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I tried to get his hand off of me but I ended up accidentally waking him up. Taehyung shifted his position and yawned. "You're awake." He said with a tired voice. "Uh yeah? What happened?" I said, my fingers touching a bandaged that was wrapped around my head. "You got in a fight with some girl." He ruffled the back of his head. "swear, i think i know what's going on now." I said, my head started to throb. "Can you call a doctor please?"

Taehyung nodded his head and left to find someone. "Miss. Kim, welcome back. How are you feeling?" A doctor came into the room with a metal clipboard in his hands. "Fine but my head is hurting." I said with the tips of my fingers on the spot that was in pain. "Alright, we're gonna run some tests to make sure everything is fine." The doctor smiled and called in a nurse to help.

"Do you need anything? Water? A snack?" Taehyung said, ready to go get something for her. "some water please.." Jiyoon said, politely smiling. "Gotcha. I'll be right back." He walked out the room to find a vending machine. After about 10 minutes, Taehyung came back into the room with two waters and two small bags of chips. "Here you go," He said while bringing up the tray that was attached to the hospital bed and put down her snack.

"Thanks." Jiyoon grinned and drank some of the water. "I'm guessing you'd like to know where Jungkook is, huh?" Taehyung said, munching on a chip. "Not really but tell me anyway." Taehyung chuckled and spoke up, "He was here a while ago but like to go clean up, his morning breath stinks.." Jiyoon laughed, "I bet, so he called you here? Sorry if that was inconvenient."

Taehyung shook his head, "Not at all, I wasn't doing anything. Plus I was worried. You were out for a day and a half actually." Jiyoon's eyes widened, "Seriously?" Taehyung hummed and ate the last chip in the bag. "Jungkook should be back by now. I don't know what's taking so long. Oh, he said that your mom was supposed to be coming around this time." Jiyoon's body tensed up, if she's coming then those two are coming along as well.

Taehyung noticed her reaction and was going to say something but someone had interrupted him. "See what happens when you try and whore yourself around!"Jiyoon and Taehyung turned their heads to the now smacked open door. Jiyoon jumped as she saw her step brother stomp his way towards her. Her arms protectively wrapped around her head.

"Let go of me punk!" Taehi gritted his teeth. "Where are your manners? Get away from her, hi." Taehyung had grabbed Taehi's fist and stood up, looking down on at the younger boy. "Why should I? Huh?" He protested. "She's in a fucking hospital, moron. You're really going to hit an injuries person?" Taehyung raised his voice at Taehi.

His deep voice made everything he said ten times scarier to Jiyoon. Taehi shook Taehyung's hand off and stormed out the room. Taehyung looked over to Jiyoon, she let out a shaky sigh.

Taehyung's pov

Jiyoon was clutching the hospital blanket. I was going to say something until she threw herself at me with a hug. Her breathing was stable and she was holding on to me tightly. "T-Thank you." I hugged her back, rubbing my hand on her back to calm her down. "Don't thank me, it was the right thing to do." After a while, she had relaxed and took a sip of water.

The doctor came in to give us the results of her tests. Luckily, besides a fractured skull, nothing was wrong and she was fine. "So Miss. Kim, your body is healing just fine. But you would need to stay here a little longer in order for us to make sure your skull heals properly." He said in affirmative tone.

"Alright, how long would I be staying here?" Jiyoon asked. "Another day or so, depending on what the tests say and after that you can go home. Your skull will heal in about six weeks." He replied. As long as it helps her get better then so be it. Jiyoon nodded and thanked the doctor.

"If you like you could walked around in the hospital, of course in a wheelchair in case you faint." The doctor left right after and asked a nurse to leave a wheelchair in the room for her. Jiyoon looked at me, "Let me guess. You want to go outside." She nodded and smiled. I grabbed the wheelchair from the corner of the room and helped her in.

Third pov

Taehyung helped Jiyoon up and in the wheelchair. "So where do you want to go?" He said as he pushed me through the hallway. "Can we go to the garden?" Jiyoon asked, looking back at him. Taehyung smiled, "Sure, Let me know if you get cold."

As they got to the garden, the sound of someone yelling boomed. The two wanted to be nosy and went to see what all the commotion was about. Shockingly, they saw Taehi yelling at Jungkook. "Why the fuck is she staying with you? Who said you could do that, Jeon?!" Taehi yelled in Jungkook's face. 

"I got her mother's permission. Why do you even care, huh? You like your step sister or something? You nasty fuck." Jungkook got up in Taehi's face. "As if! She's mine! I do what i want with her." Taehi was furious, he looked like he was about to explode. "So you do like her! God, I should've know from the start when you would always ask if we'd seen her." Taehi was about to punch Jungkook until Jiyoon stopped him.

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