hours were over, Jiyoon pleaded to the doctor to let Jungkook stay with her since she didn't want to be alone in a hospital where people have died. The doctor allowed that to happen. Jungkook went home and got things he would need for tomorrow. A pillow, a blanket, His toothbrush, face wash, clothes. Since Jiyoon was going to leave in the afternoon the next day, he got her essentials as well. He put all of this in a duffle bag and made his way back to his girl.

He quietly made his way to Jiyoon's room, Lightly opening the door as to not wake her up if she was sleeping. He placed the bag on the floor and put his pillow and blanket on the couch provided. He looked back at her beautiful sleeping face, she was too pure for this world, though she acts like a she-devil, she actually is a saint trying to survive this cruel world. Jungkook thought that he shouldn't be with her, that he didn't deserve her. Part of him still wanted Sora, while a part of him wanted Jiyoon. He knows he has to make up his mind before he runs out of time. He softly kissed her on her forehead and caressed her hand with his thumb. "Jungkookie?" She wimpered. Jungkook smiled as Jiyoon fluttered her eyes open.

"Yes baby?" He replied. "Are you going home?" She asked yawning. Jungkook shook his head 'no'. "No I already got the things we need. Plus, You're coming back home with me later tomorrrow. We can do what ever you want to do. It's going to be just you and me the whole day, Does that sound like a deal?" He asked her looking at the way she is infront of him. The needles in her skin, the sticky pads on her chest, her looking drowsy, and pale. It all hurt him, though originally he wouldn't have cared. Now he cares, a bunch and it is going to kill him one day. He loved her more than anything, he wanted to make sure she had a nice, peaceful, relaxing life. "Mhm, Iss a deewel." She slurred her words. She was tired but didn't want to sleep just yet. "Looks like the princess is tired. I shouldn't keep you up long." Jungkook gave her a kiss, it lasted a bit longer than he expected. He pulled away and sighed, "Goodnight, my love." He tucked her in and made sure nothing was hurting her. He changed into the clothes he brought for the night.

He placed his clothes back in the bad neatly and zipped it up. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth as well as washing his face from the day's oil and sweat. He dried himself and went to his little bed for the day. As he went to lay down, He received a text message from his hyung.

"I've been thinking a lot lately Jungkookie"


"Don't Taehyung and Jiyoon look alike? It's been bothering me for the past week. And I think Taehyung noticed."

"Yeah they do have a resemblance, Namjoon Hyung"

"What if they're like related but they just don't know."

"What are you implying hyung?"

"What if they were separated at the early stages of their lives?"

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