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3rd person
12:00 am

"Y-Yes sir?" Jiyoon stuttered as the old man whispered her name. "Is that really you?" He said motioning me to come closer. "Um. I think so?" I said patting my face and hips. Jungkook slightly smacked my head, probably for being stupid. "My daughter, I missed you so much!" He said holding on to my hands. I still couldn't believe that he was really my 'father' so I just smiled like an idiot.

"Y-yeah um. I missed you too(?)" I realised that it might have came out as a question more than a statement. "I'm so glad you and Taehyung found each other." He said while letting out a horrendously awful cough. Taehyung patted the part of his- our father's back that was showing. "Calm down dad, do you want some water?" His eyes softened as he saw his ill dad. "Please son, that would be nice" He said clearing his throat. He gave him a 'thank you' before sipping the beverage.

"Why did you leave me?"

Everyone looked at Jiyoon shockingly. She stood there expressionless. "Why did I do to make you take Taehyung away from me and leave?" Jiyoon's body shook slightly. "Ji-Jiyoon, you should know that I didn't want to leave you. It's just that I couldn't stand your mother any longer. If you would have seen what she did to Taehyung while she was pregnant, you would want to leave too." He was sincere.

Flashback to 17 years ago

Mr. Kim and his son, Taehyung, were sitting down in the living room. They were playing with Taehyung's baby toys, since he's well 1 years old, to pass the time. A loud crash was heard in the kitchen. The oldest male made sure there wasn't anything Taehyung could harm himself with, he rushed towards his wife who was in the kitchen. "Yerin! What happened?" He said as she started to throw plates. "Yerin! Stop!" He tried to get her away from fragile objects.

"Let me go!"

She ran into the living room, she shouldn't be running! Mr. Kim thought. He ran after her and saw her push over little helpless Taehyung. "What the fuck are you doing? Don't touch him!" He got in the way and pick up the crying baby off of the floor. "That stupid kid! If he hadn't been born I wouldn't have to be with you and had another fucking creature!" She yelled at him. Mr. Kim had enough of this, he walked into his room and packed all of Taehyung's essential needs; diapers, clothes, shoes, teether, bottles, etc. "What are you doing?" Yerin said stomping her way to them.

"Getting the hell out of here." The dad muttered darkly. He couldn't believe the once caring mother had just hit her first child. He dressed Taehyung into warm clothing and warpped him up in a warm slightly heavy blanket. He placed a little hat on his baby and grabbed the bag making his way out of the house, not forgetting his phone. He called the woman's sister and told her that he will be living with his brother till he get afford his own house and that she should go watch her till she's stable enough and gives birth.

End of flashback

The now old man couldn't bear to remember the last encounter of his ex wife. They did go to court and he won custody of Taehyung and she got custody of Jiyoon. Though he was fighting for both children, the woman argued for the girl. "I'm sorry Jiyoon, I tried fighting for the both of you but the judge only gave me Taehyung." He apologized to the fragile girl. "It's okay, I get it. At least you're here now."  She said trying to look on the brighter side of things.

1:15 am

"So Jungkook, what are you doing here?" The father asked. "O-oh um. They wanted me to accompany them sir." Jungkook tensed up. "After all these years of knowing you, you still tense up Jungkook." Mr. Kim chuckled at him. "Jungkook and Jiyoon are dating, dad!" Taehyung said smiling. "Taehy-" Jiyoon was interrupted by her father. "Is that so? Jungkook?" Mr. Kim said.

"Yes S-Sir?"
"Take care of her for me, don't break her heart."
"I would never think about it sir!"

The three bid their goodbyes to the old man and made their way back home. Jungkook opened the door, Jiyoon walked in a practically threw herself on the couch like a fish, Taehyung walked towards the kitchen for food, finally Jungkook closed the door.

"So. You're my brother, huh?" Jiyoon said staring off into space.

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