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Jungkook and I quickly turned around and saw the guys staring at us. I quickly got off of Jungkook and crouched on the floor covering my damn red ass face. "How long were you guys standing there?" Jungkook asked seemingly not at all bothered. "We just got here!" Jimin said trying to hold back his laughter. The boys started laughing. "Don't worry Jiyoon, we didn't anything besides Jungkook trying to eat your face." Taehyung said 'trying to make a feel better'. I was madly red at this point. "Yah! That doesn't help!" They started laughing at me.

I stood up awkwardly. I didn't even make eye contact with any of the boys. "Well I should be getting to class now." Before I was able to move an inch the boys stopped me. "Where are you going?" Jin said blocking my exit. "T-to class?" I said shocked at the sudden mood change. Jungkook grabbed my hand and said, "Why don't we skip this class babe?" I couldn't think straight at this point. "H- O-ok. Yeah. Sure. Alright." I saud fiquring out what words I should say. "Where are we gonna go?" Taehyung asked. "To. The. ARCADE!" Jungkook yelled running off to the direction of the arcade down the street. "Aish. This boy." Jin rubs his temples and sighs at Jungkook. "Wow. Did he just ditch me?" I said in disbelief. "I guess so." Jimin said looking at me.

Jungkook had gotten here before the seven of us did, since he wanted to run. "Where were you guys? I was waiting forever." He complained.  "Well if you hadn't ran off like that then we wouldn't have kept you waiting, now would we?" Yoongi said at Jungkook. Jungkook bowed and apologized to his hyungs and I. After a while of complaining, arguments, and laughing; we had decided to go home since it was almost dark. Jungkook and I had just arrived at our house, we were both exhausted as hell. "Why don't we shower and then you meet me in my room?" He winks and smirks at me. I nod my head and walk to my room to take a shower.

8:30 pm

I get out of the shower and put on my baby blue shorts with an oversize t shirt. I make my way towards Jungkook's room and knock on his door. He muffles out a 'Come in!'. I open his door and see him sitting down on his bed wearing his boxers and a white shirt. He sets his phone down and sits up straight, I sit down next to him and fidget with my fingers. "Why did you want me to come here?" I asked trying to think of possible scenarios. "What? Can't I have my girlfriend in my room with me?" I was taken aback. I never thought the JEON JUNGKOOK would ever call me his girlfriend. It seems too surreal. "I n-never said that! It's j-just that, you've n-never called me here." He cups my face and looks me deeply in the eyes. "Stop being so nervous. I'm not messing around with you Jiyoon. I love you with all my heart. And I mean it." He told me with sweet words.

I look at him with shaky eyes. He then takes this chance to kiss me, It takes me a few seconds but I managed to kiss him back. The kiss was slow but passionate. His lips were so soft and plump. They're so addicting. I don't want to stop. It continued on like this for a few more seconds until we parted away. Jungkook leans his forehead on mine and grabs my hands. "I love you Kim Jiyoon. I will never leave you ever." He swore. "Y-You promise?" I said in a shaky tone.  "I swear on my life." He holds out his pinky, I giggle. "Are you for real?" I said looking at him smiling brightly. "Yes now do it."

I lifted my pinky and connected ours together. Jungkook kissed my forehead and hugged me. "I love you Jiyoon." Jungkook said not moving an inch. "I love you too Jungkook." We laid down on his bed and cuddled till it was around 11 pm. Jungkook had seemed to be getting sleepy, I took my head off his chest and sat up facing him. Jungkook had passed out. I smiled to myself and stared at him. His cheeks were puffed out, his mouth was open though. It was cute.

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