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A couple of days had passed and Jungkook is finally taking Jiyoon to collect her belongings. Jiyoon's mom had responded to her message, She said that she wished her daughter the best and that she would love to see her again when she was ready.

"Jiyoon! Hurry up and get in the car before I change my mind!" Jungkook shouted from downstairs. Jiyoon rushed out of her room and past Jungkook. "Okay okay! Come on!" They relationship had gotten better and they both became close enough to joke around. They got into his car and drove off to her old home.

"My mom isn't home but she left the keys underneath the mat." Jiyoon told him, "Could you go in with me?" Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Did you think I was going to let you going in by yourself? You're actually really dumb." Jiyoon smacked his arm, "You're even dumber."

The whole ride was filled with them playfully bickering and snarky comments. Once they got to her house, She got out and walked up the steps. With Jungkook behind her, she grabbed the key and opened the door. "Mom? I thought you weren't supposed to come till the evening?" Taehi's voice rang out as he walked down the hallway.

"Jiyoon?! Where the hell were you?!" His voice exploded when he saw Jiyoon. "Were you with this bastard the whole time?!" Taehi walked up to Jungkook and bunched up his collar in his fist. "Who the hell do you think you are, Jeon?" Jungkook didn't flinch even when Taehi shoved his face near his. "Don't worry about it, Lee."

"What's all the yelling for?!" Taehi's dad then came into the room. "Oh look who crawling back here now? Who is this guy? Did you sell your body off to him?" Jiyoon looked down, unable to speak up for herself. Jungkook then shoved Taehi off of him and put his hands on Jiyoon's back, pushing her up the stairs.

"Hurry and pack your things, the faster you do the sooner we leave." Jungkook stood by the door, blocking anyone from coming in. Jiyoon quickly packed whatever was left that her mother couldn't do. "Open this damn door, I need to have a word with my daughter!" Jeongu yelled from the other side of the door.

"Daughter my ass. Fuck off and let her get her stuff." Jungkook cursed at the older man. "Jungkook, I swear to god I'll beat your ass if you don't let me in!" It was Taehi's turn to shout out threats. "I'd like to see you try."

Jiyoon threw things into the box, her adrenaline was racing and she didn't want to be there any longer. "I'm, I'm done, Jungkook!" There weren't that many boxes, just one big one and two medium sized ones. "Boys, I'm home! Jiyoon is supposed to be here right about now, is that her car outside?" Jiyoon's mother called out.

She walked up stairs and saw her husband pounding on the door. "Jeongu! What are you doing?!" She rushed over and pushed him away. "Is Jiyoon in there? Baby? It's mommy!" Jiyoon looked towards the door, "Mom? Tell them to go away!" Her mom looked at the two angry boys behind her. "Go away! What's your problem?"

It was then Jungkook opened the door. "Oh my, are you Jiyoon's friend?" Her mother said once she saw the tall boy. "Yes ma'am, sorry for the trouble." He bowed politely. "no no, don't worry about that. Thank you for taking my daughter into your home, please take good care of her." She patted his back, "I'll do my best."

After talking with her mom, Jiyoon and Jungkook drove back with all her stuff in the back. "Are you okay? You keep bouncing your leg.." Jungkook said, looking at her occasionally. "Oh sorry.. yeah i'm feeling okay."

The ride was silent the whole way back home. Bringing up the boxes to her room, Jungkook afterwards left her to put away her things. From what seemed like ages, Jiyoon finally finished. It was then she heard knocking, "Jiyoon, I ordered food. It should be here in 30 minutes!" Jungkook said. "Okay! Thank you!"

Jiyoon had just came out of the shower when she heard her phone ding on the counter.

↳︎ Jungkook 6:36pm
the foods here
come before i eat it all

She took the towel off of her hair and ran downstairs. "What'd you order, kook?" She asked when she saw him in the kitchen. "Your favorite ramen." She smiled, "Really? Thanks!" Jungkook smiled back as he placed the bags down. "There's three of them? Dude don't tell me you're pregnant!" She joked

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Is that your way of telling me I'm fat?" Jiyoon laughed, "Maybe?" The sound of footsteps running upstairs made Jiyoon look around. "Is someone here?" She asked. "Yeah I invited a girl over, you don't mind right?" He said pouring your ramen in a bowl. "Of course not, it's your house." She said, something in her begged to differ though.

"Oppa! Is the food here? I'm so hungry!" A petite girl in a pink baggy long sleeve and a white tennis skirt came running down into the kitchen. "oh? who are you?" She stopped when she saw Jiyoon. "This is my sister, Jiyoon. Jiyoon, that's Jaein."

Jiyoon looked at Jungkook as if he was crazy, she was going to say something until the girl spoke up first. "Oppa~ You didn't tell me you had a sister! She looks nothing like you~" She eyed Jiyoon up and down. "She doesn't like me mentioning her." She could feel something burning a hole on the back of her head.

Does he see me as a sister?

"Hm, well it's nice to meet you!" She said sticking her hand out. "Yeah. Nice to meet you too." Jiyoon just stood there looking at her hand. "Is this food for me?" She said grabbing my bowl. "Uh no. That's mine." Jiyoon said grabbing her food from her and walked back to her room.

Jiyoon had finished eating her dinner and walked downstairs to wash the bowl. She walked back into her room afterwards and sat on her desk chair. There wasn't much for her to do. She felt bored out of her mind. What's something I can do with needing Jungkook to drive me.

Maybe a walk? Yeah, I could use some fresh air. I should let him know. She grabbed her earphones, phone and walked to Jungkook's room. As she got closer, She could hear some noise coming from his room. She stood right in front of the door without moving to knock. It then became clear as to what she was hearing.

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