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"Woah, Jiyoon! You look like a different person!" Jin said. Jiyoon looked down at herself and back at Jin. "What's different? I'm wearing the same things I usually wear for school.." She said confused. "I don't know, there's just something..different." He waved his hand in a circle. Jiyoon laughed, "haha, I guess so Jin."

Jiyoon went to find her locker which was coincidentally behind Taehyung. Asking him to move aside, she grabbed her history and math textbooks and shut the door. "Uh hey, Jiyoon?" Namjoon said out of the blue. "yes?" She turned around and looked at him. "We're sorry for what we did. We wanted to apologize for a long time now but it just wouldn't come out." Jimin admitted.

"Oh, well thanks for apologizing now. I appreciate it." She said holding on to her books to keep them from falling. "Great! So we are all friends now!" Taehyung smiled widely. The group laughed and walked to class.

Jiyoon was getting a lot of stares from the girls, they would purposely talk loud so she could hear them. Some even came up to her,

"Why the hell are you with them?"
"I thought you guys didn't like her?!"
"Why are you with her?! Come with me, I'm more prettier!"
"Are you bribing them?!"
"You whore!"

Jiyoon ignored them and went straight into her homeroom. Class was boring as usual, Nothing exciting ever happens. She thought. The teacher took long to explain something and just everything was slow-paced. Soon enough it was time for lunch. She packed up her things and walked into the cafeteria. "Jiyoon!" A voice called out to her. She looked around and saw Hoseok waving his arm in the air.

Jiyoon grabbed her lunch and walked over to the group of boys. "Hey, Can I sit?" She pointed to the empty seat between Hoseok and Jungkook. "Of course!" Hoseok said giving her a  bright smile that could light up a room.

Though it was awkward, Jiyoon felt comfortable. They really tried their best to make her feel welcomed. Taehyung suddenly nudged Jungkook and pointed his chin towards  a group of girls. He didn't say anything and scooted Jiyoon's chair closer him

Jiyoon eyed Jungkook confusingly and just decided to ignore whatever he was planning. Jungkook and Taehyung kept looking at the girls as they walked up to them.

A raven haired girl locked arms with Yoongi. "Yoongi, I missed you~" She cooed at him. "hm." He didn't give her the response she wanted. "Oh.. Jiyoon. What are you doing here?" The girl looked at Jiyoon with a snarky expression. "Eating lunch. What about you, Naeun?" Jiyoon said, bringing a spoon of rice and noodle broth to her mouth.

Naeun grinned, "Just came to visit my boyfriend, oh Jungkook! Haein was pretty heated when she came into class. I'm guessing that has something to do you?" Jungkook looked up from his meal and shrugged his shoulders. "How would I know? She's always moody." He looked over to Haein, who had her head down. "I think you do know. Haein said that you left her for Jiyoon, is that true?"

Naeun let go of Yoongi and propped her elbows on the table and leaned in. "We aren't dating. What's your issue, Naeun?" Jungkook furrowed his brows. She was started to frustrate him. "Why are you trying to pick a fight, Naeun? That's their problem, stop trying to get involved." Yoongi lightly smacked his girlfriends head, scolding her.

Haein was quiet, she wouldn't stop looking at how close Jungkook and Jiyoon were. She abruptly stood up and rushed to the two. She pushed Jiyoon's chair away and grabbed Jungkook's arm.

"Jungkook! Why are you doing this?" Haein yelled as she shook his arm. "Why are you throwing a tantrum? Get off of me." Jungkook pushed her hands off of him, making her cover her tear stained face. "Don't you love me anymore?! why are you doing this to me!" She cried, her words were slurred because of her lack of air.

Haein harshly grabbed Jiyoon's hair and pulled her back. "wha-" Before she could finish her sentence, Haein, with a fist full of hair, shook Jiyoon around. "She isn't your girlfriend! I am! Why is this tramp always around you?!"

Jiyoon was getting dizzy, she was grabbed Haein's hand and tried to pry her fingers off. "Let go you nut job!" Jiyoon dugged her nails into Haein's side, making her yelp and let go. She then grabbed Haein's face and threw a punch at her.

"Jiyoon, wait-" Hoseok said, pulling her off. "Jungkook! You're going to let her hit your girlfriend?!" One of Haein's friends interjected and pointed at the two girls. "She started it why am I gonna get in between? Haein needs to just suck it up and accept that I don't like her. Honestly, you need therapy if you're going to be acting this crazy over a breakup."

Jungkook crossed his arms as he looked at Haein. As Hoseok held Jiyoon back, Haein stood up and and pleaded to him. "Please Jungkook! Please take me back! I won't act out again!" She continued to beg but Jungkook wasn't having it. Jungkook stood up and took Jiyoon's hand, leaving the rest of them there.

Jungkook brought Jiyoon to the rooftop. He sat down at a bench and sighed. "Why'd you bring me here, Jung-" He cut her off pulling her down next to him. He laid his head on her shoulder, his nose said slightly poking her neck. Jiyoon's body temperature skyrocketed.

"G-get off of me!" She tried to push him off but he held her by her waist and didn't budge. Lifting his head up, their eyes met. Jiyoon furrowed her brows and bit her lips together in a thin line. Their faces were merely inches apart. Jiyoon could feel his breath on her, she felt that she could overheat right then and there.

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