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Jiyoon wheeled herself towards them. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" She shouted at them the loud as she could.  They turned around and looked at her straight in the eyes. "And you!" Taehi shoved Jungkook away and marched towards Jiyoon.

She stood her ground, trying her best not to be afraid. Jungkook and Taehyung were alarmed and ready themselves for something. Taehi was right in front of her, staring her down. "Go home, why are you still here?" Jiyoon asked.

Taehi laughed and pushed her forehead with his finger. "Now you have the balls to speak up to me?! What does it look like? I'm giving the traitors what they deserve." He retorted with that annoying smirk on his face.

Jiyoon felt her blood pressure rise. She stood up from the chair and smacked Taehi across the face. "Don't call them traitors! They helped me get away from you. You're disgusting, Taehi! You entitled, possessive, little freak!" She screamed in his face, calling him names and shoving him.

Taehi was livid, He pushed her harshly to the ground. She fell and the shock made her head throb aggressively, "Jiyoon!" The boys had shouted and rushed over. The pressure and shockwave her brain was given made her pass out.

Jungkook's pov

Taehi and I bumped into each other while I was on my way to see Jiyoon. I didn't say anything and tried to walk past him. Before I knew it, my collar was clutched in his hand. "What do you want?" I said, backing my face away from his.

"Why are you here?" He rudely asked. "Don't worry about it. Let me go." I tried getting myself out of his grip, but he held on to me tighter. "Why was Jiyoon in your car, huh?! Is she letting you bang her? Is that it?!" My face scrunched up.

"Is that all you could come up with? You wanna do it with her? Aren't you siblings?" I said, twisting his hand to make him let my shirt go.  "Don't twist my words, fucker! Why the fuck is she staying with you? Who said you could do that, Jeon?!" He spat in my face, he reeked of cigarettes.

"I got her mother's permission. Why do you even care, huh? You like your step sister or something? You nasty fuck." Jungkook got up in Taehi's face. "As if! She's mine! I do what i want with her." I could tell that what I said got to him. I smirked and pushed his buttons even more.

"So you do like her! God, I should've know from the start when you would always ask if we'd seen her." Just as he was about to throw a punch to my face someone interrupted us. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" We turned our heads and saw Jiyoon in a wheelchair and Taehyung right behind her. My heart ached when I saw the state she was in.

Taehi put his fist down and started walking towards Jiyoon. "And you!" I have a bad feeling about this, I could tell Taehyung had a feeling as well. He was going to step in front of her until she wheeled herself towards her brother.

"Go home, why are you still here?" She asked stone cold. "Now you have the balls to speak up to me?! What does it look like? I'm giving the traitors what they deserve." The blood rushed up to her face, making her red. She stood up from the chair. She shouldn't be standing. I don't like where this is headed.

Jiyoon smacked Taehi as soon as she got up. "Don't call them traitors! They helped me get away from you. You're disgusting, Taehi! You entitled, possessive, little freak!" I snickered, she heard what I told him.

Taehi pushed her, causing her to land on her butt. She didn't move for a quick second, she looked shocked. Taehyung ran up and pushed the wheel chair away; he kneeled over to her and tried to make her conscious. I, on the other hand, ran towards Taehi and punched him straight on the jaw. He fell to the ground from the sudden impact. I continued to punch him until Taehyung pulled me back.

"Let me go! Take her to a fucking doctor!" I yelled at him trying to get loose. "That's enough Jungkook! Calm down! She's awake!" I turned around and saw Jiyoon sitting there, wide eyed. My rage was subsided as I took a good look at her.

With one last punch, I stood up as Taehyung put some distance between Taehi and I. "Get out of here." He laughed and stood up. He was about to say something until I interrupted. "Keep walking, sicko!"

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