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"Woah Jungkookie, You have a girl over?" That new voice spoke, "Seokjin?" Jiyoon called out. "Jiyoon?" Jin looked over to Jungkook, shocked. "What? She lives here now. Did I not tell you?" Jungkook said, shrugging his shoulders. "What? She is? Why?" Jin questioned us.

"She's here because I wanted her to be here." Jungkook answer. "Jungkook? You're not telling me everything, Are you?" Jin questioned him further. "I wanted her here because she can't stay at her house no more," Jungkook told Jin. "Why?" They both looked at me. "Um." Jiyoon looked over at Jungkook. "She wasn't safe there, so I brought her here to live with me." Jungkook got the message and told Jin about her situation. He was quiet for a second but understood. "Hey, I'm sorry for the way I treated you, Jiyoon." Jin apologized, bowing in the process. "O-oh. Thank you for saying sorry." She smiled and waved her finger at the boys.

"I'm going back to sleep so be quiet please." She pleaded. "Yeah sure. Goodnight." Jungkook said. Jiyoon said goodbye and went up to her room to sleep.

Ahh! I don't want to get up. Jiyoon grabbed her phone and checked what day it was. She hastily got up from her bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. She was about to turn on the water until something stopped her. She looked towards the sink and saw new things that weren't there before; makeup, hair products, skincare, and other hygiene necessities. 

There was also a sticky note on the mirror, Jin said I should buy you some girl things so we went to the store after you fell asleep and bought all the things we thought you would need. That was sweet of him, She thought. Jiyoon went to put on some clothes and went back to my bathroom to do whatever she needed to do.

After she finished, she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs and into the kitchen. Jiyoon saw Jungkook in a black long sleeve shirt and light blue jeans. He stood in front of the stove and was making breakfast. She sat down on a stool and stared at Jungkook's back. He's got a nice back. Not realizing that Jungkook had turned around and saw her intense staring. He waved his hand in her face snapping her out of it. Her face heated up from embarrassment. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to stare." She nervously chuckled while scratching the back of her nape. He grinned, "Breakfast is ready. Eat quickly so we aren't late." She nodded her head and began to eat with Jungkook.

Jungkook parked his car in the lot. Jiyoon was too nervous to get out of the car. She felt her whole body weigh down. Jungkook seemed to notice as he put his hand on her shoulder. She looked at him and gave a worried grin. "Don't worry. You're gonna be fine." He tried to comfort her. "Don't think so. I'm in your car, Jungkook." She said, emphasizes the 'your'. "So what? They're gonna bully you for getting a ride from me?" He laughed at her worries. She huffed and quickly got out of the car. 

"That's my girl!" He cheered throwing a fist bump in the air as he got out of the car too. Her face flushed as he shouted. Jungkook waited for her by the trunk and walked with Jiyoon into the school. "I'm guessing you saw the things we bought you," Jungkook said. "Oh yeah, thank you! that was really nice of you guys." She thanked them. "You look pretty good today." Jungkook said with a piece of her hair in between his index and middle fingers, "So you're saying I look ugly every other day?" Jungkook was silent for a bit. "Pretty much yeah." Jiyoon choked, she hit his arm repeatedly. He laughed and said that he was only joking.

They got past the school gates and all eyes were on them. Jiyoon began to feel her nerves kick in. She tightly held on to the strap of her bag, "Don't mind them. They're only staring because they're weird. Are you gonna be weird too and let it affect you?" He said. Jiyoon sighed, shaking her head, and continued to walk with Jungkook. 

"Who's she?"
"Why is she with Jungkook oppa?"
"Is she his new girlfriend?"
"She looks familiar."
"She's probably new."

The whispers continued as they made their way inside the building. Nobody came up to them, except Haein and Jungkook's friends. "Oppa!" She stopped when she noticed Jiyoon. "Who the hell are you?" She said looking at Jiyoon up and down. How does she not know it's me? I don't think I look different. "Your mom, now get out of my way," She said trying to push past Haein. 

Jiyoon's attempt failed when Haein pushed her into the lockers. "I asked who you are! Answer me!" Jiyoon didn't say a word and just stared at Haein. She lifted her hand up to smack Jiyoon but it never happened. "Get away from her." A voice behind Haein said. "Y-Yoongi oppa? What are you doing?" He tossed her hand aside. "Haein. Get out of here." She was shocked but when Jungkook looked like he was about to say something she stormed off. "thanks yoongi.." Jiyoon said prying herself from the lockers. 

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