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"What's up, Yoongles?" You leaned against the tree trunk as Yoongi looked at you. "What did Haerin say to you?" Yoongi asked crossing his arms over his chest. "Haerin? She hasn't said anything to me." You furrowed your brow. "She said something to you, didn't she?" He slightly rose his voice at you. "I don't know." You mocked Yoongi's movement. "What did she say, Jiyoon?" He groaned, he was probably really annoyed with you.

"I promised her I wouldn't say anything. But I really don't want you to be angry with me cause I don't what you'll do," You started, "She feels like you don't love her anymore."

Yoongi's eyes soften, his facial expression made him look like he was contemplating whether he should say something or not. "I-" He cut himself off. "You- uh. I'll speak with her about this. Thanks, Jiyoon."

You nodded slightly and walked back to the childish boys playing on the basketball court. Sighing to yourself, you sat on the benches nearby and watched the boys get into 2 teams. Even though there's an odd number of them, they can always work it out.

"Jiyoon! You keep score!" Jin said as Taehyung and Hoseok stepped in the middle. "I got chu!" You gave him a thumbs up and clicked the icon, notes, on your phone.

"So." Jin huffed, "Who won?" He rests his arm on Namjoon, putting all his weight on him. "Well, to my calculations, The three maknaes and Yoongi won." You looked up from your phone and laughed when you saw Hoseok's face.

"What! How!" He complained. "It's because we're better!" Taehyung said before he dramatically flipped his nonexistent long hair. "You are ugly for that," Namjoon said as he took Jin off of him. "How rude!" Taehyung pouted.

"Hey it's getting cold, can we go home?" You said as a sudden gust of wind rushed past your exposed skin. "Sure, it's getting dark too," Jungkook said as he helped you up from the bench.

Once the eight of you got home, you all continued to have fun until it was time to go.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow! Be safe!" You shouted as the boys got into Jin's car. You shut the door and walked away to your room. You softly shut the door and sighed. "I'm so tired!" You whined to yourself.

You got out your pajamas, quickly changed and do your routine. "Ji! Come here! Hurry!" Jungkook shouted across the hall. "Hmph. I'm coming!" You put down your phone and walked to his room. Without knocking, you stepped inside. There he stood shirtless in basketball shorts. "What's up?" You asked, sitting down on his bed. "The sky." He mocked while ruffling his hair. "Wow, I did not know that!" You said while rolling your eyes.

"For real this time, what's up?"

"Would you be mad if I told you that Sora wants to talk to both of us at a cafe tomorrow after school?" Jungkook said closing his eyes, not wanting to see how you would react. Inhales..bOi. "I guess so. If she stalls then we're leaving." Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled. "Okay, thanks."

You woke up pretty grumpy today. Someone outside decided it was cool to scream and play their music so loud. Jungkook tried to make them quiet down but that just lead to him almost beating the guy up. School was, obviously, not the move. "How about we skip school today?" Jungkook said, putting his pillow over his face. "How about you get your lazy butt up and go." You said getting up, shutting the bathroom door behind you.

"Grumpy ass."

"I heard that sir dickington."

"Get your ass ready, Madam Walnut."

Madam Walnut? Really. You grabbed a towel that was hanging on a rack and opened the door. "You look like a damn walnut." Throwing the towel at Jungkook, you quickly closed it right after.

After that little quarrel, you and Jungkook hopped in the car and drove to the school. You slipped your arm in the straps of your backpack and walked to the front of the building. "Jungkook!" A female voice yelled. You both turned your heads and saw Sora walking over. "Kook!" She said smiling. You stopped and crossed your arms. She stopped right in front of you two, holding a box with a big smile on her face.

"Hey, Kook! I missed you so much!" She said. "Don't call me that," Jungkook said looking hurt. "What do you mean Kook?" Sora said, her smile dropping. "He said don't call him that. Unless you have something important to say, get away from us." You said stepping forward a bit.

"I-I. I just wanted to give you something," she handed him a box. "I'll see you two after school." She walked away quickly. "God, this isn't the day for snakes." You looked over at Jungkook who was just staring at the box. You sighed and held his hand, "C'mon, let's go find the others."

The two of you soon found the 6 boys. They were in the hidden area, relaxing. "Hey, guys." You said still holding his hand. "Hey. What's that kook?" Jin asked, his eyes focused on the baby blue wrapped box. "Sora ga-" "Throw it away." Yoongi interrupted him. "E-Excuse me?" "I said 'Throw. It. Away.'" Yoongi stared him, dead in the eyes. "But Hyung, I don't even know what's inside it." Jungkook protested

"Exactly. I don't want you finding out. If she gave it to you, its probably some sappy shit from when you two were together. She just wants you to crawl back to her. I don't want you looking at it hurt." Yoongi said sharply but softly. "I-" Yoongi sighed.

"Give me the box." He walked closer and opened his hands for it. Jungkook looked at him then the box. Eventually, he gave it to him. Yoongi ripped the paper and cut out the tape. He opened the flaps and checked what the items were. A picture, letter, and a necklace.

"What the hell is this? I knew she would pull this type of shit." He said as he read the letter. You took the letter from him and read it.

Hi Kookie! I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry for leaving you. I didn't want to and you know that. I came back to Seoul, hoping that you were still mine. But that wasn't the case. Jiyoon. That's her name. I heard you bullied her. After I left, you became a mess. Sleeping and breaking girls hearts, messing with their feelings, as I did to you. The fact that I was the source of your heartbreak and anger was pretty surprising to me. I just want you back is what I'm trying to say. I miss you. I want to be the one you call baby, like before. I want to be the one that you hug, give your full attention to. I want to be the only girl you have in your life. Just like before. I know you miss me too, I can see it in your eyes. You want me back. Just break up with her and come to me. After school, you can tell me how you really feel, in front of that "girlfriend" of yours. I'll be waiting <3

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