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It's been 2 weeks since that incident with Sora. Jungkook has been quiet lately and everyone noticed. "Jungkook, can you tell us what's wrong?" Jimin said, plopping down next to him. "It's nothing, I just keep thinking." Jungkook shrugged. "About?" He asked. "I don't know, just stupid stuff." Jimin sighed and shook his head. "If you need to talk about stuff, We're always here for you." Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair and walked away.

Jiyoon, Namjoon, and Taehyung went grocery shopping; Let's just say it was a little bit chaotic. "Taehyung! Don't do that!" Jiyoon shouted as he threw a bag of frozen fries to a worker. "He's trying to poison me!" Taehyung complained. "He's just trying to give you a sample!" She rubbed her temple before sighing. "Where is Namjoon?" Jiyoon scanned the area and saw him on the seafood side.

Namjoon crouched down and started whispering, "Don't worry crabs, I'll get you out somehow.." He eyed the guy behind the counter. "Monster" he muttered quietly. Why didn't I bring Jin? Jiyoon quickly apologized to the guy, Taehyung threw the bag at. She pulled him away and walked towards Namjoon. Pulling the two towards the cashier, paying and getting out of there.

"You guys are insane," Jiyoon growled. "I can't believe you two.." Jiyoon had them load everything into the car. She started the engine and drove home while the two boys in the back giggled. "Why are you laughing?" She said eyeing them through the rearview mirror. "Oh, nothing!" Taehyung said, followed by a snicker. Little did Jiyoon know, Namjoon successfully took the crabs.

"I'm home!" Jiyoon yelled once she got inside. The boys were on the couch with snacks in between them, watching a horror movie. Jin pried his eyes away, "Hey, need some help?" Jiyoon turned around and saw the other two with bags and a bucket in their hands. What is that? "Um, no. We got it, thanks Jin." You scurried off to the kitchen and began to put away the food. "Uh, Jiyoon? Do you have a clear bucket, like a big one?" Namjoon asked. "Why? So you can put those crabs, you stole, in?" You crossed your arms, smirking as Namjoon's face lost its color. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh- Well- you see-"

He was turning beet red. "I- uh... I'm a hero?" You laughed and shook your head. "Oh my god, Kim Namjoon! Why are you like this!" You gave him a clear white bucket. Namjoon quickly walked to the table and grabbed his bag of crabs. Oh this little kid

Jiyoon had taken all the groceries out of the bags and set them aside for dinner later. "Ji, do you need help with cooking dinner?" Jin asked, popping his head around the wall. "Hm...I guess I could use some help. Chef Kim, will you help me make dinner for 8 very hungry people?" You smiled tossing him his favorite apron. "Of course, Chef Kim. Hehe," He smiled while tying the string behind his back.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" Jin called out as we put the finishing touches to our masterpieces. Jin and I decided to make them feel like they were in a fancy restaurant, despite the boys looking like lazy hooligans. "Woah..what's all this?" The lights were dimmed to a honey-colored glow. The table was lined with a red knitted cloth, sliver large plates in front of each chair with the bowls of Japchae; steaming and ready to be eaten. As well as the center of the table, a glass pitcher of sprite.

Jiyoon and Jin bow as the boys walk into the dining room. "Welcome to Kims' Bistro, tonight we are serving Japchae along with Sikhye for your dessert. We hope you enjoy and please do not be afraid to thank..and tip.. the chefs." The boys chuckled at the sight of the two, their aprons around their waist like waiters. They all sat around the table and thanked Jin and Jiyoon, digging in right after.

"Gosh, that was really good! Thank you, guys!" Hoseok said while patting his tummy. The boys all nodded their heads, agreeing with Hoseok. "No problem guys, we're glad you liked it," Jin said proudly. Jimin and Jungkook went to wash the dishes while the others picked out a movie.

"What should we watch?" Taehyung asked. He and Yoongi were sitting together, Taehyung had his legs on the couch with Yoongi in between. "Let's watch Back to the Future!" Namjoon said, grabbing the remote and playing the movie without waiting for anyone to object.

The boys and Jiyoon watched all four BTTF movies and ended up falling asleep on the couches.

9:15 am
Jungkook was the first one to wake up. Jiyoon was laying on his chest and Jimin's leg on both of them. "ah, these kids" He shook his head and took Jimin's leg off of him. He got up and carried Jiyoon to her room. Walking back downstairs, he saw Jin awake. "oh, good morning hyung." He waved as the elder looked up at him. "morning, kook. what are you doing up this early?" He rubbed his eyes.

"i took Jiyoon to her room, i was going to make all of you sleep in the other rooms too but you're awake so can you help me?" He pleaded to his brother. Jin smiled and got up, helping Jungkook take the sleeping boys to bed.

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